General chatting thread

General chatting thread

Hey Jow Forums, resident normie here. If you have anything on your mind, you would like to get some advice or you just need to vent, here is the place to do it. Come, have a chat, tell me your worries - I will attempt to answer each post as earnestly as possible(:

>inb4 off my board reeeee
>inb4 OP can't inb4

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Not really inquiring for advice but just bitching, I hate being in between jobs. Waiting for this background check to clear for a new position and just being broke all of the time is a pain in the fucking ass.

I feel you, man. It's real shitty when you constantly have how much money you have left on your mind. I've been in situations where you go to a shop and you don't know whether your card is going to get declined or not - it's terrible. Hope you find something soon, user.

Lol yeah I have not been in the shops at all in a little while, my life pretty much consist of grocery shopping and dates that cost me gas money, that is it.

Should I ever receive a paycheck again in my lifetime I am going to splurge I deserve it

What are you thinking of getting with your next paycheck? (:

Come lads, don't be shy, feel free to post what's on your mind here(:

Honestly I will probably just wind up having my mom buy me tons of clothes and shoes with her Macys card. I rarely spend my own money on anything but weed

But I havent smoked in several weeks so I guess I will get baked as shit

Haha yeah at least your tolerance has gone down by this point. When I stop smoking for a few days (usually cause I run out), I sometimes forget about the dosages and get myself paralytic the first time I smoke.

Honestly, thank god I'm not on heroin or anything, cause I feel like I'd definitely accidentally OD on that stuff.

Yeah besides sniffing coke once in college (and I am not quite sure I did it right cause I do not recall being the least bit high) I only smoke. I am going to take the most brutal chop (tobacco/weed bowl) when I get some paper and probably pass out/throw up

Is tobacco and weed called chop together? Cause here, in Europe, that's pretty much how everyone smokes weed - no-one really smokes blunts.

Nah, I experimented with LSD and Mandy (and I also sniffed coke once) in university, but they're all "take no more than once a month" kind of drugs. They're loads of fun though(:

I wish I could afford to move out of my parents and stop worrying about their issues. I have 2 jobs but I'm not even sure how far it'll take me. Sometimes I just wonder if I just pack up my things and just look for shelter on foot, but I know I'm too dumb and socially isolated to survive out there. I'm 25 years old, I feel like I can't do anything right about my life and always feel like a child in a man's body

Lol I have read that before, here in the US most people will not even try it but that is the only way I love to smoke it. But a quarter ounce and it last a month due to all the tobacco stretching it

God damn it might have to fuck around and pick up today

You have two jobs - you should almost certainly be fine to move into your own place. I'd recommend you get yourself any place to move into first - have you looked online for places you could afford to rent, for instance? You shouldn't think that you'll never survive out there - it won't be easy to start off with, and living by yourself opens your eyes to a lot of problems you simply don't have when you live with your parents - but you'll learn and you'll get used to it.

Yeah I remember an old American friend of mine telling me that more people at her school smoke weed than smoke tobacco and being really surprised by that. I guess tobacco is a lot easier to access, and weed is a bit harder here. Either way, good luck user, I hope you find a way to support your habit soon(:

I just feel like its gonna be harder for me because
1) Dont know how to drive
2) if the expense /affordable to live
3)I dont really know people to try to split rent with
I just got the 2nd job, I just feel sad cause its minimum wage.

Plus, I've been feeling do anxious and tired lately from work, how the fuck I can escape this robot/""incel"" life, and I've going cold Turkey from drugs for almost a month. I feel like I can never anything straighten out effectively.

What are the jobs, user? Either way, what you can do if you're looking for people to flatshare with is find some people online - there exist specific websites for people that want to find a place and want to find people to live with. Who knows, maybe you'll even make friends with that person? No guarantees, but it's a start. As for tiredness, I feel drained after just one job, so I have no idea how you're handling two.

Quitting drugs is probably a good move for now - you can always go back, but right now you kinda wanna concentrate on moving out, so you do somewhat need to save. Think of it this way - even if you can't move out RIGHT now, if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll be able to move out in a month or two. Just keep at it, user, you're on the right track.

I have no fear of anything except emotion related stuff so how do I get out of that mindset?

Also I'm retarded for developing feels for someone who's clearly out of my league how do I delete them anything I've read hasn't worked, I see one smile and everything I've done evaporates it's bullshit

Keep feeling guilty about my previous marriage now that I am starting to meet someone that I like, the first person I have seen consistently since the split.

How do I stop getting flashbacks that make me feel guilty? It is over I want to move on and be happy, I made mistakes and did bad things but so did my ex spouse. I just want to think good thoughts and not deal with intrusive thoughts labeling me a piece of garbage

What worked for me is positive reinforcement and constantly telling myself that I will be better off if I put myself emotionally out there, and that the potential benefits far outweigh the risks.

Try to move on emotionally - it's not a quick solution, but over time you will think about that person less and less. I assume you've asked her out by this point? If not, that's something you might want to try - she will probably say no (look at what happened when I tried to ask out my first crush), but at least that's a clear sign that you should move on instead of wondering "what if?".

If you're already friends with her, it'll be extremely difficult to avoid her, but otherwise, if you minimise your exposure to her, it'll be easier to think about her less and less.

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So you messed up in your last relationship and it brought out the worst sides of both of you. You're not a bad person if you worry about the morality of your actions. We all make mistakes, it's completely human, and as long as you move on and avoid making those mistakes again, you become a better person for it, since you're learning from your mistakes.

What wouldnit take to make you stop visiting this board?

As for the intrusive thoughts, when I went to therapy, they taught me that there are several methods of dealing with intrusive thoughts and rumination. I can't find my booklet right now, so here are some I found online:

>The 5 minute rule - just give yourself 5 minutes to whine about it
>Get out of your head by calling someone
>Do something else
>Remember that people don't think about you as much as you think they think about you
>Notice when you're doing it

It's actually quite easy - I get frustrated with people here every so often, and I end up leaving. The main counter is that I usually come back after a few weeks, so it's more of a cycle than an actual quitting.

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Ok this is good advice, haven't asked her out because I'm very uncertain and don't really want to make her uncomfortable or anything like that but at least I'm not in a lot of contact with her

I'm ugly and that makes me sad, because this already after putting in the work to look better

That actually helps you out a bit - if you're not in a lot of contact with her, it'll be easier for her to turn you down and not feel uncomfortable about it, plus you don't have a friendship to lose. You're in prime position to ask her out and get rejected - as horrible as it sounds, you should go for it.

I'm sure that you're not as ugly as you think you are. But if you are, there's not much I can say that will magically make you feel better about yourself. The way I see it though, we're all given different starts in life. Sure, some of us don't have amazing genetics that can make life easier, but that's just because the world isn't fair and you have to make the most of what you do have.

It's generally accepted in many Christian communities that God being eternal, likely became lonely and created Man to have someone to invest himself in
>But the issue
Existence is defined by suffering.
I sometimes feel legitimate physical pain, and often mental pain when I deal with the reality of existing

If that is true for me when everything that I am can be measured, certainly God, being infinite, would feel infinitely more suffering

Why would he allow us to exist if he could simply Will himself, and everything else out of existence?
>Inb4 "no God"

I'm an atheist so I might not be the person to discuss this with, but some common arguments I hear are:
>existence is not defined by suffering, suffering just exists as a side-effect
>God has a plan that none of us limited mortals are equipped to understand

I just want to vent, but it'd be nice if you could give me some advice.
I finally found a girl who likes me and we're dating. Yet, I can't leave behind the virgin mentality that I'm utter trash and my fear of doing things wrong is making me actually do things wrong. I'm afraid of being with her. So afraid in fact, that I sometimes feel I was happier when we were just friends and she had no expectations about me. I feel like It's a matter of time until she notices I'm nothing more than this mentally ill piece of garbage and leaves me, and this fear of rejection is making me push her away even though I really like her. I want so much to be close to her but I'm terrified of intimacy. My years of lonliness broke me and I don't know how to pretend I'm ok anymore.

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God is not a omnipotent being. He is nothing, He is no one, He simply is (ex-3,14: I am who I am). He can't will himself out of existence because he is existence itself. God is to the concept of existence what counciousness is to the concept of thinking.
I'm a deist bwt. I made this stuff up based only on my knowledge and beliefs. It's probably not true, but it's my way of thinking.

I completely understand your mentality - I started dating people when I was 20, and it took me years to actually start thinking that I was worth it and genuinely dateable. What helped me at the time is something my ex said - "everyone's mentally fucked in some way". Literally everyone has mental problems, from the lowliest incel to the most outgoing of Staceys, and you're not trash for having issues.

What's important is that you try, user. Your gf likes you for who you are (she really does, she wouldn't be dating you otherwise). If you feel that bad about it, you should talk to your gf about it - say that you really like her, but you're bad with intimacy and you're inexperienced, so if you do anything that hurts her or pushes her away, it's not intentional. I also usually ask them to tell me if anything's wrong with the way I'm acting and I'll try and find a solution to it, but if you're good enough at picking up social cues, you can skip this step. Being vulnerable with your gf can be daunting, but it's healthy and it usually brings you two closer together. Ultimately there's no "right" way to act with a gf - they're all different people who want different things, and this particular person has made it clear that she wants to date you, so just bee yourself, even if that person doesn't have experience of interacting with other people.

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>inb4 off my board reeeee
Just because you put "inb4" doesn't mean I'm not gonna say it. Get the fuck out

Fun fact - even though everyone knows that both pi and e are irrational, no-one knows if (pi + e) is irrational as well (although it almost certainly is).

I put it in the board cause it's something that's said literally every single time. Someone says get out, I acknowledge their statement, they say that they mean it anyway. We're both numb to the actual words and at this point, we just need to glance over them to understand the real meaning and how to react.

What's more, it is unclear whether pi*e is irrational, but we do know that at least one of (pi+e) and (pi*e) must be irrational.