There are kids in concentration camps at the border

there are kids in concentration camps at the border

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Everyones got problems, why give random mexicans preference?

Maybe their parents should cross legally next time.

We should gas them too.

I want another 86 cent polar pop from Circle K, but I shouldn't because I don't want to get fat.

We should do like Vlad the Impaler, drag these spic larvae to the border with some sharpened posts and make kiddie-sicles out of them to ward off the subhuman hordes. It's a good idea.

being locked in a cage is a very bad problem that we can solve by not doing it

>try to sneak your whole family into a country
>get caught and booty blasted by the law
>ahhhh why have you locked up my children!?!
wtf else are we supposed to do ffs

It's more about giving children preference.

I concur with your sentiments

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Not their fault that there are too many illegals for infrastructure to handle them all. Maybe if they'd limit it to 10 a week we wouldn't have to erect makeshift cages.

Have a proper holding facility by not fucking giving money to a for-profit company that is lining the pockets of CEOs

Actually it is there fault seeing how one of the leaders of MS-13 is a US military trained criminal who was imported to El Savador and helped build the gang into the powerhouse it is today.

>literally well over 100,000 people have to be detained and processed for trying to cross illegally every fucking month
>those are just the people who are caught
>have a proper holding facility for 100,000 people every month in the middle of a desert

at some point it is just no longer possible to handle this in an ethically ideal way.

yeah instead let's make sure they get sold into prostitution as their traffickers intended

True, the united states is a corrupt piece of shit. Personally I think we just need to abandon mass rule altogether and just purge humanity until there are only enough left to sparsely populate the world. Myself included, if necessary, as part of the dead.

There are american kids dying in hospitals right now because people like you want to keep funneling tax paper dollars towards invaders.

This is the answer
Is it shitty? Yes
Can we handle it any othet way without destroying our economy? No
I dont hate them or anything if i was in theit situation id wanna go to a good stable country too, but america is already overpopulated, there arent enough jobs. The only good solution is for them to try to do something about their own country, the massive amount of them coming to america is only making it worse there.
The people who dislike hispanics and use the term "invaders" generally arent the ones wanting tax funded universal healthcare friendo

Why not just force the government to be more transparent so it can be heavily vetted. Also politicians should be able to be sent to jail easier, at least when they get out of office so no one can easily create a dictatorship.
American kids are dying because faggot politicians use tax money to buy $40,000 curtains and cups. Cups are worth more than a child's life. This is why all government spending should be posted online and why politcians should have all of their assets registered or get thrown in jail. This isn't a job this is a duty of public servitude. They shouldn't be able to act as an oligarch when they're public servants. If they want to be rich and powerful they need to be a civilian with a business, not a politician.


>Can we handle it any othet way without destroying our economy? No
>I dont hate them or anything if i was in theit situation id wanna go to a good stable country too, but america is already overpopulated, there arent enough jobs. The only good solution is for them to try to do something about their own country, the massive amount of them coming to america is only making it worse there.
This is a dumb post. There are 6.7 million job openings and just 6.4 million available workers to fill them. There are hundreds of abandoned towns with no one or just a handful of people living in them. There is also the option of simply fucking cleaning MS-13 since they're an active threat on America that kill Americans every week instead of sucking up to Israel against countries that don't touch Americans at all.

Thats based as fuck. But not violent enough. If politicians are afraid of being dragged out into the street for public executions then they might actually fucking behave for once and stop fucking over democracy, the people, and the free market.
Not that user but isnt the US like half a fucking continent? Id imagine the places of those empty jobs are generally in empty cities while the majority of people who cant find jobs arent anywhere near them. Seems like an issue with the large size of a country rather than the jobs themselves.

The people who get caught are retards im illegal here since 2012 and im making $25/hr saving asome % to my home country if i not get a slut here to get the green card im out to canada or australia but for the this shitty country looks good

How did you get over here?

Well you're working so i cant find a reason to dislike you. A 25 an hour job means you're doing something good (i hope) so atleast youre helping the country, illegal or not.

Most new jobs are in California. Empty towns don't have jobs since no one is living there.

>Why not just force the government to be more transparent so it can be heavily vetted
Because they're too damn powerful. They've warped the publics very minds, there's no way we could revolt against them without using nuclear weapons.

i cant believe those poor kids

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>The people who get caught are retards

Pretty much this

What if he kills people in his spare time?

cross that shit legally retards

I hope OP will be next

>literally well over 100,000 people have to be detained and processed for trying to cross illegally every fucking month
>those are just the people who are caught
>have a proper holding facility for 100,000 people every month in the middle of a desert
Not their problem. If you can't house them in family units, then you just need to let them go. Sorry, but that's how ethics work.

If you can't humanely punish/detain, then you don't punish/detain. Not their fault and not their problem.

>Parents commit a crime
>Punish this kids in a way that stunts their emotional and intellectual development.
Not just and not American.

Also my friend got a Web dev job after being a NEET who never went to school. He just showed a site and some apps he worked on and got in. He makes more than me now and it sucks.

Good thing you don't make the rules retard HAHAHAHA

I don't care either way but the outrage over this has been absolutely hilarious

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>if you can not hold this spics you must let them go, my feelings over weigh the laws of the land
Fucking retards. Either a woman, a braindead libshit, or a wetback.

>break the law
>not their fault
I don't... what? I'm sorry, but you can't be naive enough to think we just shouldn't have a border.

>just need to let them go

Sounds good, I for one am in favor of dumping all these toddlers back across the border. We can watch with binoculars as the little kiddos waddle out into the desert and collapse from exposure before being picked apart by scavengers. Mexican citizens, mexico's problem. Maybe the tiny skeletons littering the area will make some of them think twice before going where they're not fucking welcome.

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you realize that americans are also being separated from their kids if they commit a crime, right?
why should people who shouldnt even be here get treated better than actual citizens?

OMG we've got to get them away from those border agents!

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This, but we also need to put an open bounty on any people who are in the country without currently legal documents. Alive or dead, as long as you can prove who they were afterwards.

>ywn be paid by god emperor trump to capture hispanic qts
it's like he isn't even considering his campaign for 2020

>break the law
>get locked in cage

>kill the dudes
>capture the girls
>have some fun with them
>send them back over the border
That'll make them think twice before sending their illegal shitskins over here

Why do legal mexicans hate illegal mexicans?

>Not just
If you're breaking the law in a country you're not from whatever happens to you and your family that you bring along is your responsibility. If the family didn't wanna end up in cages maybe they should've considered entering legally instead of thinking they can just trespass into another country.
>not American
Sounds like you slept through your history classes, it's very American to round people up and put them in camps. We did it to the last Indians, we did it to the Japs, we did it to the Vietnamese, and now we're doing it to illegals who think they can just walk over our border without permission and not face repercussions.

>If you're breaking the law in a country you're not from
You logically can't break the law of a country that doesn't offer you citizenship

Won't Jow Forums think of the children?

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True, but you also have no human rights there and it's not illegal for them to expel, imprison, or kill you.

>then you just need to let them go. Sorry, but that's how ethics work.
Ethics say you have a commitment to protecting your people, not random foreigners, specially not foreigners that are invading.

>but you also have no human rights there
Then the US has to address its immorality

Fuck everything let's just build free housing for everybody with free internet and oculus rifts with GTA Oculus: It Has Boobs Edition
Everyone will be too busy slapping virtual whores to do anything bad in real life

>you can't break the law of a country that doesn't offer you citizenship
ahahaha what? If you enter a country you are agreeing to abide by their laws. Fucking duh.

>teehee I'm going to rob yer banks and you can't stop me cuz I'm from france
jesus christ

Lets start with abortion :D

laws don't apply to you if the government doesn't offer their services to you as a citizen

Let's start with your abortion. When are you going to to it, tonight?

government does offer the service to immigrate legally and they reject it

you're just baiting at this point.

Seems a irrelevant place to start. Why not start on the illegal colonization in Palestine?

Read the rest of my post
If you're not a citizen, you never signed any contract saying you'll obey their laws BUT, you also never signed any contract saying that they can't just kill you and do whatever they want. So yeah they can stop you, and burn you and hang you too, all without trial because it's not your country and you aren't entitled to human rights there.

lol f*cking epic dude

Too bad those cage kids didn't get aborted xDD

>Why not start on the illegal colonization in Palestine?

On second thought this, good call user

That's because you already broken it and need to get the fuck out and apply for citizenship

>When are you going to to it,

Haha what? Are you fucking retarded?

Remember lads, don't be fooled by the kikes.

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Have some data
You are a faggot

Dude fucking kill yourseIf

You first dork

yea for reaI no one cares

No one cares about your shitty information fucking dipshit

Thanks for the (You), idiot.

Thanks for letting the aids rot your brain

>says the nofilter loser that casually looks at dicks hundreds of times every day

Fuck you are such a fucking loser

How I miss the days where I could drink more than half a polar pop, although I guess my taste buds are doing my fatass a favor by making everything I used to love taste bad.

not white kids

hi AOC

I know that you are afraid of being seen as weak by others, but you can have real strength through character. Why do you tell people to kill themselves in your everyday interactions? Do you really believe your own words? What has stopped you from doing it yourself?

Can everyone in this thread just agree that if you're not white your life just isn't that important?

they arent US citizens, we dont have to treat them ethically

Try hard loser, literally kill yourself

Why? My life is great. You kill yourself.

holy fuck your posts are cancer

>My life is great.


they arent even concentration camps at that

Who herd you sweaty

>Calling a detention center a concentration camp

I don't even view non-whites as human to be honest.

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this ignores the fundamental principle of law that the only people obliged to abide by any given law of any country are those who receive protection from the same law in return. For example, we are obliged to not steal because in return the state will protect our property. We are obliged to not run red lights because in return we get to use the safer roads that result from traffic lights. And so on. This principle breaks down when it comes to immigration, because those who abide by a so-called "law" that prohibits them from entering are not in any way protected by this same so-called "law". On the contrary, they are simply left outside where the state need not care about them at all (and can even bomb them)! Thus so-called "laws" prohibiting immigration are not really laws at all, but tyranny.

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>Who herd you sweaty

your low iq posts ;_;

I don't want to have that viewpoint in my head because I think it's fucking retarded, but I agree with you.






C-Stores have some of the shittiest soda around, they're cheap as fuck and mix it like ass to save on syrup.
Having said that stop drinking sugary liquids they have 0 fiber and shoot the sugar directly into your screaming liver where it has to desperately turn it into fat because it's a fucking poison.

Also if you're in support of the camps you're literally only doing so out of cruelty and your legalistic justifications are a fucking joke. The current administration made just crossing a crime requiring detainment, closed off most means of crossing legally to force more illegal crossings, and did all of it not because it's required to handle them, but as a deterrent and to pander to racists by blowing fucktons of taxpayer money on this nonsense.

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god damn, you really are a retarded loser

Anyone that does the mental gymnastics required to justify concentration camps are simply useful idiots for Big Brother

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they can stay away from our border then to avoid this how is that so difficult?

A truly smart person sees and glorifies the strengths in others.

Prisons are concentration camps lol

there are none in you