should I move to Cali? I heard NEETbux were easier to get there
Should I move to Cali? I heard NEETbux were easier to get there
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Where exactly in Cali? SoCal is usually the cheapest areas.
Stay away from the large cities or the ocean side. NEETbux won't be enough to cover the costs in those areas.
Also deal with the following:
95+ degrees Fahrenheit during the summer
Return of the Black plague
Lots of homeless
Wildfires come September
Gang violence
What area are you thinking of?
Dont come here. We're full. Try again in 100 years.
No. Here in michigan the living wage is under 11 bucks and mcdicks pays more than that. No homeless people outside of detroit and flint too. I'm sure most midwest states are the same way. Plenty of time to play vidya and you dont have to die. Pretty comfy.
Inland empire (Riverside county)
Gang violence/homeless should be literally no prob whatsoever. Just avoid interacting/making friends with gangbangers/sleezes and mind your own. And keep your doors locked in and out of your house baka. Maybe install security bars if you are in a truly dangerous area where people will break your windows/doors open.
And ignore/don't even bother anything to homeless/panhandlers.
So long as all you care about is staying indoors, pirating shit and browsing the 'chon; you should be living the dream and will have no probs with obtaining/living on neetbux in those parts of cali.
I'm from Texas and know nothing about Cali. What would be the best places? Kinda funny since you always hear about Californians coming to Texas and not the other way around. Also for the NEETbux I have legit severe OCD and then the standard depression anxiety stuff. Is that enough for NEETbux?
Riverside is shit, can confirm that. Dont know anything about the others at all but riverside has a homeless infestation and a high cost of living. You're seriously better off in any other state that isn't Hawaii or NY. Let go of your "I hate this town" soiboi angst and grow up. You're better off where you already are.
If you avoid the coast and big cities, you avoid most of those problems.
i've lived here my whole life and i don't know how people get welfare so easy
seems better than paying 33% taxes and going to bed wishing to not wake up
Not all of riverside is infested with the homeless because im from riverside but youre correct about the cost of living. Literally a one bedroom apartment in my city of 100k is around $1200-$1800 a month
holy shit fr?
how do unemployed juggalo, tribal tat-clad tweakers and junkies even afford to live in that shithole?
Probably, but the fucking dumbass rent is high and faggot elites are cockblocking building new apartments. Even Facebook and Google offered to fund a bunch of apartments and the rich landlords came out to protest their easy money.
its like $8 here in PA
i hate this republitard state so much
get good at somethink, underagefag. maybe then you won't be at the mercy of minimum wage laws.
The homelessness is non existent in my city because everyone here is making $70,000 per household and the rate of home ownership is much higher on the state and national level. But rent is crazy expensive here for some reason.
Reminds me of my time living in phoenix. Often times it's far cheaper to buy an entire apartment unit/condo than to rent one.
Suburban decay/reverse white flight has made the rent/housing market real wonky around those parts.
I'm going to buy a place soon hear in Cali since it's cheaper and I have the credit. I'm just afraid of a housing crash.
I live here, it's expensive and hot.
Those are all literal HELLHOLES, why would you want to live in any of them?? Fucking madman.
t. Stocktonian who wants out badly
Is Bakersfield really bad? I used to get bullied by Bakersfield girls until one had sex with me while I was near passed out on a friends bed. I had no control of the situation and her clique stopped acknowledging me after that.
I just left there. California is a shithole. Enjoy your schizo hobo swarm, literal plague, overpriced everything, and living among the absolute lowest of society or the most elitist cocksuckers on earth. The only nice person I met there was this black girl that worked at Office Depot and kept trying to talk to me. Wageslaves in tourist areas might be nice to you, but only because you're expected to leave a gigantic tip. I guess the hobo camps they set up are cool to look at and the girls that live in California are usually pretty hot. Too bad the girls are all mentally ill ultra libtards and won't date you unless you're a millionaire.
This is completely wrong, but an expected narrative from an anti-social weeb.
A huge swath of girls don't give a shit how much you make, just how good you look. My friend has been a stay at home dad for 4 years and the only thing he has to do to not get shit is stay fit. I know a lot of guys with shitty jobs with spouses as well and older women are always looking to be a sugar mommy. Unless you think minorities and instagramfags are the lowest on Earth then most of the druggies and severely mentally are regulated to larger cities and places that got destroyed in the recession like Modesto. These people need help and some people have offered, but politicians fucking destroy solutions like tiny homes with much needed septic tanks just so they can push their political message like "lol fuck libtards or neocons".
There are a lot of homeless people that are pretty incognito and functional in society. They live in vans or tents and bike to work every day. It's a good way to save money anywhere in the world and I don't give a shit as long as they're out of sight and clean.
Elitests in Cali are really a bunch of autists who have no idea how to talk to people. There are a few real elitests who legitimately disdain normal society, but most have moved due to taxes.
Stockton, Sacramento, Fresno, etc are absolute shitholes but cheaper than most cities, maybe consider living there.
>some women don't care about your money as long as you look like Chad
>nuh uh the drug dealers and mentally ill are only in *some* cities
>California is run by corrupt politicians that fuck over the people that live there
>California is easily livable if you just go homeless and live in a van and avoid people
Yeah, you're right. I agree with just about everything you said.
welcome to America and the whole world
I'd love for you to point out a place where politicians aren't corrupt and where women actually go for loser local men.
California is paradise on Earth if you're wealthy (above 100K income a year) and beyond unlivable if you're not. I understand why people love it, but you HAVE to have money to take advantage of it, full stop. Very different from other populated areas like NYC that are harder (naturally) but still more or less okay if you're not rich.
No place is free of corruption, but you'd be in denial if you think every state is as corrupt as California.
>and where women actually go for loser local men.
Are you defining "loser local men" as people who aren't rich or extremely good looking? That's most men.
cali doesn't want you. its a place for people who matter and have money not for people with nothing to come mooch
5 95 degress is better than -30 faggot
>but you'd be in denial if you think every state is as corrupt as California
Yeah, some are worse like Kentucky or Iowa
disgusting. Anyone that complains about the minimum wage deserves to be put in a box
Why the fuck would you ever want to live in Bakersfield Stockton or Fresno.
Especially Bakersfield
Even california isn't retarded enough to give gimmegrants disability.
Come to Ireland. You get 900 per month, your housing and healthcare for free. Plus if you're a foreigner like me you get an additional 50 per week socialisation allowance for up to three years to help you integrate into Irish society. It's comfy as fuck here.
>Wildfires come September
The former happens like once every 20 years and the latter is only a serious problem if you live somewhere retarded. I hate living in LA but it's retarded that people throw earthquakes and fires around so much when the South and Southeast get multiple hurricanes, floods, massive thunderstorms, etc. that happen multiple times a year and cause vastly more damage than any earthquake or fire in the last century has in California.
As for the homeless and gang violence, both of those are extremely localized and beyond maybe seeing some dude begging on a street corner once in a while you'll never have to deal with them if you stay away from their containment zones, which is pretty easy since there's no fucking reason to go to any of them.
The real problems with CA are that everywhere decent is outrageously expensive, that the job market sucks because there's a constant flood of qualified applicants coming from the whole rest of the world, and that everybody's a fucking asshole in one way or another. Oh, and that the federal government siphons off half of our taxes and sends them to welfare states that refuse to tax their people enough to pay their own bills, so everything here is always underfunded despite us being one of the richest places in the world.
Absolutely based. See how those potato nogs like being leeched off.
More like hawaii commiefornia and New York being the worst