Anyone know Ciara's discord?
>I really like her
Anyone know Ciara's discord?
>I really like her
Why the fuck would someone like her
She's a horrible human being and not worthy of life
But she looks cute.
Normalfag here
Could anyone sum up what happened with her
She also has top of the shelf pussy.
I didn't know that she had nudes
She's the only girl posted here that I want to taste and fuck.
Ciara if you're reading this (and I know you are) please get soemthing to eat.I'm getting scared for your scrawny ass.
I want to talk to Ciara ;(
and I highly doubt she's reading this
shes gross she reminds me of my ex Julia brown.
I'd rather talk to Asteria, rat chan, or knooper.
>shes gross she reminds me of my ex Julia brown.
Ciara is adorable and sweet and kind.
Yes, she's also very sexy.
Hey RAD-- I've given you Ciara's discord-- it's Nessa#4822
Have you not reached her yet? Cheers
I wanna see Ciara wearing a pair of tiny booty shorts, also I wanna see her wearing a black or pink string bikini.
Yeah, I don't think that's her. But thanks anyways.
>sucks that Ciara's getting married...
Hah, it is her, I talk to her on VC in sheep! Give her an add and she'll probably give you timestamp. (I like your art and am rooting for you).
I'll take note of what you said and talk to her later today(night) assuming Nessa#4822 is the real Ciara.
I wanna see Ciara wear this
Her skinny ass would look perfect in these shorts.
I wanna be in sheep village
can you draw me?
pic related
That actually IS Ciara you retards.
I heard she went to oxychans funeral origini
Fuck, Ciara's so pretty
slit your throat you fucking orbitter incel virgin beta cuck. please
>I heard she went to oxychans funeral origini
Yes she was.
Ciara doesn't have a tan. In fact, it's impossible for her to ever get one.
Gotta go.
Will post another sketch of Ciara later today/night.
>Will post another sketch of Ciara later today/night.
Sketch her asshole.
>Ciara's asshole
Never tease a full-course meal to a starving man.
>Never tease a full-course meal to a starving man.
Everything about Ciara is amazingly beautiful.
>Everything about Ciara is amazingly beautiful
No need to point out the obvious :-)
You're such a faggot dude, stop being a simp
Ciara is such a precious sexy angel.
Will post another sketch shortly...