why don't you work out for 8months?
Why don't you work out for 8months?
>All that work and he still looks the exact same in a shirt
Whats even the point
I'm being completely serious when I say he looked better before.
Did he cut, bulk, or maintain? Curious because he's close to having my bodytype.
Hes got shit genes
And a stupid haircut
yeah but you have to maintain that body. cant easily lose it all.
Maybe for the health and the extra bit of confidence you brainlet
he looks way better and have leartnt how to dress and use poses you retard.
you can't be serious,
dont know.
his haircut is fine.
you can easily maintain in two times a week in the gym
I agree
>you can't be serious,
B-but I said in my post that I was. Completely serious, in fact.
>be already semi-fit
NIGGA, i need to work out for like 4 years to be like that
>B-but I said in my post that I was. Completely serious, in fact.
than prove why you think he looks better.
come up with some facts.
6'2" @80kgs built like the guy on the left
manual labour job and 40+miles a day on roadbike, beats going to a gym anyday
Some facts for my opinion? Uh, user, I don't think you...
ok, so you don't have anything to come with? Well, that's just great... Let's all disregard your opinion then.
The guy went from a 6/10 - 7.5/10
>I'm being completely serious when I say he looked better before.
doesn't matter. people lift for health not to appeal to you.
I mean, if you'd like to hear my specific reasons for thinking he looked better before, then say so. Telling me to come up with "facts" to "prove" my opinion is ridiculous.
finally someone that understands.
so tell us your specific reasons why he looked better. Also tell us why he shouldnt be healthy.
Because it's only been about a month and a half. I love exercising, though. Makes me feel like a man.
That's fine. Most folks on here seem to be under the false impression that working out and getting buff will automatically make them attractive to women, though. These kinds of threads can be misleading to other robots.
His body beforehand looks plenty healthy. He might have a bit of a belly, but that's fine. He still has ample definition in his pectorals and biceps. He looks kind, soft, and squeezable, and his body suits his face. In the after picture, he looks like he's shot himself up with steroids and achieved an unnatural amount of muscle mass and definition. It's highly unlikely that he needs all of that muscle strength in his daily life, so it can be assumed he's taken it to that point for vanity's sake. His body no longer fits his face, and he looks bumpy and hard - not conducive to cuddling whatsoever.
I've been lifting for 15 years and I'm still not buff
I think its the mismatched face an body
On the left hes an all around 5 maybe 6
On the right his body is a 7 but it makes his face look even worse
Its like if an average guy is standing next to a chad the average guy is going to look bad
But in this case the chad is his own body
His arms look way different though it's just kind of masked by the fact he's wearing a short sleeve in the first picture.
I dont know how and im afraid of going to the gym
feel like every gym is crowded around my area, and if I wanted to do 5x5 stronglifts, i would never have access to the equipment
Start with calisthenics. Pushups and pullups and jogging and shit. High school crap. It can help with confidence to do some basic conditioning before entering the gym and you build up some stabilizing muscles. Which is great because your form will suck.
You can get access you just might have to wait a fuckin long time. Bring something to do.
As much of a great sin against lifting this might be if you're not doing squats or doing less squats you will spend way less time waiting around for the power rack. Don't let a lust for massive legs stop you from entering the gym at all.
he looked better in the first pics desu. top right makes him look like a kid