Am I worth less because I'm fat?

Am I worth less because I'm fat?

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yes you are, it makes it harder but you can still get a gf being fat but thats not the reason you shouldnt be fat

well I mean yeah...we are biologically trained to look for good traits in people like health, fitness, being active, being productive. being fat shows none of these.

how fat we talking here m80

Any non bodybuilder above 20 bmi is worthless, give up and die.

Not to me user. All humans are worth the same to me: nothing at all.

so then he's worthless to you?
No it just means that you now have a physical understandable goal in life, lose weight. Most people have no such easy aspirations.

As a fat nigger myself, I can confirm that yes you are worthless like me.

nah your worth thousands of dollars if i kill you and sell you to the dark web your body could a feed a whole african village

I wouldn't say fat people are completely fucked and worthless. like I would rather chill with a fat dude whos chill and nice and just has a good time and we laugh and shit

ive hung out with skinny dudes who are fucking maniacs and always snippy and rude and angry as fuck yelling all the time and I can tell you I would definetely rather just chill with a normal fat person

I dont mind some fat or chubby chicks either especially with big tits

>so then he's worthless to you?
Probably more to be honest, something that humanity hates must be a little bit alright

a chill fat person is just a regular person with emotions who has to more closely regulate themselves to appear likeable because they have less positive traits to draw from for social leverage

i m o

Come visit Venezuela. I lost 40 kg in just a pair of years whitout doing any form of excercise. I wish I was joking . Still feel like worthless trash though

dude you're over thinking it people who are pricks dont care if people like them or not they're just pricks

ive seen angry fat lonely miserable fat dudes too

No, of course not, there's plenty of other reasons why you're worthless.

this just proves being in a cold shitty small town makes you fat and being in a warm big happy city makes you skinny

you aren't worth less OP

Vices in general make us less perfectly human, obesity is an excess of sloth and gluttony, which unlike something such as wrath or lust, leave you with a concrete, body altering reminder of your depravity. You should feel bad to be fat but this disgust with yourself should motivate you to become fit.

Yes and it's spelled "worthless," you'd have to of been worth something to be worth less.

Thats an interesting question. Wait a couple of minutes and Ill process that right answer.

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Its barely half cooked but this is what I got, I must go back to my own problems..

Youre not wothless because youre fat, youre worthless because youre scared of not fitting in so you hide and unintentionally surrender at the thought of you actually succeeding.

You're welcome user

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