how come some peepees are this fucking huge?
its not fair
how the fuck am I supposed to compete with this?
mine is only 4.5" long and 4.5" around
whats the fucking point if there are dicks like this out there fucking probably a different girl everyday
just kill me
How come some peepees are this fucking huge?
how come men look at other guys dicks all day
>Tfw 12x9cm
>too scared to show since it might ruin my Chad life
because from the day we're born, we're bombarded with the fact that our perceived attractiveness hangs in the balance of our masculinity in nearly every way, with little if any margin for weakness or error. we must dress masculine, act masculine, talk masculine, walk masculine, or face ostracization from males and a deep lack of attraction from females, a difficult game even for an attractive man; an unattractive female can still get tons of physical contact with males. with little or no emotional support from birth due to said masculine ideals, the lack of female intimacy also means the lack of any emotional intimacy. the penis is the core symbol for masculinity and therefore a very soft spot that hits deep.
So for a man the earth orbits dick
hard to believe but kinda, illogical I know but I honestly feel like 99% of my insecurities would vanish if I was like 9"x7"
>llooolololololololooool look at that fucking freak!
>tfw my cock is bigger than yours
imagine the people who walk around with a SOFT 8x6 or something similar.... just fucking imagine what it'd be to be them
>imagine the people who walk around with a SOFT 8x6 or something similar
how do they do it it seems like it would be really uncomfortable having that huge thing stuffed in your pants all day
It might be uncomfortable but that's because their cocks are that fucking big that normal human clothing is too small to handle their penis. it's a discomfort I'd be more than willing to shoulder
>Imagine wearing tightish jeans and having to rest that down your leg and having someone notice.. that would be a confidence boost like no other.
when you are both longer and thicker flaccid than 99% of men erect you don't fucking care about it being a little bit uncomfortable lol
>tfw this is still considered small
You don't have a dick, that's just a big clit. You should transition.
we dont, op is just a faggot
Most women like dicks that are a bit above average but not too huge. A 7" girth would just be unusable for most women. Length you can just... not put all the way in.
Having a giant cock won't solve all your problems unless the ability to hookup with weird fetishists will solve all your problems.
It's a mostly positive trait. There's plenty of strong, tall, smart, etc people around here that are KHVs. I'm hung but I've never even been on a date because I haven't been able to cope with being disabled.
Showing off my junk makes me feel like I'm an exhibitionist creep - and most people treat you that way, too, like you intentionally went out with pants too small so you could show off your dick. The only people who froth on it are gay men
I know this is gong to be weird but I'd rather be turned down for sex because I'm just too big rather than actually have sex with said person...
forgot to respond to this too, I don't mean like in public but when I wrote that post I was in the mindset of some house parties I used to go to when I was younger, being known "the guy with the giant cock" knowing every guy there would instantly be put on edge is something that excites me.
>I might be projecting my insecurities onto others but genuinely others don't care but I doubt that very much.
>tfw no peepee of any size in your mouth
thats atleast 6+ inches and close to 6 girth. thats more than enough to make most femanons cum and bigger than average. you watch too much porn. 95% of guys fall within the 5-7 inch range.
fucking my question got deleted
so what do you mean?
the pic?
My dick pretty much looks like this, but I am a virgin
>imagine having a mutilated dick
It's not an uncommon male fetish at all from what I've seen. Being well endowed has given me insights into how fucked up male sexuality is if nothing else.
Most hung guy I've heard of had 7" soft and he got sexually assaulted on the regular on public transit and accused of stuffing. Got casual hookups and rejections too. It was so enormous as to be defining which he seemed to resent a bit.
This sounds great until you start finding yourself amongst groups of children or the elderly and realise you are in fact an awkward and creepy pervert. Especially after you unexpectedly get involved in a group photograph. Then you have to see that picture for the next several years worried that people will think you're a pedo even though that would be highly impractical.
You can however show off some bulge when you're going clubbin' and it's pretty nice and does get some attention.
>my dick is pretty much 9" long lol trust me bro
I'm >Being well endowed has given me insights into how fucked up male sexuality is if nothing else
What do you mean by this? I want to grasp and overcome this let's be honest... self loathing and pretty much self harm over not being able to do anything about my size and idolizing those that do have what I desire.
Just the fact that you can get attention because of what you have genuinely makes me fucking sad.. I can't do anything about what I was born with and that's a horrible horrible pill to swallow.
I'm jealous of people who aren't disabled.
If you have any hope of making it in this bitch of a world you have to have an ace in the hole. I've got two things going for me. Dick size and intelligence. I don't really feel other people had it easier than me but I sure as shit exploit whatever edge I have.
Dick size isn't actually that amazing. Intelligence is much more generally useful. Dick size is too difficult to market without seeming like some sort of lying pervert.
I've read stories of women going on dates and getting into the bedroom bed before seeing a guy's dick and telling him it's not happening because it's too big.
I enjoy being able to go balls deep without hurting her
In regards to what I mean about male sexuality - men have reacted weirdly to finding out I'm well endowed. The groping I guess I could have predicted. What I didn't predict was the guys who wanted to talk to me about their fantasies of me (not them) fucking girls, or me being in a threesome with them. There's a voyeuristic side when it comes to men and large penises. Really I guess I should have seen that coming considering how many men pay to watch other men put their penises into other womens vaginas yet I was still kind of surprised. I basically met the audience for cuckold and hotwife porn IRL.
I'm not THAT big but I'm well above average, like 99th percentile for length and 70th for girth, and it doesn't help. I'm just insecure about everything else to the point where I never get to do anything with my dick.
I AM pretty jealous of this, though. I'm definitely a grower, my dick soft is still above average but nowhere near as much as it is hard, and I love the idea of having a huge bulge all the time. It probably wouldn't be as great as it sounds but the idea is hot.
I've gotten a lot of weird shit from guys who've found out too. Also annoying shit where dumb chad friends told one another about it and then think they can get me laid by going up to random girls at a bar or whatever and telling them that their friend over there has a huge cock. It never works. Oh, and some weird stuff where platonic female friends have found out (usually from said chad friends) and then act all weird about it and I have no idea how to react, I've had girls start making comments about it or even on one or two occasions grope it right in front of their boyfriends/husbands.
what response do you get from females and female friends? or do you mostly get extreme response from males?
Other than a few low key stares basically nothing.
So is 7.5" long by 5" girth average or small?
Asking for a friend.
That depends.
Is your 7.5" actually 5.5" and your 5" actually 4"?
If so, it's smallish average. If your numbers are corrects, it's quite big
>mine is only 4.5" long and 4.5" around
lol, faggot
Well, I'm alittle under 6 1/2 and have above average girth so I guess I should be fine , I'm not some massive dong walking around but, it's decent.
I can understand that , my dick isn't a massive bulge when flaccid but when it's erect it kinda surprises me.
Came here to say this. You care more than any female does OP.
Most girls are not into massive cocks. Believe it or not.
youre looking for approval, do you have a history of self-steem issues?
are this numbers i could google big or small guys? :(
I know that feel, i'm supposedly above average, like about 6 and a half by 5 and a quarter, but proportionally it looks average because i'm tall, and seeing big dicks destroys me. It shouldn't matter since i'm khv and all, and i have bigger problems when it comes to dating, but fuck does it make me feel like genetic trash when i see 7+x5.5+ guys. Might be because of the porn and hentai, but i honestly don't remember ever thinking the opposite, even if it isn't THAT big of a deal it feels so natural to believe it is. Like, i think it's 100% sure you can attract at least some girls looking to try it if you advertise it on tinder or something, which i feel no other biological trait can do.
I'm a little above average but it's curved to the left like a banana so it isn't aesthetic enough to be happy with. Anyone know if you can uncurve your dick?
73/93 is not a little above average.
>freakishly large hands & feet growing up
>user is the rumour true, about the hands and feet?
>uhh h-haha yeah
my dick never grew past 5 inches
I lowkey enjoy it - I wear skinny jeans because it's my preferred aesthetic and you can see the outline of my junk when I have at least a chub.
It would be cool if my junk didn't show but I'm never embarrassed. Unless I'm at full mast tho then I try to hid it a bit
I dress nicely and am generally well liked so it's not nearly as creepy when it happens.
Pretty sure those sites give you a bit of a boost, i'd say he's a bit above average in length, and girth is quite a bit above average, but i wouldn't really say big.
Thats not even big. And his circumcision goes like halfway down his dick
>unironically 8x6" when rock hard
>can only get to 7x5" when masturbating
>looks like a 5" pencil dick on my 6'3" frame
That's because it's the high and tight style. The pink part is actually preputial smooth mucosa; what's left of his foreskin.
Six four height.
Literally kill me, turned down at least 20 girls/women because of my dicklet if it wasnt for that one fat girl who kept pushing i would have stayed virgin
six meter four? go troll somewhere else
Suck my small dick manlet
actually I gladly would lol
Hmmm...The fact that both of us would like it to be degrading would be completely ruined by you having bigger dick than me.
See? Cant even be a homo
source is quercusone
that dick is so obviously edited
look at how the veins repeat
Length is above average, girth is about average.
For women's standards?
Length is almost good enough, girth is completely under the acceptable range.
you've literally never had sex, have you?
banged you're mum a min ago why
I was there with .
She did the two of us for half the price.
What exactly did I say that was wrong? Women are all complete fucking size queens.
t. I have a small peepee.