Have you tried eating your own cum?

have you tried eating your own cum?
if not, why? it's literally protein, hope you're not throwing precious nutrients away

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my cum stays in the body so i dont need to eat it

Bunch of times. Came directly in my mouth once. I don't mind it but it's not that hot.

you don't understand, you're suppose to jack off first and then eat the cum that came out
the existing cum in your body has no use
it's like, you don't eat raw cookie dough, but you'll need to process it first or it will have no nutrients

sorry im not going to listen to a cumbrain

dont mind me just getting my protein

I did once back when I was a horny teenager. And it tasted absolute ass, I almost vomited. I have learned that I will never pressure a girl to swallow if she doesn't want to.

I tried to cum in my mouth once. But it went straight to my eye. It was a terrible experience

Mine tastes foul. Mostly because my diet is high in processed meat. Far more efficient to eat meat than to give it up for better tasting semen

I have, loads (heh) of times. Don't know why, but I find the thought hot. It's not as good in reality, but not bad. Can suck my dick too, then I just cum right down my throat. Easy clean up too. I respect woman who swallow though, it's pretty intense. You feel kinda clogged up.

the one time i tried it gave me a soar throat and tasted pretty bad

how flexible are you that your own dick can reach your throat

I got super drunk once, did it, then almost threw up. It was disgusting.

yes, it unironically tastes magical

My gf has swallowed mine a handful of times but I also eat a lot of meat. She says it's super salty. I'll have to start eating more fruit or something.. she's a good girl though, she'll still do it if I ask.

I did a few times but now im a girl for my mature man and he feeds me his sweet cum 2 times per day

>tfw started eating it when i first discovered fapping at 12 because I was a dumb 12 y/o
>so used to it I give no fucks about doing it
Game was rigged from the start for me lads

yes and it was awful
licking up precum is delicious though, quite a shock when your cum tastes bad after tasting precum

Practice makes perfect my friend

tried it once, it was fine. I hear that if you eat pineapple it tastes better. Also i got it in my eye once, that wasn't fun.

how do you fags shoot so far, am I just old?

the key is edging

Not him, but that's bullshit. I've edged, i take the holy grail of cum supplements and still I alway dribble. The furthest I've shot is a literal inch

>Not him, but that's bullshit. I've edged, i take the holy grail of cum supplements and still I alway dribble. The furthest I've shot is a literal inch
Well sorry man, it seems to work for me.

Yeah, everytime i fap, i collect it all in my hand and eat it. Tastes like goat's milk, a bit sweeter .

I have and it was one of this most disgusting things I have ever put in my mouth. Can't even describe the taste.

No, my initials aren't CWC.

You and me, brother. You and me.

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>ate cum twice
>literally can't do it again 4 years later
I keep wanting to try, just because i'm curious again but I literally just can't get the guts to do it again and every time I cum I immediately feel regret for doing so. I've gotten cum on my hands a lot thinking i'm gonna eat it then feel regret and make a mess trying to get up and clean it all