I attempted to OD and I havnt stopped projectile vomitting anything that enters my tum for almost 12 hours. Send help

I attempted to OD and I havnt stopped projectile vomitting anything that enters my tum for almost 12 hours. Send help.

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Retard, why aren't you calling the poison control center right away?

Because at this point I'm going to be fine and also because that goes against the underlying goal here user.

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the goal wont be met since you said that you'd be fine, go to the hospital get yourself checked, unless your goal is just pointless suffering

What would I even say at this point though.

you can say that you swallowed a bunch of pills

Yeah, but they can't really do anything at this point. What are they gonna do, hook me up to an iv for a while then tell me to leave? Just to get 5k bill later?

sorry it didn't work, user. ODing seems like such a nice death, but I guess the body is annoyingly resilient to poison.

>Just to get 5k bill later?
Ahh America

I thought it was going to after not being able to move that well at all, and feeling myself start to pass out. But I just woke up 15 min later and been non-stop vomiting since. Feels bad. But I feel better though, like I went through some intense therapy (that actually worked)

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>ODing seems like such a nice death
hell no, its very unreliable and if you do die your final moments will be very unpleasant, there are way better ways to do it

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like what?
besides shot gun to the soft palette

>God, I want to die so badly
>Sell all my stuff and buy a gun? Nah, I might be able to use my computer some more.
You don't really want to die
That being said, if you look anything like the picture you posted, I'll gladly pump your stomach

I've somehow never actually attempted before, but yeah I can definitely understand how it would be cathartic. I often feel like the urge comes in waves, and it sounds like yours has passed. I'd drink myself to sleep like I normally do if I had any alcohol, but I fucked that up.
everyone knows you're supposed to aim for the brain stem, dummy.

What pills did you down?

Does the night night method even work? Tried many times to push on my veins with my hand but it just hurts

user, please don't hurt yourself! I'll be really mad if you do, alright?

If you're going to kill yourself, do something more reliable next time. Hope life gets better for you though. But for now...

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Update: haven't thrown up in a while so I tried drinking some gatoride. Somehow I managed to throw up an entire bottle of gatoride in one heave. No idea how I did it. That is all

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helium mask is the best method, or rather, was the best method until they started filling consumer helium tanks with some air because too many people were using them for suicide.

its hard to find pure helium now, but if you can, that would be the way. you just fall unconscious after a few minutes and die.

>but what if you feel the pain in your dream while sleeping
impossible, because again, you are not sleeping, but unconscious. the same as how you do not feel pain when a surgeon is operating on you because you're unconscious, not sleep.

Ok so since nobody else asked, Why did you attempt suicide by overdose?

>thinking ODing is a solid method under any circumstance
this frustrates me. i don't understand this thought process