>he can't vibe with me and just wants to have conversations all the time
He can't vibe with me and just wants to have conversations all the time
>"looking for a vibe"
I see this all the time on dating site profiles, what does it even mean?
My last gf broke up because I couldn't "vibe" or "adventure" with her, I asked her to go urbexing because that sounded like a fun adventure but I guess she meant driving somewhere and smoking weed or something idk
can't vibe with a bitch has stubble like that
It means they want to be held down and fucking raped
We could be making out right now and youre bitching. The reason you feel weird is because youre into me
>she cant hold a decent conversation
>just wants to 'vibe' all the time
>whatever the fuck that means
imagine always believing the problem is the other person
Vibing is nigger talk for just chilling and letting the environment do the talking
it's meaningless
they literally just want you to entertain them
both sexes are guilty of treating people like commodities and this is how women do it
>I'll vibe with you
Pheromone high. Degenerate behavior OP is sardonically mocking. She will obviously break up with you upon the pheromones wearing off later even if they are present, why logic is meant to prevail over carnal instincts that are from before society arose. When high on compatible chemicals you literally get a buzz and feel high.
what on earth is this contraption user
means you can't just relax and have a natural conversation, letting it flow. conversation is more calculated.
That is a condom.
Fucking roastie
Chill the fuck out and stop being so on edge Everytime he wants to talk to you
No it's one of those things like an onahole but it's open at both ends, it's being used as a means to distribute the motion from the vibrator to the guy's dick more effectively.
how does it work if there's such a small surface area making contact with the dick
there's no in n out goin on
The condom broke
Lesson learned, never use a vibe while you are having safe sex with a woman
i just want to watch the stars with a boy one day, and not say a word and eventually look over at each other and kiss
Men are not at all romantic, and you will be very disappointed. All the time. Don't expect much.
t. older woman
hmm id just wish i could find one that was, i would run away with him and we could be happy forever!
Unfortunately for you that isn't true. You had bad luck (or bad choices).
Sorry, I meant to say there aren't any attractive, socially adept ones who are romantic. Maybe the ugly desperate ones are.
i would happily be with an ugly boy! but desperation scares me because he might not think im pretty
I understand that because even the ugliest incels seem to only want women of a certain bar (ie not fat, not "too" ugly). Men are gross
How did he come like that? I've put a vibrator on my pecker before but it does nothing for me.
everyone but me gotta learn you're a troll.
everyone but me gotta learn IT gotta all stop whining
hmm, i think men have lower standards than women! and i dont think men are gross! men interest me a lot, and i wish i could think like one! being not fat and not too ugly is really easy for a girl
im a 31 yr old man and i want something like that too, am i being naive or are u just jaded?
women aren't even sexually attracted to men.
everyone but me gotta learn all MGTOW are whiners
>over 30 and still not married
Whew, good luck brother
dont be mean, plenty of people have found love past 30