Followed by Entrepreneur and Firefighter.
Doctors beat out lawyers. Engineers make a strong showing. Male models surprisingly low. Soldiers and cops round off the bottom
No sign of any tech, trades, or office workers on the list.
Followed by Entrepreneur and Firefighter.
Doctors beat out lawyers. Engineers make a strong showing. Male models surprisingly low. Soldiers and cops round off the bottom
No sign of any tech, trades, or office workers on the list.
wow most of the women's jobs are meme jobs.
>Being a firefighter is sexy for women
Oh lordy, they've never actually been near a real firehouse before in their entire lives, have they
I don't see security guard on there. Im fucked arent I.
Tell girls you're a cop
na just tell them you're a people watcher without any real authority
what if you're a private pilot, but work in the military and are the occasional real estate agent?
aswell as make occasional money from coyote hunting and other furbearers
>police officer
i've heard that police brutality isnt against black people, but their wives
>he still has thinks women don't like being beaten (disciplined)
Hey I was just looking into pilot school.
>mfw i dab on roasties while flying by in my plane
>Correlation = Causation
The absolute state of r9k
pilot is probably at the top because she thinks she can get free trips around the world
Its just a romanticized career associated with luxury. The reality is much less.
Speech language pathologist? Thats a really serious profession. They can cure severe language disorders in children. Why is it there.
Where the fuck is cleaner?
I think its just a cool job. Saying youre fucking a pilot is gonna make your vapid roastie friends much more jealous than saying youre fucking the IT guy.
Literally all pilots do is take off with the plane and then turn on autopilot and take a nap. Taking off and landing is all they do and thats the easiest parts. Fuck them they dont deserve to be above doctor.
>tfw you realize thats all they really care about
Why do we want a gf so bad again? Fuck women.
>tfw I was swimming in pussy in the army
I don't know, that list seems pretty bullshit to me. Unless the other jobs are absolutely drowning in it.
well for the model thing if you white model it means you are pretty (whivh they can already see by the pictures) and only pretty. thats why a pretty doctor is better than a pretty model
wow im in the top ten no wonder i d g a f
Most attractive because he'll be gone very often on the job so she can cheat constantly.
Too preoccupied keeping his business alive to keep a close eye on her. Definitely being cheated on.
Stuck sleeping at the fire station on duty. She's sleeping with another man at his home.
girls on tinder just want a quick fuck tho dhey dont want to marry
i dont think its that user
remember the guy from killing them softly or the guy from boondocks saints
the cleaner is the guy an organized crime syndicate needs to clean a chapter or cre or gang off the street because they wackes a made guy or worse fucked a wife or even worse chomo like the dude who killed bianca devlin or even worse than that doesnt pay and doesnt make money and is losing respect and harming the order of the whole operation
those guys who fucked up the jomorgan cocain delivery
those guys are going to get cleaned out
maybe you user
my girl brings girl home
im very lucky im thinking of propositioning her