How do we get rid of this faggot? I'm sick of seeing his threads

How do we get rid of this faggot? I'm sick of seeing his threads.

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he's been at it for 4 years. Underrated autism.

Aiste is by far worse and impossible to filter.

I doubt he even makes those posts also, that image one. It's too copy pasta tier.

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Why do we even have the robot system? It doesn't stop people from spamming copypasta. It's as useless as tits on a nun.

put together all your heads and figure out how to make me leave my shitty small town instead of sitting here and being angry dick heads and looking at dicks all day

this. its easy as fuck to filter me. it says A LOT that you guys are more devoted towards getting rid of me then all the fucking cocks on here. its pretty suspect you'd rather look at cocks then hear my one post of me bitching you can easily ignore. faggots.

>Jow Forums gets rid of it
>ree bring it back
>Jow Forums brings it back
>reeee REEEE


but why do you spam this on Jow Forums and /b/?

I am spamming it every day until I get the answer that fixes my problems or god fucks off. I have nothing else to do and its all I care about

would a prisoner not worry about being free every day

I am at a lost here.

Not until I can get the second act of the dark sci-fi comedy thriller I have starring him figured out.

It's about him realizing his small town is a Truman Show-esque construct and escaping, only to realize he's being held in the heart of Los Angeles during a heat wave and desperately trying to find shelter in a world that is terrible for completely different reasons than the ones he's read about online.

>and figure out how to make me leave my shitty small town

Step 1: stop breaking the fucking law.
Step 2: wait until your probation ends.
Step 3: pack your bags and leave.

It's literally that simple.

I want out NOW that does not help me

>until I get the answer that fixes my problems

We've told you how to get out of your town countless times but you ignored it because it isn't exactly what you want to hear, or because you've convinced yourself that God will sabotage anything you do so there's no point. You want a magic cheat code that fixes all your problems without you having to exert any effort or change anything about yourself, but that cheat code doesn't fucking exist.

It was only brought back because the board was deleted for a time, they gave back the shitty filter too because they're lazy and hate us.

Well you can't leave now. You're on probation. You can't leave until your probation expires. If you keep breaking the law your probation will keep getting extended. If you want to be a free man, you only have one option: stop breaking the law and wait until your probation ends. There are no other options. You are looking for something that simply does not exist.

I prefer his threads over the daily "tfw no gf" threads. If the guy who makes these threads sees this post, please never leave this place.

Anyone who makes the same thread on Jow Forums over and over again needs to fuck off to /b/ or die. Jow Forums is a board for original content, not for spamming copypasta.

kill yourself you nigger loving fagot

you are the reason this board has gone to shit

I hope you die soon you fucking ape


I've seen these threads here and on Jow Forums for years and I still don't know what he did to get arrested (outside of being black).

I too wish I knew how to get rid of niggers

If I wanted to see you fail, I would tell you to disregard your probation and leave town immediately. I want to see you succeed in your goals, if only because it'll stop your incessant whining. I want you to get out of your small town, but there's only one way to accomplish it at this point, and that's entirely your fault. You could have been gone by now if you didn't decide to drive under the influence.

I don't hate black people, I just hate people who complain about their problems while doing nothing to solve them and reject all attempts to help them. Assholes like that come in all shapes, sizes and colors.

that is the only way to succeed

He drove drunk, or on drugs, either way he wasn't sober, which is bad. He's lucky he only got probation, if he ran over someone he'd be in prison for manslaughter.

Well fine, go ahead. Pack your bags and leave tonight. Let us know how that pans out.

>I've seen these threads here and on Jow Forums for years
he also post this on /b/, MANY times everyday

im fucking miserable dude im trapped on the whitest place on earth and fucking depressed I wanna be with my own fucking people

Unironically kill yourself if you want to leave your small town before probation ends

It's your own damn fault, you know. You shouldn't drive if you're not sober. You understand that now, right?

Would filtering some combination of small town, African and God work? Those seem to be constants

I do not know how someone gets that much autism

No idea how people do not get bored doing that shit for a few hours let alone multiple years

Dude the city sucks. I'ma laugh when niggas reject your whiny fuck shit.