Come get ur breadcrumbs children

i'm bored so let's chit chat bros. Guaranteed (You)s!! talk about your day or whatever is on your mind.

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i just really want a cute gf it's torturing me user idk what to do. i want to cuddle all day and just be happy with her.

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>idk what to do
you go find one, dummy :p what efforts have you been making? have you asked any out?

im trying to do self improvement as much as possible. also i tried to find an e-gf from Jow Forums/discord for a few days straight but it didn't work. that's why i decided to self improve as much as possible before the semester starts so hopefully i can get a cutie gf. im too shy to talk to girls irl tho so im trying to get my girl discord friends to help me learn to talk to girls.

i wish he put effort into this relationship!!!!!
i wish i wasnt scared to tell him what bothers me!!!!!!!

im afraid if i complain he'll only change to please me and he'll just be lying instead of improving things

Today was pretty good, another recurring nightmare, but I'm getting pretty used to them by now.

getting online friends to support and help you is a really good idea user. from experience i would say that you should aim for an irl gf before pursuing anyone online. online relationships can work but you'll save yourself alot of heartache and inconvenience if you have an in person gf. best of luck

I get that feel, but eventually you're just gonna have to tell him. If he genuinely tries to change because of you, it's because he does want you in his life.

I have literally been in the exact same situation (i still sort of am) it's a huge pain because the truth is there is no easy solution. you have two opinions. end the relationship (it's healthier for you and your partner deserves someone who'll be open with them) or grow a pair and communicate (just try to word things carefully and be open to discussion, don't just speak at him and throw accusations. good luck ):

please sing us a lullaby, femanon

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thanks for the good advice user, i think that's what ill do. in case i never see you again thanks for being nice and helping me tonight user, best of luck to you.

are you the one from the last thread that had difficulty falling asleep? regardless, i'm glad that despite the nightmare your day was positive. do you want to share what the dream was about?

i am trying to remember that this is a partnership and he's not my enemy but it can be very hard :(
the little things add up quickly and it can seem impossible to address them all but i am willing to give it time and try my best to make it work if it seems worth it !

No, just a new guy. Still, thanks, I try to make everyday at least feel good. As for the dream, it's usually me on my laptop seeing my old friends having fun without me. I don't think I need to explain what that means.

I wish the two of you the best.

Does anyone want to hear me read the first few pages of a book?

goodnight user rest well

yeois plueaes

go for it user! what were you thinking of reading?

I don't want to fucking work any more. Is this all there is to living

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yes. it's quite obvious. I have very similar dreams. it can be very emotionally distressing. to the point that i wake up and i feel a sinking feeling in my stomach. i empathize with you user and i hope as time goes on the frequency of your dreams lessens. i know it feels icky but hang in there.

Heya , How's goin yourself?
I'm just trying not to die of boredom right now and i'm too lazy to draw anything

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oh my, I feel all warm and fuzzy now. thank you

>tfw no cute sof gf to cuddle with

that's literally all I want. sex is not on my mind anymore. can I just have a girl that I can call not only my gf but my bestfriend as well ? what does it take frens. im fit, 6'0 and fucking BLACK please help me frens

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sorry if this is annoying but have you considered your options? in terms of getting a different job? especially if it's like an entry level job at a fast food/ retail place. Try applying for somewhere else. the work will still be tedious but maybe you'll get lucky and end up with a group of coworkers you click with and will make going to work less miserable. You know what they say, kid, do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life :v

>sex is not on my mind anymore.
You and me, user!
What is your story how you lost your sex drive?

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Thanks, I'm glad to hear that i'm not the only one at least. I hope your life goes well

myself's going alright! I have a lot of cleaning i need to get done sometime today so i've been procrastinating. what do you usually draw?

Ella Enchanted

you want a white gf?

well if you're such a catch what's stopping you from getting a gf? if it your face? personality? or are you having difficulty finding a girl you're compatible with?

Yes I have considered my options. No I don't work an entry level job. I also, just like everybody else, do not have pick of the litter in the job market and consequently of coworkers. Even if I did there isn't a damn fucking thing I could imagine doing that is worth waking up unnaturally and working from nine to five, five days a week. I really hate complaining and self pity, I really really do, but jesus christ I can not do this any longer

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Can you read that in a cartman voice? Hella enchanted?

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i don't know what to tell you user. i wont encourage you to do something reckless like become a neet. maybe take vacation time to de-stress. i'm really sorry

from years of not even having it. im still a khhv virgin and the pleasure I get from my hand is just enough for me. the longing to have a mutual relationship with a girl is killing me

at this point I don't care what race she is

I really don't know. it may be the latter. If I wanted to go and just get a "gf" I could, but what's the point if we aren't compatible ? I don't like wasting my time on people I don't care for or don't care for me. all I really want is someone who has a genuine love for me. that's really it.

Just Pixel Art, sometimes animated. But recently lost motivation and inspiration to draw anything, due to work and helping homeless people be fed and taken care of, like fixing their infected body parts and other illnesses
I work as a Paramedic and a Bartender, kinda ironic how i save lives and ruin lives at the same time

>One of my latest pixel arts
>Mother Russia Bleeds

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I don't need pity or advice I'm just venting. Do you work?

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>from years of not even having it. im still a khhv virgin and the pleasure I get from my hand is just enough for me. the longing to have a mutual relationship with a girl is killing me
Maybe it's for the better. As current generation of teenagers and young adults are too focused on tech. It's better to improve yourself for now and then start a happy life when you've matured a bit more, as women will mature more aswell and you will find your special somebody in due time
I believe in you, user!

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i know you're not asking for pity i just feel bad because you seem unhappy man. I don't work. I'm in school and still living at home thankfully.

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Well, there's your problem user. you gotta get out there and meet MORE WOMEN until you find the right one.

Eh. Despite my life about to be going through a positive change soon, I still feel that I won't be happy.

>I'm in school and still living at home
Enjoy that while you can I would do anything to have that back. Idk. Work isnt particularly stressful and my coworkers are around my age and we get drinks sometimes. Just seems like there's not much else to this and that i dont have a reason to keep subjecting myself to this.

>I work as a Paramedic and a Bartender, kinda ironic how i save lives and ruin lives at the same time
does this bother you?

No it doesn't. Sometimes working as a bartender can be fun, as there are bros coming over and have a beer party, get to hear stories and get to tell my stories
and as a Paramedic, i get to test my stomach if i can handle gore

I'm gonna make a cherry tart and you can't stop me

Hey I remember you, you posted a thread a few days ago. Why do you keep coming here? Curious, not upset about it

a bartender AND a paramedic? that sounds really interesting. Cant imagine what your hours are like, you must not sleep much. Ive been in a homeless shelter in nyc for the past year and i just got my own place, how are you doing bud?

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pls shaer i am a big boy!

wasn't planning on it brother. enjoy

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If your boyfriend was into it, would you sit and fart on his face?
Asking for a friend ofc

Well i do sleep for only 5-6 hours daily. 8 hours for both, but there are days off too, which i spend at home with my cat and working out.
I do this, because my goal is to get a decent payday and get to see interesting people during work, as i find walking around the city pretty boring, unless i go to the weird part of the city, which is mostly covered by tourists and i am one of those weirdos there, as i dress like i'm from the 80's or somethin, blasting retrowave.

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this is only my second thread of this nature user! it's not like i'm camped out here 24/7 (._. ) in my day two day life i only have 2 people that i talk to regularly so i tend to get lonely. i choose to come here to chat because i like """robots""" they're usually funny and engaging

if he was into it, sure. i wouldn't mind.

Well I'm glad you came back, it's nice to have an OP like yourself making comfy threads even if you have awful taste in company

thank you fren

you really think so ? it's kind of hard to find what im looking for. cute, shy girls are not just out and about, and being kind of shy and antisocial myself, it's literally impossible for two people of this type to cross paths. it always seems like you have to convert to normalfagism to get what you want in life. sucks

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You dont understand what a relief this is to hear thank you OP

>thank you fren
Don't you mean "bro"?

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His computer predicted what he would say by analyzing all of the documents that he wrote, allowing him to communicate at least 4x faster. How effective do you think an AI could get at matching posts with posters? Some posters have very distinct "styles", like spacing, grammar, punctuation, syntax, vocabulary, etc.
Ignoring avatars, trips, and names ofc
Should this be tested first on a non-anonymous (nonymous?) platform?

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>discord gf calls again
>makes me a new avatar
>gives me her phone number
>tells me how much she was thinking about me today
>shes about to go to bed and tells me how happy she is that she met me
>then she starts crying
>spend the next hour comforting her and trying to get her to be excited for tomorrow
christ guys i didnt think id ever mean this much to anyone
i feel horrible for all the times she messaged and i never responded

It would be pseudonymous stupid moron

thanks fren. you come hang out in my thread whenever, okay?

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i see your predicament. searching for an e-gf through your niche hobbies is your best bet.

This has already been tested extensively. Yes you can pick out individual authors trivially by training from posts on a blog/etc and identify that same person posting on Jow Forums or in other places.

This isn't perfect, but it's one of the top projects for the CIA/NSA/etc where they'll be able to use vast data networks with various data sources (security cameras, mobile phones, phonecalls, internet) to track down an individual anywhere in the world.

Let's say you want to "take care of" person X... Narrow "person X" to 1000 suspects and it suddenly goes from impossible to possible to definitively ID "person X's" online persona as a real person.

in my humble opinion, i think that it is entirely possible. though i don't see any benefit to it. who gains from this technology?

>searching for an e-gf through your niche hobbies is your best bet.
Not in my experience! The problem is when you become too niche there is nobody on earth that fits with you, and the person that does fit "opposites attract" is very unlikely to have any association with that set of niches whatsoever.

What polarity are you?

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yes bro. I also heard non black people get some feeling of gratification when black people call them their nigga. so thanks my nigga :DDD

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>who gains from this technology?
A drone with a missile on it with "bin laden's ass" for a name.

What is your favorite treat user? Doesnt have to be sweet just a food or drink you like

I know writing style analysis and replication has been done hundreds of times already but i was wondering if it had ever been applied this way. Also hawking's synthesizer is what made me think of it, nothing really special about his
For the lulz ofc

I'm not aware specifically but I believe there were a few NSA articles about that in the dump provided by Snowden.

I don't think I'd enjoy an e-relationship. perhaps I should just wait it out and wait for girl's to make the first move on me happens like once a fucking year but whatever lmfao

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>The problem is when you become too niche there is nobody on earth that fits with you
well, seems like a you problem . _. just... go outside...make a friend you're not as "different" as you think you are. it doesn't take having the same hobbies to form a genuine friendship.

>another unoriginal idea
I'm going to sleep

>thanks my nigga
Far Out, bro!

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I have a few but the first one that pops into my mind is oreos WITH SKIMMED MILK. I don't like them dry. I really enjoy dipping them and eating them when they're mushy. What about you?

>you're not as "different" as you think you are
I never said I'm different, at least not in that sense. It's more my personality and mental illnesses lead to several behaviors referred to as "self sabotage", where I'll sub-consciously act really dickish to the point people dislike me and relationships are damaged. Theories about these behaviors mostly center around the idea that they are designed to enforce isolation to reduce risk of rejection.

user, oreos are meant for milk not for water, it's even in the commercials baka
Kinda cute tho ngl
I like brownies, with cookies and cream icing on top. My local grocery store sells them sometimes and they're so good. I get em whenever I see em

>waiting for someone to make the first move even though you know it rarely happens
come on user. it's like you want to remain single.

"Doctor! My head hurts when I beat it with this cricket bat!"

Doctor says: "Well don't do that then."

"Doctor! My head hurts really really bad! Not doing it isn't helping! I can't stop beating it in with this cricket bat!"

Doctor says: "I insist that if you do not do that, your head will feel better. You need to not do that."

"Doctor! My head hurts REALLY BAD!!! OWWIE OWWIE OUCHIE OOOH!"

Doctor shrugs.

Very deep and meaningful story

>met a girl through my smoking buddies
>we hit it off
>lewd hand-holding action
>end up fingering her on my friend's couch (my first time ever being sexual with a girl)
>we agree not to start a relationship (or even tell the friends) so as to not shake shit up
>for about 2 weeks wonder if that was just a quick thing or if she wants to keep it going
>finally ask her to see Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
>she says yes
>she actually checks in with me to see if it's still on (instead of me being clingy and asking her)
>we message every morning while I'm at work/shortly after I get off

I dunno, this is the kind of soft gentle infatuation I've always wanted. Where it doesn't FEEL like it's me being a clingy obsessive psychopath, because I know that she's got similar feelings about me. I don't know if it's gonna evolve into anything more, if she's got side dudes, if she doesn't want it to escalate past this, and frankly I don't care anymore. All I know is, a cute girl likes me, is actively engaging and responding to me, and at some level is/was romantically interested. Fuck it, man, I'm happy with that much.
Cheers mate!

maybe you're right, perhaps it's time I step up. thanks for the support user

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I see you've posted a couple vocaroos
Would you make one saying "You're mine!" in a sort of possessive tone if possible?

>shortly after I get off
Call her before you get off and ask if she'd like to join in.

I immediately thought of the borderlands 2 nomad voice line "this one's miiiine"

I mean I'd rather she get me off

>oreos are meant for milk not for water
LOL i can't help it. anything more than skimmed milk is too creamy for me. i've only ever had a brownie with icing on it once before. the icing was brown so i didn't notice when i ordered it. it was so gross and i was confused as to why someone would put icing on a brownie, they're already so rich.

It's a team effort.

>anything more than skimmed milk is too creamy for me
>it was so gross and i was confused
user why do you hurt me so
I just wanted to have a nice conversation and instead I'm being attacked

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that's the spirit!! just believe in yourself user! i send you my positive energy!! you should look into the law of attraction and manifestation.

I'm 100% homo.
... homogenized.

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I remember some tit posted a milk song on Jow Forums back in 2009 or so and it was dope as hell but I've no idea what it was.

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there there user i didn't mean to hurt your feelings ;-; I'm sure those brownies you like are delicious. What other snacks do you like?

the real question is why aren't we drinking milk alternatives? it's 2019 guis :v

Lately I've really become a fan of funyuns. I feel like a stoner but they're so good. I've never had them before. I tried them due to a funyuns ad and now I feel like a sheep
What about your other snacks you mentioned but didnt explain?

I won't drink anything that doesn't come from a tit.
Search results are way better if you specify date range 1990 to 2010 before the fagacalypse.

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Have you had milk alternatives? They dont even compare, especially to whole milk

i tried sdkjfhsdkjf