Can we have a cyoa thread? Pretty please?
Can we have a cyoa thread? Pretty please?
Other urls found in this thread:
Part 2 of the yandere thing
Also this, but I don't have any more. Someone help me out please?
You want more huh?
I can't find my collection but this will do
Can some dump some roll games? I love them and wish we had daily threads for them.
Roll gets you banned
Fuck ya, got an entire folder of this stuff i dump when these threads appear
I recommend staying in this thread for a while so you can see the wide variety i have
Gonna dump some of the quick ones first
But don't worry user your thread is gonna get a lot longer now
This one is my favorite to be honest
I love these threads so I hope some of you post ones I don't have so my future dumps in these threads are bigger
I think this is the biggest one I have
friendly phone for sure. wonder what limitations that "vr" experience has, but otherwise this one's the best in terms of free choice.
green apple grape worm i'm a girl so it should be interesting
magic eraser. the ability of going back to my childhood with current memories is my ultimate dream.
bump for interest because i love these threads
Sorry for the break fellas had to go do something, gonna dump the rest of the folder now
I remember liking this one a lot
There's a lot of waifu cyoas it seems
Also try giveing your respones frens, wondering how interested people actually are in these
Might be a little different from what OP is looking for, but since the thread needs some action I'l throw in a few of my favorites, starting with the Armor Suit cyoa
Oh shit, nice to see someone posting here
(2nd part here)
Next up is Cascade Effect, really creative superpower cyoa
Cascade Effect 2/2
CYOA threads are honestly the best types on this board
Short but nice
Thanks for the CYOA dumps user/s
this is all quite interesting. thanks
Still more to come fren
The hardest part about dumping is trying to get around the original comment system
Is there a cyoa similar to waifu ones, but with husbandos instead?
Alright, had a few problems but here's Hidden Lottery. It's a bit long but it's very detailed and worth it
Hidden Lottery 2/7
Hidden Lottery 3/7
Hidden Lottery 4/7
Hidden Lottery 5/7
Hidden Lottery 6/7
Hidden Lottery 7/7
>loli body
>small breasts
>thicc thighs, thighs, and butt
>all 3 obsessive
>optimist, innocent, poor
Holy fuck that's the longest one I've ever seen, my folder is expanding by a shitton now
Well can't post one of my cyoas because the file size is too big
Anyone else mind posting ones that haven't been already?
Still got more to dump
Im going to dump so many cyoas that this thread will outlast humanity
If this thread dies because of some femanon bullshit I'll fucking lose it
This dump is probably my greatest one yet
bump, i fucking love cyoas
Think I've finished my dump now, fuck
wish I could enter CYOAs
i would pick observer if i could jerk off
>first good post in years.
based. and waifu-pilled.
here's one i've made
Sauce boss, Goldilocks, Lost and Found or Perfect form instead of LaF
You forgot to use your bonuses.
>Remove Faggot
>My Brotha, My Kang + Bonus
>Perfect Form + Bonus
I was designed to fuck.
31 points
good people
Marking (no pain killers)
Tech savvy
Her forever
Shorft fuse
Your attention
Not really sure what the point of the points were to be honest, unless most of the options I picked weren't supposed to be positives.
Shit, I must have already done this CYOA in a past life. When do I get my girlfriend?
sauce boss+bonus
post more pl0x, these threads are really good
fuuuuuck. does it HAVE to be from each row?
i want lost and found bonus, perfect form bonus and unrustled. why did you make it like this?
here's another old shitty one i made
i want more cyoas damnit
post more dumps mor favor
unrustled, goldilocks, lost and found
and bonus on unrustled and goldilocks
this one is my favourite: it always make me so happy and sad at the same time
Not gonna let this die. Not before I post my choices.
>Consent Not Req.
>Marking (No PK)
>Romantic Trip
>Perfect Hair
>Good Taste
>Undying Love
As a miscellaneous request, make her have black hair and maroon colored eyes, please.
pls gib
Sauce Boss + Bonus
Goldilocks + Bonus
Lathe of Heaven
i am ready
Here's one i made a while ago
won't let this beauty of a thread die in an original way