Im trans aam

im trans aam

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Then get off the internet. Women don't go here.

>women don't go here
true, we just make our own desu

so is every confused male these days you're not special

how do I acquire a cute trap bf?

how do you go about looking for an SO

why troll my thre add jusy make jyour own if your want
whats the poitn

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I asked a legit question you fuck

then ask a real quation
mods are watching it

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od u haev milky milky. open bobs

Did transitioning make life better? Do you pass?

do your job please

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wtf? i did ask a srs question tell me how to get a trap bf NOW! god dammit.

Holy shit, do you never get bored of making the same thread all the time?
You never mix it up at all, its all the same canned responses.
I'm beginning to wonder if it's automated.

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Hahahahahah holy shieeeet! I remember you! You was trying to convience random grill that there is no love and she is wrong about having a good life with her bf long time ago. How wonderdul! Ahahahah...holy crap...anyways, i think its great that retards like you end up being useless trans who end up killing themselfs. Thanks for a good mood for the rest of my day dude(grill?)

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spo,e [eo[;e were not eant to love
im one of them

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i sorry peple bulli u
hope lyfe get betar :]

yes it is.

a;trjeady repoerted the threas

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Talk shit, get hit...even though I didnt make a punch, his fucking fate certainly did. And I laugh! Because this retard was acting hostile towards people with much better lifes then his. But guess what? He wanted others to be as miserable as him. He didnt want to fix himself(her?) first but to make sure others dont have a good time. So ye mor bulli plz

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imsyine waiting all night to troll me treas

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you still haven't answered my question you little slut whore.

Who the fuck cares about you being a faggot, go attention whore somewhere else.

user are you okay, did you have a stroke.

stop using homu pics, you fucking degenerate.
If homu was in charge, people like you would get the rope.

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The problem is, OP, that you probably aren't seeing all the posts. If you are just viewing Jow Forums through the Jow Forums board, you don't see the blue posts, the posts with letters in their ids, or anything numberless. Together, those make up about 40-70 percent of Jow Forums, depending on the day. So conversation will appear disjointed and spastic, because you won't be getting the full picture.

I actually just flipped over to the Jow Forums interface to make this post, and it's pretty funny how unintelligible Jow Forums is like this...