How can I achieve the trance-like fury of the berserkr?

How can I achieve the trance-like fury of the berserkr?

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Cut off your penis. No, really.

that's stupid. It's the opposite of that. I need to be a beast with balls like a bull.

His (Odin's) men rushed forwards without armour, were as mad as dogs or wolves, bit their shields, and were strong as bears or wild oxen, and killed people at a blow, but neither fire nor iron told upon them. This was called Berserkergang.

This fury, which was called berserkergang, occurred not only in the heat of battle, but also during laborious work. Men who were thus seized performed things which otherwise seemed impossible for human power. This condition is said to have begun with shivering, chattering of the teeth, and chill in the body, and then the face swelled and changed its colour. With this was connected a great hot-headedness, which at last gave over into a great rage, under which they howled as wild animals, bit the edge of their shields, and cut down everything they met without discriminating between friend or foe. When this condition ceased, a great dulling of the mind and feebleness followed, which could last for one or several days.

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practice lycanthropy srs. you have to learn to become a were wolf. trust me. no bullshit. look into nature magic.

I feel like reading is the last thing I should do though. I need to become a beast not enlightened

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>bit their shields
This is the key part. This behavior is caused by a family of drugs. We're just not 100% certain about which plants or combination were used to produce the "berserk portion".

The key is that you shall be sent into the woods armed with nothing but your own skin, and you must bring back a wolf, bear, mountain lion or goat skull depending upon which enchantment you want. A demon skull is also good, if you want to join with the demon tribes in hel.

Sounds like a yuley good time to meet someone named Julie.

you think that actual berserkers were retarded? no they all we highly intelligent. especially werewolves. its not about IQ or enlightenment but more so about spiritual power. the stronger your soul energy the stronger you will become. training and improving your physical body will not do anything.

Were you born with a burning rage in your gut?

I've heard so many people talk about it like it's some sort of PTSD, but I don't buy that for a second. In iceland there is a mushroom called berserkjasveppur which might have been a vital component. But when you read about them it makes it seem like it's a state of being or something.

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It's a combination. The native tribes all around the world usually had several "jobs" that would be lifelong things. You'd be selected to be a "hunter" for example at a young age and train from the very moment you were able to walk.

Hunting animals for example is incredibly difficult without modern technology.. anyone who has never shot and killed any game should know that it's no simple matter of "shot it in the head, it dies"... not even close. It's the taking of a life, and all lifeforms are designed for survival. It's a battle against nature to end a life. So at a young age such as 14, 15, 16 the hunter would be sent into the woods to claim a skull. They'd learn spiritual practices used to give respect to the gods/souls/animals they killed and they were prone to suicide (PTSD is likely.)

Taking a human life is something on an entirely different level... so just extend the same sort of stuff to soldiers... then the soldiers leading a charge who are berserk...

In addition to that epinephrine (adrenaline) plays a major part. Drugs like amphetamines, ephedrines and so on would have played a part. Meditation is also capable of enhancing or reducing hormone production within the body, so this is part of the spiritual parts.

People today have no fucking clue what "life" was like in the past or how difficult it would have been to survive at all as a "hunter gatherer", let alone survive in wars.

Example: cat bites rat by throat, waits for several minutes for it to slowly bleed out through multiple wounds as it fights.

Those would not be berserkers, that is a trait unique to ulfhednarr, werewolves.
The tale of berserkers is one that is a mystery to many, i myself for obvious religious reasons have looked into this before, and come unto a conclusion of my own.
People in this thread said drugs, which is very possible, but yet unlikely. The berserker rage was most noted during battles, when men who should no longer be able to move rose up and fought with strength greater than before. There is 1 explanation for this. Hysterical strength.
The human body is terrifyingly strong, so strong that our bodies prevent us from using our full strength, epenephrine (aka adrenaline) unlocks our strength, in few cases, it gives immense body damaging strength. 13 year old girls lifting up cars, grown men lifting up buses, the strength gained was immense. In the examples i gave though, permanent damage occurs.
This is the likely answer. Men who feel as if they are headed down to hel feel an urge to fight, to live, and their body releases enough epinephrine to unlock every ounce of strength in their body, which is why they'd be stronger than before
The characteristics match, the situations fit what such an event would happen within, it is the most likely answer, a large dose of adrenaline enough to milk the body for every scrap of energy and strength it has to bring one kicking back from the gates of hel.
Sadly OP, there is no way to do this on your own if what i believe is the case, full strength unlocking is dangerous even if possible, as permanent damage is highly probably. Many people who gain hysterical strength break bones and tear muscles without even realizing it, and by the time the adrenaline rush wears off, their body is destroyed and they may even die of shock. Such a thing is not something someone could do of self volition, its a situation occurring only in life-or-death scenarios.

Lel, berserkers were just champions who were given a bear or wolf skin to signify their position.
That's what berserker means, "bear skin."

That is completely false. In fact it was the opposite of that. Berserkers had a very bad reputation because they would challenge anyone to combat and then take their wives/sisters/daughters and other possesions. And they have been described again and again as being uncontrollable

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>plant fruits, plant seeds.
>capture goats, capture rabbits, make them reproduce.
>gather big rocks, make fundations, make walls, make city.
sound hard as fuck.

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I captured a demonic tulpa in 2016 and bound it to myself-- it will destroy everything you have until you achieve congruence again and kick it out.

I did this for the purposes of achieving the kind of state which you are describing. As a high-level martial artist, the combative rage was useful to a point, but technique and one's soul suffers.
I do not recommend harvesting these dark fruits. They will cause toxic byproducts in you.

Some scholars propose that certain examples of berserker rage had been induced voluntarily by the consumption of drugs such as the hallucinogenic mushroom Amanita muscaria

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Lol, those are romantic descriptions/exaggerations. And more than berserkers are described as acting strange in battle.
Notice how they "challenge" people? They're fighting in duels for their lord, because they're champions.
The drug-fueled, insane berserker is a victorian myth.

However, this is much debated[32] and has been thrown into doubt by the discovery of seeds belonging to the plant henbane Hyoscyamus niger in a Viking grave that was unearthed near Fyrkat, Denmark in 1977.[33] Given that crushing and rubbing henbane petals onto the skin provides a numbing effect along with a mild sensation of flying, this finding has led to the theory that henbane rather than mushrooms or alcohol was used to incite the legendary rage.

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>They're fighting in duels for their lord, because they're champions.
wrong. this is actually what I find so fascinating about vikings and norse culture in general. The vikings/berserkers never fought for their "coutnry" or "state". They always fought for themselves. They were complete individualists.
here's a viking epitaph:
Tala erected this stone in memory of his son Harald, brother of Ingvar.
"They departed in search of gold, and went far and sated the eagle in the
East. They died in the South, in Arabia. "

There's two explanations that I've heard:

1) It's PTSD. So go fight a war or get molested as a child or something equally awful and hope you get the kind with flashbacks.

2) It's bipolar disorder, and what they're describing is mania. Unfortunately, you have to be born with this one.

Dude, they had lords and jarls and shit. They weren't exactly fighting for their "country" no.
And vikings and berserkers aren't the same thing.
The reason it looks like they were brave individualists is because viking is a job description. It was literally their job.
Berserker is also a job, a different one.

>Dude, they had lords and jarls and shit.
yes. and they promised them that they could loot and sack cities. not fight for some dumb ideal.
>And vikings and berserkers aren't the same thing.
The reason it looks like they were brave individualists is because viking is a job description. It was literally their job.
Berserker is also a job, a different one.
Vikings and berserks aren't the same thing and I never said that. I simply said that the mentality of the old norse culture was based around individuality rather than collectivity.

>The reason it looks like they were brave individualists is because viking is a job description.
Yes being a soldier is a job description. No one is refuting that. I would say though that being a berserkr is more like a life style. IT was not like anyone could be a berserkr.

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>Yes being a soldier is a job description. No one is refuting that
They weren't really soldiers either. They were raiders, traders, and explorers.
Old norse culture was about as individualistic as any migration period era culture. They had small, tight-knit, agricultural communities. That stone you mentioned doesn't indicate any more individualism than anyone who dies on the job.

Wear a chassis and do a LOT of crack

>They weren't really soldiers either. They were raiders, traders, and explorers.
If someone is in an organized endeavor to subjugate another group of people by the means of physical power I would call him a soldier. But we could discuss the definition if you like.

> They had small, tight-knit, agricultural communities.
oh you mean like every single other country that existed at that time? yes guess what. most people were working in the agricultural sector and most people who were soldiers came from the lower classes believe it or not. That's not an argument against their culutral and moral values. They went Vikingr because they wanted MORE. To say that old norse culture was the same as any other is just ignorant. It was completely different from christian and islamic culture.
By the way, when im saying this im not trying to uplift the vikings/berserkers to some god-like warrior state that no other country could compete against. I'm jsut saying they had a very different mindset and their berserkers were a phenomena unlike any other warrior culture.

go away sigmund freud

>sound hard as fuck.
Yeah, well, it did take some 50 thousand years to achieve.

We can only find remains in mountain plateaus though as the majority of the landmass of the earth is approximately 100 meters under water since near the end of the last major age ice around 15 thousand years ago.

Vikings consumed fly Amanita - a poisonus and psychoactive mushroom. Which made them horny and crazy.

I did something like this, no shit. What arts do you practice.