I give up on wanting a gf or having any romantic partner at all

I give up on wanting a gf or having any romantic partner at all.
Having a female as a friend would be nice and I would not have to deal with anxiety of abandonment, it's best like that. How can one get a girl(friend) without acting like those fags with female friends.

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Cucking yourself will get you no where

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I don't give a shit anymore I want friends

Well good luck with that doubt it will happen

i will be your friend, wherever you want to talk

If you get a job you could meet people there, I did that and it worked, also OP is right, female friends are better than make friends, men are kind of assholes (myself included) and women tend to be less judgmental

My luck isn't that great when I got the job. I'm surrounded by old men in a shitty area that is hard to find a job in in the first place.
I thought of attempting to approach some girls in collage but that would be weird plus no one makes friends that way

>ywn have a girl(friend) tell you not to commit die
man... I just want someone to talk to

You don't want a girl as a friend, lol. She'll bone another dude and you'll be extremely butthurt when it happens. It's inevitable. Only befriend fat chicks who you don't want to sex, if you really need that feminine energy in your life.

I want an egirl to tell me not to kill my self need it

I suppose we're just asking for a qt therapist(female) at this point, which is maybe unethical. It really would be nice though. It seems like the kind of thing that normies would call a support network. Not that any of us have had that...

Not unethical if they are willing. Though you are right, no female one would

>Having a female as a friend would be nice and I would not have to deal with anxiety of abandonment
This is false
t. had a female as a best friend

At least they are less anxiety inducing than males

Sure if you can get em to hang out with you

>sure if you can get em to hang out with you
user you're going to make me start goslingposting.... fuck me I'm lonely

We are all lonely, I want a woman in my life

Sorry user I'm just trying to warn you
They're only marginally less unreliable than a guy

Want a girl to say to me to not to die


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maybe we should start another vocaroo thread, lads. Are we desperate enough?

We are all depraved of the touch of a woman

>females being less judgmental than men
yeah right, i don't know what world you're living in

Depends what type of female they can be kind

well doesn't that go for both genders? individuals can be more judgmental or less than the average, but i think typically women are more so than men

I would like to know why all the men on this board think they're DOOMED and FOREVER ALONE when they haven't had a gf by like 22. Get a job and your own place and THEN start dating. Who wants to date a broke ass college student?

i don't want any kind of fucking girl friend unless she thinks and sees things the way i do
fuck off you retarded faggot

>who wants to date a broke college student
user all of us have watched everyone having relationships starting when we were like 13... Good luck starting when you're 25.

>dude just be a normalfag and get a artificial materialist npc bitch as a gf lmao

literally no men mind dating a broke ass college student and that is the difference.

I want a. Gf so bad why am I so ugly

Literally just talk to them, youll eventually find a girl who you share some interests/have a good rapport with and hang out with them.

I wouldnt be closed off to the idea of a relationship user, a lot of people have abandonment issues. You wont really overcome the fear by shying away from a more fulfilling life.

Actually I think you're right, I just am worried thanks user I will try my best

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even if you find someone with the same interests it wont matter if you are ugly

not worth the effort, way happier alone,
people are a shit and cant be trusted these days as well

tried 100s times
get ghosted everytime
fuck off