Hello frens

hello frens,

i made a cracked minecraft 1.14.4 server

server IP:
discord: 3M35wsq

since its cracked, you'll have to do /register password when you first join

the spawn plugin is a bit glitchy so you might have to do /warp spawn if you get stuck in the castle wall when you first join

this is pretty similar to the last r9k server that was going around, ill try to keep it as comfy as the last guy did

Attached: comfycraft.png (806x637, 497K)

bumpity boo

come play block game with us

Attached: Cuva3leWIAAAkBt.jpg (1196x1200, 330K)

self bumping

for justice

Attached: 1b5f35af8f4c71d50fcce772047d2e9c.png (403x269, 185K)

come play blockgame

Attached: dunk.jpg (1944x2592, 524K)

its free blockgame bros

Attached: HHDLFredRogers.jpg (450x297, 88K)

its a 24/7 server with a 1 gb of dedotated wam

Attached: Vladi_65e3df_6215555.jpg (700x467, 50K)

i can add mcmmo if u guys want

or whatever plugins

Attached: 7E3bAnE.png (1000x1000, 454K)

come play niggus

Attached: I+liek+chocolate+milk+_6ae74414161434789f0b4a941da10ffb.jpg (184x184, 6K)

wheres all the robots at? i thought u guys liked blockgame

Attached: 50970809_234014970839564_6402576927185436672_n.png (736x483, 229K)

the last guy used apus to promote the server... perhaps this may persuade you to play my blockgame

Attached: 1547272293829.png (640x444, 320K)

how many bumps does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop

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can legit copies play?

yup, goes both ways

skins might not work tho :

rip waifucraft

Attached: __minami_kotori_love_live_school_idol_project_and_etc_drawn_by_mousou_mousou_temporary__sample-cd9d9 (850x1200, 205K)

it appears the apuposting works

we have 2 unique posters in this thread now baybee

Attached: 1547265001502.png (1534x846, 208K)

I want to see a dam with seven gates. I want to see the water coursing through.

come build one baybee

me... block game ambassador

Attached: 1547272426527.gif (442x473, 590K)

ill play a song of blockgame


Attached: 1466003032000.png (658x702, 18K)

wait whats cracked?

cracked means you can play it using a free client like Tlauncher or Mineshafter

you don't need a paid version of mc to play here

bumpig 4 a better 2mrrw

Attached: ffd.jpg (986x858, 38K)

bumpy dumpy wumpy cumpy sumpy

Attached: I+know+not+many+people+are+religious+here+_dc4c22e2e35e8a44088bc31d009c80bf.jpg (326x221, 18K)


or something like that

Attached: doctor helper.jpg (657x527, 37K)

we wish u a bumpy crhsitmas

Attached: 1531556929429.png (1054x526, 38K)

& a bumpy new year

Attached: 1532641798583.jpg (1027x731, 134K)

catch a wave & we're bumpin all over the world

Attached: 1516137055289.jpg (680x383, 27K)

ok goodnight r9k

ill see u in the morning

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

ill join tommorow i need sleep frens

sounds comfy

see u there