*hands out bottles of water*
Every day I thank God that I was born in a first world country and not "Great" Britain.
Shut up slovakianon
imagine the stench of Kay and Lee's house today
Grans everywhere still have their heating on
Those houses probably go for a third of a million. Crazy.
Anyone seen that new film? Would you recommend it?
are you the spastic that spent hours posting Google Maps screenshots and complaining about the quality of pavements
How many people will die today as a result of the heat?
Genuine conundrum lads. Should i go into the lads bathing pond or the mixed one. Theres reasons why choosing either might be kinda weird. Im not gay and im not a perve. Tbf i doubt women even like pond swimming so reckon mixed one mind be mostly gents anyway
Going to a bathing pond at all is a very normie thing to do considering you could just have a bath.
You're using it as an excuse to go out and be around people, own up to that.
>there are people who still think that "Great Britain" is a first world country
At least 4 or 5 of the lads in this thread probably wont make it to tomorrow
tbf if uk had better insulation people might not be suffering from the heat so much. Worst insulation in europe. Ive always rationalised it as we aint so hot we need insulation for coolness and we aint so cold that we need it for heat. We in that mild goldilocks zone traditionally but now that global warming has kicked in weve been utterly fucked over and everyone is roasting.
>bathing pond
.......is there gonna be frogs and newts in it?
ullo???? ULLO????
mega burger sloppy wurger boy buy a burger where's my toy????
one big fuckin' meaty puck in bready muck wiv da six crispy bispy squawkin' chicker lickers and a all da mayo on da chipper whippers wizza creeper style
urrggghhhh sloppy pizza poo mummy wummy please come over use da wipey wand on my bum!
why is there so many coloureds in the new spiderman films?
im using it coz i wanna go outdoor swimming for cheap you mong.
we should spare a thought for the morbidly obese on a day like today
over-representation of minority groups to save their delicate feelings because all they can make is big momma's house 7
No you're not. You want to be half naked around other half naked people.
Swimming pools are cheap, the sea is free.
Don't pretend like you're doing it for any other reason.
i still dont get what a bathing pond is...
I'm sure they'll have a refreshing 4 litres of pop to cool themselves down
ok which one of you lads is this?
you can't dismiss birkov purely on those terms
*holds hair back for effect*
Lads I got the museum job :0
Lad if i was back up north id be sea swimming like i used to fucking do but im inland and my nearest swimming pool is like 5 or 6 quid and dont expect any others to be cheaper. now when will people stop seething and give me an answer.... male or mixed?
Should I just take the day off work sick and plan more of my DnD campaign lads
Those poor bastards. I only hope the copious sweating allows them to lose some weight.
Nobody chooses to be fat. They just put up with it.
user we get it your not the first nor the last to realise the NORF is basically Ukraine
With our trains in the whole of the UK being less electricized than Serbia, our infrastructure worse than most Eastern block nations and pollution being on par to the PRC with your with your job giving you so few hours you're given a pay out worse than your average Belrussian wage.
Yes user why I didn't notice the country is an utter shit hole that doesn't feel first world despite our tax cheats and havens allow us to still be the 5th biggest economy in the world when we should be nearing the 20-50 range.
obesity is 70% genetic. BMI in general is 30 - 50% genetic.
Sounds like an uncomfortable evening
Mate it's clear you want us to tell you to go to the mixed one so you clan ogle at the women guilt free.
You should go to the male only one where you can't hurt anyone unless you're a nonce. No reason for you to go to the mixed one when you're alone.
Might as well take the next 2 off. 1 day off looks suspicious, unless you pretend you're still ill but are in because you don't want to let the team down.
It's hereditary but it isn't genetic.
If your parents have poor diets they're going to feed you garbage too and that's why people end up fat.
right lads I'm at mcdonalds should I go in the men's toilets or the ladies?
Why does everyone think the lad is going to die from just going into a nearyby wood and staying there overnight
Funny how the very existent of brit expats living in Spain etc make young Labourites absolutely SEETHE
Because they don't know anything about Britain
Because of the night predators like badgers, bears and wolves.
if you have xx the nfemale if you have xy then male
>it's genetics that made me stuff this big mac into my fat face
So under what conditiona ahould I go to the mixed? with a mate? the mixed one is smaller anyway. just dont want some old men to nonce on me. Id feel safer with a strong modern female presence. A brie larson or natalie portman type figure. And btw ogling over lasses is last thing i want. I dont wanna erection in fucking pool. cunt.
no idea, its pretty weird, it's gonna be like 13c minimum, hes staying awake and he's taking a coat to keep warm
>I LOVE immigration it makes Britain so vibrant and other implanted buzzwords from my programming!
>omg how can we allow all those brits to go over to spain and like take it over and ruin it??
I'm xyy, what am I?
tfw this actually true and that there is not one environmental event or relationship between environmental event and outcome, that doesnt show significant heritability. Divorce of all things is fucking 50% heritable.
went to check on my nan and the daft bint only went and melted trying to get the conservatory door open - the radiators were on full blast and television at max volume she didn't hear me knock on the door.
had to pour her out of her dolly shoes
dont know how im going to tell mum
Disabled lad
he doesn't have anything to purify water or give him shelter he's bringing water but considering he's a neet I doubt he's going to be carrying about the 4 litres he'd need
You only go to the mixed one if you're going with a female. Those girls aren't there to be shared at by creeps like you.
Now run along pervert.
never really seen anyone moaning about expats other than the ones who voted for brexit
y = male
doesn't matter how many x's you have because one y overwrites them all
year 7 biology
also in the uk it dips to about 5c overnight even with weather like this, if it rains overnight he freezes to death, if it doesn't rain overnight he will get seriously ill
I already told you i dont wanna get a boner. Thats embarrassing. I also dont wanna get nonced by rich old men unless they give me a significant amount of cash.
>Just accicdentally pulled a grill tray out of my microwave at 200 degrees with bare hands
yeah that's what i needed on a day where it's 5 million degrees third degree burns on my hands
Learn what heritable means. Language and religion are heritable but have nothing to do with your genetics.
Being fat is not determined by genetics, it's about lifestyle.
If you absolutely can't resist being a rent boy then you have far deeper problems and shouldn't be going out.
if i was cute my scottish friend would still talk to me but life isnt this happy saddely
i just wanted to spend the week ends with him fooling around but he ignore me and talk without guys like they are his senpai or helping them jerking of what a slutty behavior ... i m y our slut
dont act like this and come back please plump
>also in the uk it dips to about 5c overnight even with weather like this
low point of 18c tonight?
I'd go 2 user think you're over thinking it just a little plus if you pass the speech checks you might get a half naked lass coming back with you
seriously though what is it with Anons panicking that they come across as creepy? I used to do it and it's a toxic mindset.
Id still just go to #2 user
Bit special
>The UK's spreading cities are relentlessly eating up the country's green spaces, according to new research, and experts and campaigners believe government planning reforms will aggravate the loss.
>A satellite survey by a research team at the University of Leicester (UofL) found that between 2006 and 2012, 22,000 hectares (54,000 acres) of green space was converted to "artificial surfaces" - mostly housing. More than 7,000 hectares of forest was felled, 14,000 hectares of farmland concreted and 1,000 hectares of precious wetland was drained to make way for urban sprawl. That's a landscape twice the size of Liverpool, transformed forever, in just six years.
Don't you guys think it's fucked up how British "people" keep destroying the environment in order to build these nasty vile suburbs?
low points don't account for the fact you're lying on the ground and the ground is a lot colder than the air temp, basically a huge heatsink
/britfeel/s based resident pedo.
any other lads made a britfeel thread before then just randomly deleted it after 30 minutes to annoy people who then claim the jannies deleted it?
does this mean determinism is real
>purify water
He's not spending a week in the Australian outback, hes literally just wandering into a wood near his town and staying the night there. If anything actually went wrong (which it won't) all he needs to do is walk back home again
dont understand why we dont build upwards more
he will get pneumonia, he's planning on spending a night sleeping on the dirt floor which gets very cold as for water he's a neet who's going to spend the day doing physical activity in the heat, he's intending to bring 2l and he'll need more than that
I've suspected it's been done. I wouldn't
Girl's faces as they're cumming lads. Imagine.
Your religion is actually heritable and much less so than your dumb thought experiment would have suggested.
But your thought experiment is wrong. Language isnt heritable because heritability in psychology is calculated by the difference in correlations of a trait between MZ and DZ twins. In terms of language, most of the time there is no difference and so there would be no or little heritability.
you uneducated idiot.
did that user bring badger repellent with him? they're known for eating the feet of rough sleepers
How fucking early does Tim make his dinner?
I don't have to imagine, just wish I didn't have to remember her.
he has four dinners a day
Because it's more profitable to build sprawl. It doesn't help that Westoids think that apartment buildings are "soulless," even though by every measurable high urban density is superior and more efficient.
Ill say that people are given a wide variety if environments at birth and during life but your genetics actively selects the options and exaggerates stressors. Even with things like abuse... studies show that most child abuse victims are relatively okay. People that are traumatised seem to be so because their genetic disposition has made them vulnerable to it when many other people are hardy to it. Its also been shown that for instance when people divorce, the effect on the kids is better predicted by the kids genetics than the event itself and even in some other mire extreme studies, environmental effects of events disappear when you look at genetics
anyone in birmingham or london want a meet?
Cheeky pond swimming meet?
Fucking hell lads, not pooed for 3 days and just had a killer fart. Think it's coming.
He's not planning on sleeping i don't think
it's fun how simultaneously minority groups are taking over the world and the white race is dying out, but also any time a minority is in a media product it's over-representation.
Bit like those immigrants living on government welfare and also stealing your jobs amirite?
It's not even 1PM and I've already fapped 3 times today lads. Gonna go for a 4th.
>I'm Baz
>and this is *wheeze* me mate Dave
>How old 'yer?
duhhh im 27
>Hold olds yer' twin?
duhhh 17
rotten mouth mong nonce
Wouldn't mind but swimming pool's will be packed at this time.
Don't like kids or loud people either.
you've obviously been brought up by an overprotective mother
yeah that's exactly what i meant lad
Deserves a quiet nightttt
>overprotective mother
what did I do to deserve this?
no, I've just been wild camping enough to know an overweight neet won't stay the night on a freezing cold floor, he'll go home halfway through
its not a pool but a pond. guarantee no kids will be in there
diet pepsi over ice
*goes into the garden for 10 minutes, immediately contacts pneumonia, extreme dehydration and gets mauled by rabid hedgehogs*
>City-region authorities can deliver more transit-oriented developments (TOD) if there is a national planning framework that supports such developments over 'car-based, low-density sprawl'.
>The place to be: How transit-oriented development can support good growth in the city regions cites RTPI research (Location of Development) that considers the location of permissions for the 12 fastest-growing city regions in England. It found that between 2015 and 2017, 51 per cent of new housing permitted is at least 2km from railway stations. (!!!)
>The report, by the Urban Transport Group, says that TOD offers the potential to meet housing need without undermining the green belt or creating more traffic congestion and sprawl.
[...] recommendations to achieve TOD in addition to a supportive national planning framework:
>A national funding framework with options for ensuring that value uplift from new developments can be used to improve transport connectivity. A joint programme of work is required between city region and national government to examine the issues and develop options on land value capture mechanisms.
>More influence over land held by national government agencies which would be prime sites for TOD schemes. In particular city region authorities in England need the same veto powers over Network Rail land sales that the Scottish Government enjoys.
>More devolution of powers over stations where a city region transport authority has the ambition and capacity to take on those responsibilities.
>Measures to improve the planning capacity of local authorities in order to respond effectively, rapidly and imaginatively to opportunities for high-quality TOD.
I think you're way too obsessed with this to not be a nonce.
once after a night out cane across my first live hedhog (before then id only seen roadkill. I gave him a little poke and some of my beer. Is that animal abusr or just me being a good lad?
demolish any group of houses that have paved over their gardens and replace them with apartment buildings with garden areas
Just lying in the sofa listening to Rihanna's debut album. Very comfy. Going to head to Tesco after.