Just ended a year long relationship, on good terms but shes acting like shes never cared about me...

just ended a year long relationship, on good terms but shes acting like shes never cared about me. shes some popular e-thot on tiktok and has plenty of people to fill the void that was me. feeling very lonely and pretty depressed, can I get some positive vibes anons? :(

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why do you fucking retards orbit these stupid ass e-girls? what the fuck is wrong is with you?
>abloobloo muh internet camwhore kicked me out of her beta orbiter club hurrrhurrr
fucking sad
grow some damn balls faggot

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too be fair, she became one a good 6 months onto our relationship. I disclosed how uncomfortable I was with it during our relationship, but she just told me I was jealous and to get over myself so I tried to support her best I could

to* dang it

post one of her tik toks

>"honey I don't like that you are basically cucking me"
>"omg user don't be such a bitch and get over me fucking other guys"
Ist this how the conversation went you fucking retard?

we're lesbians harold

she wasnt cheating on me with anybody, just very obviously chose her new found popularity over me.

Forget her, don't ever contact her ever again. If she tries contacting you just ignore her. If she never cared about you then fuck her and find some new clunge

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Tits or GTFO, cunt. No one wants you here.

were you molested as a kid? genuine question

this, or at least tell us her username

really tempted to post one or link name but scared of people harassing her. still respect her a lot since we ended on good terms and dont wish to bring harm to her.

She doesn't deserve you, she can go fuck herself.

you're just granting her more viewers, harassment comes with fame anyway, so everyone would win

Sorry she chucked you with girls my mistake

If she chooses something over you she is cheating on you. Cheating is not about fucking around its about putting your partner second (which follows from fucking around)

tell me she isnt called jenna lol

ngl youre probably right

cant believe i got fucking cucked dude

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nah, thats not her name

Abloobloo my faggot carpet munching relationship failed. Two brainless airheaded attention whores couldn't make it work, who would have known?
>attention whore 1 sluts it up online
>oh no, attention whore 2 doesn't feel loved enough
>Haha, too bad, I'm getting too much beta bucks to care
Kill yourself, slut

on it sir

Dont be sad. Know your self worth. Learn from this. Do not compromise on your fucking morals user that's bullshit and will ruin your life in the long run.

Shes more then likely going to die cold and alone without a single worth while accomplishment in her life eith a 30+ body count and never really knowing true love.

If you do not settle and put yourself out there and look in the right places you will lay on your death bed thinking back on your fulfilling life surrounded by the people you love, and the legacy you've left behind.

Dont fucking ever compromise again.

that was really inspiring, thanks for being one of the few not telling me to kms.

She's bringing harm but doing this to you. She'll probably enjoy the attention from these betas. Post it.

I mean, I know who you are. I'm not going to spill you and your gf's name, but I called it within my friend group back in February/March when she was cheating on you with me behind your back. Stay cucked, faggot.

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Ofc im right

You never had her. It was just your turn. Women will never understand the concepts of honour and loyalty.

What a fucking degenerate piece of shit

Big if true
Leak the names, faggot

Hope you get well soon user. Have a little bump

Either she didn't give a single fuck about you or she cared a lot about you and is acting this way as a sort of "revenge" for the break up. You'll never know which one tho :)

hope you die OP. Normalfags, out

>we're lesbians
Lesbian relationships aren't real tho. This is a good thing. Now you can forn a real relationship with a man