
What shoes do you guys wear? Or boots? Pic related is what I wear.

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I knew a fifteen year old goth girl that lived near me at one point in time back in HS that wore pretty much exactly that back around 07. She was, obviously, goth.

Are you a petite (mall) gothic girl from the early 2000s too?

These are fuckin' comfy. Just wish Merrell would have more of a selection of shoes in wide instead of just boots and mocs.

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nah, i'm 24 but I get it's viewed as "cringy". I've worn em for a long time since my older ones with spikes on the toes got too old.

use this everyday at home im a neet btw so the only one who see me is my dad

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I would probably physically cringe in second hand embarrassment if I saw you wearing those

Sketchers is based. Someone said I was wearing grandpa shoes once though. Fuck em they are comfy.

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They're not cringey actually they were adopted by normalfaggots though so the actual goths stopped wearing that and it became mall fashion from hot-topic and such. Before then goths made their own clothes so as to not be attracting normalfaggot sheep. Normalfaggot sheep cringing at maverick personality is what is actually ironically cringe.

Those boots are legit hot but what are you pairing it with? If you're wearing it with t-shirts and Walmart jeans you're going to look like a dumbass, you have to match the whole outfit.

im concerned for you LOL

What are you doing with your hand. You got fat thumbs

I always wear my black slim jeans with patches all over them of bands, other shit and a black hm hoodie.

I hope you're a girl OP, otherwise you most likely look like a total faggot.

normal shoes because in not a fucking sperg

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>currently wearing pic related
I most often wear flip flops though. Or other flat shoes like keds or vans

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Those make girls' feet very smelly. That sharp, vinegary/leather smell. I LOVE it.

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A 12 year old black kid complimented me on these

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Beaner confirmed

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Adidas gazelles
Pretty good shoes

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these are my favorite, right here; these bad boys.

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Hot thw boots I think of
>pic related though

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those look cool, man. are they very comfy and shit?

Matching track suit bye chance?

Yeah, I'm thinking THIS is it

Yes they are very comfy, protects the toes, and the padding is so soft.

Good. Punky boys are cute as fuck. Carry on.

>the footfags dream
>transparent plastic flats
>can literally see the sweat and stink

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Nah, the transparent ones would be no good. Not the right kind of material. It won't hold much scent at all. You want material tyhat will actually absorb a bit of of her sweat. Those clear plastic ones can't take any moisture in. Plus I find them ugly.

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13 years old
unironic fag
110 lb fag who wants to be a navy seal


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yeah those are pretty nice


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Die ratefag

Holy shit those are stylish as hell user tho the heel is too much for me

Need to get me another pair of these they were so comfy

I like Vans. Good choice.

Good for squatting.

I kinda like sneakers and vans/converses but often get the urge to throw them all away and get some combat shitcrushers instead

i wear actual decent shoes. like airmax and i get actual laid. virgin incels haha

those are beautiful, the only way you could be taken seriously wearing them is if you're incredibly attractive though, and people will still assume you're gay even if you can pull them off

I have a pair of Wolverines I use for work and nothing else

Missed the pic. Here are my currently most used ones

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Pretty boring looks like youre wearing bread on your feet

this but the non-waterproof version, my feet get very sweaty on waterproof shoes.

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Damn I really have nice feet for a dude. Your subhuman feet can't compete with mine.

nigger 100%

Always slip on my old pair of these just to go out for something quick

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These are better than rocky sv2s

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stan smiths primeknit
they get dirty really easy but theyre comfortable

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I like the dexterity and being able to run in these, and the self laces
>inb4 nigger

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Nah, white as snow
It made me sad to hear these look like nigger shoes tho since I thought Air Max 97 were a pretty inoffensive sneaker and these were on sale

For me it's these, literally can't go wrong until winter hits and even then you only need sneakers if it snows.

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>likes running
>laces are too hard

Based great uncle sandals cant go wrong

I got these at walmart for like 30 dollars. They were on clearance

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damnit you got me there

They don't look like that at all you dumb goof

I bought a pair of those for work. Big mistake. They last me all of two months before blowing out the side and hurt the fuck out of my feet.

Steel toe workbooks... because that is my life.

No gf
No wife
No kids
Just alcohol, board games, and work

I wear those too.

It just makes sense with my lifestyle as a poorfaggot, along with other things. I prefer better versions of that shitkicker type though. As says they're pretty shit, but that's the point so... They look decent and hold up my pant legs and keep water off. They also keep off of my very fucked up by kikes toe nails that came back thick when they were not supposed to come back at all.

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Ow the edge

People hated them due to lack of originality, lack of being underground, now your comment is even less original.

Think about that.

This is the boots I wear most of the time, easy to put on and take off.

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What's your lifestyle? What music do you listen to?

This unironically, not african american

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Current rotation boys,
>first for beating the hell out of
>second for running and general shit
>third for the gym
Not pictured are the beat to shit deployment boots that I got issued from military school when I was still a zoomer. Still use them for work when I am working something filthy.

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Are the Nike React's comfy?
Planning on buying them as an everyday sneaker

I'm a forever alone neet so I figured I'd dress cheap but also appropriately so no one would bother thinking I'm a normalfaggot.

I listen to korn, radio head, video game music, classical randomly, randomly jazz, ambient noises, mostly 90s things and dweeb things with sprinkles of objective good taste.

Dressing normal when not normal is dishonest. Trying to shame people into dressing like you is normalfaggy and your edge meme will never effect actual mavericks, it only makes their metaphorical penises grow longer and push their minds even more broad because it lets them know it's working as intended. However, this site is not meant for sheeple, fuck off.

Sitting on dirty things outside as a neet makes one want the long coat too. Being fat and ugly makes you want to have long things to cover you, hair, the glasses and hat. It's introverted behavior you normalfag. There's that too. But go ahead and say it's superautism or some other random strawman about things you either don't understand or want to sabotage. You can't sabotage me. I sabotage myself as far as your concerned so aren't you really wasting your time trying to annoy such a person?

It is as it is.

The whole point is to be edgy. It's why 'they' dressed that way. A flag on the sea. It conveys "pirate now fuck off" tier sort of message then mall goths adopted the shit.

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I love mine. They are weird and floaty at first, feel like boost for a bit. They they firm up a bit and feel pretty normal and comfy. Fantastic running and walking, feet almost never ache after a long day. They just do a really good job of distributing the load of your foot onto the foam.

This. When I am mocked for being edgy it merely tells me that I succeeded in portraying my true self.

I think you've just proved to be edgy
I've long come to the conclusion that there're very few people who are different, those who create or change something. Everyone else is an NPC regardless of their affiliation (normie/robot/cyborg etc)
Also blending in and sometimes cooperating with the normies is beneficial, idk about you but at least it is for me (can't be a neet in my shithole so gotta get a college degree/job)

There's few paths that are wholly unique, but there are paths that contain only a hated minority.

Yeah I knew a chuuni who dressed like a vampire hunter waaay into his late teens. He may still dress like that, I don't know

You can be neet anywhere, you actual blue pilled agent of the system. You're not aware of yourself. Contribution to that system makes you that system as you become a part of the system. Are you okay with the world or are you it's bitch without knowing? Is profit slavery for the gullible? Are you even in control of your own life or an NPC?

Ironic motherfucker you are.

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Why do you emphasize "hated" so much? Do you really enjoy being antagonized or maybe you've simply romanticized it?
I used to have this me vs them mentality too until I realized that it's not benefical to me in any way
Maybe you just happen to like trenchcoats as clothing but I highly suspect that you wear one simply to antagonize normies

Where I live is never cold so i just wear a pair of these every day untill they break, then I buy a new pair.

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I understand that I can just go to the woods and shut myself off from the system entirely, but is it worth losing all the benefits of technology? No, not in my case at least
My shithole doesn't offer sufficient neetbux so I have to work. And if I went to the woods I'd have to pick some farming and hunting skills which would likely be harder for me than just programming for money

these shoes are fucking gay

I dont have the best shoes either but I dont pretend theyre cool

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I wear hiking shoes or sandals

I'm not him. Just chiming in like a fag. Personally I was ostracized for every single year of my life as a kid, being something that makes them angry now is the only path I can take that is true to myself. I was hated for so long, might as well make the best of it and actually actively annoy them now. Nothing makes people more uncomfortable in public than someone acting cringy.

>and drive a Subaru

very fucking cringy, but also very based

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thats cool. im hoping to go in sewing school so i can make my own clothes because none of them ever satisfy me. and when it does, it costs 4000 dollars.

>freetime gets cut the fuck up
>having time to use that technology in a no fun allowed society
>not allowed to use drugs at your whimsy with the earned cash
>not allowed duels to the death
>not even allowed fist fights to defend yourself
>not allowed privacy
>not allowed to technically be homeless in some areas yet have a job that might fire you
>if save up to keep safe you have even less fun than if you were to be just homeless

It's dogshit and so are you, the system. You pay for your fun by suffering first so your happiness levels stay the same due to profiteering making you work ten times as much as you should for your amount of pay and the prohibition of fun things to begin with also negates it being worth it. Even if you were happier your way, you're being unethical and are not considerate to be part of such a backwards world that has far more wrong with it than right. The Jow Forums knows how bullshit it is, yet here you are, working a job yet having nothing better to do than shitpost here when you should be someplace more normal.

>I understand that I can just go to the woods and shut myself off from the system entirely

this but origigigigignally

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>using scare tactics to keep him working
They don't go into the woods except to look for lumber and you can pretend to be a hunter. Being homeless is not illegal, camping is not illegal, they can't arrest you for that if you were in a national forest. You could simply, even in the kiked usa with no privacy laws, have your ID take mail at a po box and or even a homeless shelter can take you mail. If you aren't some idiot voter they won't even bother calling you for jury duty if I recall. Why would you get arrested you scare tactic spreading sheep?

t. the actual 'edgy' guy that posted in the thread not him

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Our society is far from perfect but the alternatives for me are even worse so here I am being a student programmer cuck
>You pay for your fun by suffering first so your happiness levels stay the same due to profiteering
Don't you have to hunt animals or cultivate plants for food as well?
>The Jow Forums knows how bullshit it is, yet here you are, working a job yet having nothing better to do than shitpost here when you should be someplace more normal
I'm here solely because I like to discuss and argue. I'm a normie to some extent, I have a few friends and hang out with them from time to time
I don't hate you tho, I just want to hear your opinion on the subject and want you to hear mine so that both of us could weigh the pros and cons and agree on the correct one (or more likely accept that we are different and our preferences are different as well)

I wear hiking boots if I care enough to put them on. If not I wear sandals

>has a job
>has friends
>just comes here to argue
More like to troll I'd suspect.

I get food assistance and if I didn't I'd steal. In any society less advanced to the point of having zero food I'd hunt, but just about nowhere in the world are you forced to comply with society. Not truly. How could you be, barring semantics over the meaning of choice itself? It only takes like twenty USD of lentils and rice to keep someone alive. My time being wasted by the high rates of rent combined with the demands of employers makes it not worth it. If I could work a job I actually supported, like for some... honestly I can't think of anything detached enough to not offend me, but if it existed I'd work honestly, if honesty was allowed of which it's not as you must lie on applications, only a few hours per month so I could go fuck off and mind my own business with like a hundred USD earned. As it is I don't do that and live with my mother and will thereafter live in the woods and only don't live there now due to the comfy AC and Internet. No other reason. If I had a colder climate, like Alaska and some way to shitpost twelve hours a day here I'd not look back. I could go train hopping but currently there's nothing to gain from that as I might end up caught. I'd want to leave this comfort zone behind for good but that first would require practically the ability to teleport because the whether is too hot for my genes. I'm actually white and not meant for a bog. You can't live in the woods here. No one lives in a bog and here homelessness is practically illegal anyway. But I'll train hop or steal a car to get to the other side of the country, near the top, if I had to. Still, the Internet. I'd most probably need that. Like 35 USD per month is unlimited slow Internet for a cheap android to let me on. It's too small to be addicted to work is the point. What can they offer me? Too much work they expect. It's all asinine mind games. 5 hours per month average pay or gfto.

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Wear my Ultraboosts most days. They're the comfiest sneaker I've ever tried by far

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>has a job
Not a full time one though, only part time and freelance. My main occupation right now is college
>More like to troll I'd suspect.
I used to come here a lot in my late teens as I was depressed and isolated, now it's mostly to argue. I'm not a full blown normie and probably never will be (21 virgin, best friend is a 30 year old boomer that I met in group therapy) but not a haughty perfectionist who wants complete freedom either

>haughty perfectionist
I was indeed tempted to correct my grammar in this thread but resisted, actually.

I won't bother now.....

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because I'm a garden gnome.

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>men sizes only
it sucks that i can't wear this cool shoe, OP, what does it feel like wearing such a cool shoe

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Are you the girl who's got the amazing collection of cat pics? You type like her. She rules.

Holy fuck this person is making satire of my existence without him even knowing

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This is what I use during winter, summer shoes isn't anything special.

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i have an amazing collection of cat pics. initials? maybe its me, whos this

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Make board games into video games and you'll be more happy