>+30 degrees until Tuesday
I was supposed to be spared from this southern nonsense.
+30 degrees until Tuesday
Other urls found in this thread:
Come to the mediterranean.
unbearable heat should be reserved for racist niggers since they like it so hot
take an ice cold bath
How are you Aiste, I'm glad to see you again, :)
bby I'm in a different kind of heat. gimme your butt
Went to Turkey once. We accidentally booked a bus trip to Pamukkale. Didn't know it was like a 600 kilometer drive through scorching heat. Never again. Fuck the south.
I prefer showers.
I'm fine. Thinking I should stop caring about a lot of pointless stuff in life. What about you?
I'm content, I did what you are thinking a long time ago and I found it to be of benefit. Good luck.
>astie still hasnt answered me that if shes a jew or not
you can't lay down and soak in a shower so it's not as nice if you want to cool down a lot
Nice to see some people succeeding.
I'm not. Why would you even think that?
But running water works just as well.
Because i know that you are
I know who you are
I know YOU
running water won't envelop your entire body at once
Where's your favourite place on earth?
Can you use a name so I can filter your fucking threads? Unfortunately there's no filter for "that annoying avatar generator thing." Also, you always have recent a thread up no matter what time I check. Maybe try doing something else for a change?
Shes a Schizo larping as a tranny
no he's a schizo tranny larping as a girl
Shes got ovaries.
Shes larping as a tranny for attention
A subhuman climate for a subhuman population.
he got a dick
he's larping as a girl for attention
I think it works fine. I prefer running water.
Wherever I am as long as it's not a city and it's not too hot.
>Can you use a name so I can filter your fucking threads?
You could just filter them based on the image dimensions. I think they're all 600x600.
>you always have recent a thread up no matter what time I check
I think that's just unfortunate timing, user.
But astie larps as tranny saying "ill never be a real girl"
Also is this astie trying to convince me im wrong by samefagging
preference or not, it simply doesn't have the same effect
no, aiste larps a girl larping as a tranny larping as a girl
bby don't ignore me. Let me into your life and your butt
Astie is still a Schizo and should be ignored
Have you ever been diving?
>You could just filter them based on the image dimensions. I think they're all 600x600.
But I don't want to filter all threads with 600x600 images. I might miss a good thread that way, in theory. I want you to use a very basic site function that allows you to have your fun where I don't need to see it every time I scroll down the front page. Since you, again, always have one of these threads up I assume I'm not the only person who would like to filter them. The only conceivable reason you have for not using a name is that you want to force me to see your inane bullshit for some reason, which is against the rules and while I have no doubt you could easily evade yet another ban there's no need for either of us to go through that. I infer from some other posts I've skimmed that you have a name you use anyway. Is it really so hard to just type it in the fucking name field when you post?
if it's less than 35 degrees celsius today where you live you have zero rights to complain
No. What's it like? Seems scary.
You're being overly courteous, considering your request. That won't help you though.
It's 24 now, but was 30 at one point. Don't minimize my suffering.
A somewhat friendly thread today?
nice to see instead of the norm
i want to put my cock inside you and make you forget all your troubles
It's quite peaceful, just don't go around lifting up rocks or a octopus might jump out, opens up more of the globe for exploration.
ahaha I see you are European, that is somewhat gratifying. I just assumed you were American for some reason. Well all I can say is my standard response to Euros in this situation, which is this is why we have AC.
I'm just tired of everything.
You've done it? Where? I hear Egypt is popular for that sort of thing.
Well, it's generally one of the chilliest places in Europe, so there's no need for AC. Tuesday it should immediately drop bellow 20 again.
Same here in Sweden, I'm actually dying from this, feinted from heatstroke 2 times.
I can't even take a shower, because as soon as I get out of the shower I start sweating.
Give me back my -40c, it's 10x better than this shit.
South east Asia, I hear a lot of people go Egypt, If I was going to go anywhere it would be north Europe, some of the water there is very clear, I guess the Mediterranean would have a lot of wrecks, I like wrecks, caves too, but people are really strict about caves.
Where do you get -40C? Are you in the Arctic?
Aiste is a snake.
did you know that there is kilometers of wildfire happening right now in the artic, you can even see it on satellite, i can only hope this is a sign to the end of times
I remember reading that the world's northernmost coral reefs are along the coast of Norway.
Hi, Kierk. What's being dead like?
It's not weird. The Arctic can get pretty hot in summer. Especially inland.
I'm still freezing cold here, I wish I can hold something warm.
I'm in northern sweden, around Lulea.
Visited Trondheim last week, I thought it would be cool there since it was around 20, when I was there, although I was on Hitra so that could be why.
You should try it at least once. It's fun exercise too.
>tfw i live in a shithole that has not too cold, not too hot weather all year round
the only thing good about living in hell
Hey Aiste?
apparently its "unprecedented" the amount of fires happening and it was the hottest june ever recorded and july is soon to be too but its probably just media outrage
What's considered "freezing cold" in Malaysia?
Last week was fine. This one is absolute hell. Seems like Lulea isn't doing that much better indeed. You'll have to wait for next week too.
I'll see if I have the opportunity. I don't travel much nowadays.
Some place close to the equator? Doesn't seem like you have 4 seasons.
Well I'm no climate change denier, so it's probably good they care.
60 degrees is actually a bit chilly in my books. 70-90 is the perfect short sleeves range, especially with air conditioning to keep interior environments chill.
How much do you look like your ever changing avatar?
we got no seasons at all, basically. right now is sunny and pretty nice outside.
I have a weird request but I'm a little self conscious about it. Promise not to laugh?
I won't laugh, but most likely won't deliver.
enjoy chemotherapy you worthless shill
Here goes. I like your avatar. I think it looks pretty and I have a fetish about being castrated by a dominating smug cutie. Could you maybe make a vocaroo for me?
thats not funny just pathetic
Leave me alone. I'm not bothering you.
>I'm not bothering
but you are
is this you, my huezilian dude?
That guy should pick his wannabe unibrow a little, and maybe thin out his moustache near the ends so it has a consistent shape.
He has a kind look otherwise, would probably look pretty good if he wasn't fat.
I will not, for the simple fact that I cannot. Do you understand what I mean? You shouldn't like me in any way, shape, or form.
He. Aiste is a Male
I understand. You think I'm creepy but you are still nice enough to pretend I'm not the problem.
Are you new or something lole
Chemotherapy can't cure terminal cancer :)
Rest assured, you're not the issue here, user.
I've been here for like a month. Why?
Do you really mean it? That I shouldn't like you?
I'm trash and people should seriously stop enabling me. But there will always be newfags and I cant' help it.
aiste, you are cute, CUTE!
it seems like you have cancer you worthless tranny shill
You have problems and I have problems. You haven't been mean to me and I see you often here you feel familiar now. Like a friend.
Why are you people this fucking dense? Why why why??? I don't get it.
you dont get it because you're not taking a look at yourself
What do you mean? Why can't I post?
You're gonna get a bunch of newfag orbiters from now on, I bet you're even enjoying it.
You fucking tsundere schizo pos avatarfag :)
it's nice to collect (you)s from you. not my fault you are a qt.
I'm just a sham designed to appeal to people like you.
I never enjoy anything.
you're not aware of it so it cant be a sham
I don't understand. If that is the case then why would you tell us?
If you really didn't enjoy it you wouldn't avatarfag, especially not with a weebgirl pic.
But you do you, tsundere garbage
Because it obviously wants the attention :)
Except I am aware. I'm aware of every single detail. I'm not the idiot you think I am.
Because I'm tired.
No, I still don't enjoy it.
>all these people complimenting an avatarfag just for the sake of complimenting them
What is wrong with you
Why are all the zoomer discord faggots polluting the board with false positivity
Is this a bad time? Am I keeping you awake?
Theyre all faggots. Pathetic too. They should be killed after Aiste dies.
Aiste is trying to use my +++ sigil to placate its cancerous as me to push a tranny psyop Its trannies and lefty shills trying to push Aiste here to frame this psyop as me cause I am a Fed
then why cant you stop the sham?