what should we do lads? give me ideas and if you're not too slow I'll use them!
What should we do lads? give me ideas and if you're not too slow I'll use them!
Bro it looks like you're already fucked. She's asking all the questions while you just sit there waiting to answer her. And the little smileys there don't help you at all. Geez man this is absolutely cringe. You have to assert dominance and lead the conversations otherwise she's going to get bored in no time.
You can still save this but dude that's gonna be lots of work on your part.
She doesn't live where you do? Why talk to her?
she messages me no matter what I say. Asian girls are easy mode.
feet pics, which I got. if there's interest I can show hers, though they're a little gross. another girl I talked to had nice feet.
she's asking for my permission to be friends. should I reject her and acquire noodies
She sounds nice
Dont be a dick
dumb aswell lol
sounds like a scam, also stop emojing you fucking faggot
show feet who gives a fuck if they are gross
here you go. if you're interested I have feet from a different girl.
>stop emojing you fucking faggot
this so much, but OP is retarded and would fuck up any advice you'd give him
>Let's us be friends first!!
LMAO you're fucked my guy. She doesn't want to hurt your feelings
As someone whos been doing this shit for like a decade, this seems fine. Some of them are just really wanting white/english speaking friends.
I literally can sit on a chat site and get a dozen messages in a couple hours.
spotted the incel. when you have their feet pics, you've already checkmated them. she's asking for APPROVAL to be friends.
tantan is easy mode. girls add you just because you say you live in London.
origibannaly ofcourae
>BTFO she's friendzoning you OP
I wonder what she means by this..
>mfw user is in denial
stick around, maybe I'll post the other qt's feet so you can jerk yourself off to them
heh... maybe i will
its because she wants that sweet sweet green card
I don't know about the US, but the UK is cucked enough to pay for foreign students education and expenses. You don't really need a green card if you study here.
maybe I'll post the feet then.
Shes decent but I have no idea how you can bear conversations like that. So slow, awkward, cringe, she doesnt understand your expressions etc.
Look who it is again, Heaven. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet. Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag? Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "Heaven" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.
Whats that app and how do you find those girls
tantan is the name of the app. it's basically tinder but 80% of the girls are asian. as long as you're white, you should be fine with getting matches.
Tell her you go on Jow Forums, the ladies love that
how else do i express emotion through text?
with words, like poets have done for centuries
sounds like a bot
ngl I cringed a lot while reading this, enough with the smileys, just be normal instead of talking like an attention deprived weeb and it should be ok
she sounds like a very nice person, stop trying to make her a degenerate you faggot
Wow, been too long
updating with milf feet that I just got. I have a Asian girl legs too if anyone's interested.
"sorry I don't date gooks, I must preserve the white race. but i'll give you a call if my wife needs her nails done"
That's not the same girl, the one in OP looks fat as fuck
did anyone say puffy vulva? these are all from today, to show how easy it is to get Asian girls.
she said I was too big with a half chub. Asian """men""" really are pathetic.
that's just another one of my matches. and yeah, the first girl is chubby, I didn't care much about her so I just used her as an example for how easy this is.
You've probably already fucked yourself.
jesus you type like such a fucking fag
here's what you should do, "lad"
>stop talking to mutt looking chinks on a dating app that live +500 miles away from you
>stop using emojis and smiley faces literally every text
>stop acting like a girl
>date somebody that you may actually physically see in your lifetime
seriously, even with the filter i can tell she's a flat faced, moderately fat, eyebrowless, crooked teeth troglodyte - how many texts have gone between you two before she started wanting to shack you up for a place to stay on her school visa? get your shit together you poor taste having yellow fever stricken pussy starved beta
>why can't you find a girl who lives in UK?
So, do you look like Norf, or that scrawny crackhead from TGFBro? It's one or the other and I know it.
"uh bwoo bwoo i'm too ugly and retarded to pull white women like a normal man so i'll troll for disgusting pictures of worn out asian feet on a dating app meant for people that live over a dozen countries away"
I don't know what you're talking about. I live in the civilised part of the country.
Then why are you bothering with these gross hillwomen? You know most of the mail-order chinks you're trying to lure over to your country shit in holes in the ground and catch sewer fish for dinner, right? If you're so obsessed with asians just find one of the plenty that live in the UK.
I don't go outside much so I don't have friends and don't talk to girls. Talking to chinks on a dating app makes me feel better.
I'm not fucking with you anymore. Seriously, stop doing that. You're only further skewing your perception of how to talk to actual human females. Most of them barely understand english and western lifestyle so they have no basis upon which to judge your speech, mannerisms, and personality, they're just flesh-bots that agree with everything you say and find you attractive because you're white and not from a 3rd world country. Also, you'll 99.9% most likely never actually meet them in person, so this repeated mental torture of hollow flirting and nudes that might as well be from google images in their banality with no actual physical pay-off will destroy your brain.