What causes incels to refuse to get a ginger gf?
What causes incels to refuse to get a ginger gf?
I would do anything for a ginger girl user
Incels don't really want gfs despite popular belief
>no penis
>What causes incels to refuse to get a ginger gf?
It requires effort
No you won't lazy incel
I'm not lazy I have a full time job and it makes me want to kill myself
Other people with jobs manage to find gfs too, you're a lazy fuck
cause ginger girls were the first to go black decades ago
Yeah, people with decent hours, you try getting off at 12am everyday and meeting people
Get a better job nigga
use a dating app you volcel
I am, there aren't any ginger girls
I banged a ginger girl I found on interpals who lives not far form me
as a ginger femanon I don't understand why robots refuse to date me either. Every one I have talked to on Discord has said they don't like ginger girls. It's very unfortunate.
> tfw no robot bf
They are afraid of having ginger sons in the future
Pls talk to me on discord femanon
>Every one I have talked to on Discord has said they don't like ginger girls.
Aside from the fact that you're obviously larping, this is also a lie. Redheads are fetishized and worshipped everywhere. If anything the competition for them is higher than other women because it's such a rare feature.
I wont because you'll just block me
No, I'll make you my girlfriend
Obvious bait for incels
I really don't think this is a good idea
What causes all women except for asians to refuse a ginger bf?
Not that I'm not happy with my Chinese qt, but it still confuses me
actually there is this cute ginger girl but shes my friend atm since shes dating another girl, shes quirky like nobody else and is kinda a robot. and a domme,
god what i would do for someone so perfect.
its fine tho since we are chill, and her gf is my close friend too so overall im not jelly or anything. ill just have to keep looking for another woman.
i can tell more if anybodys interested in knowingmore about 'er
ginger women come in many shapes and sizes but i can defo say that there is a ginger for everybody out there, i dont think its the fact your ginger thats an issue, your unique so enjoy it
> she's a ginger
I may be an incel but I'm still not that low
A better question would be why do I only attract redheaded girls? All I ever wanted was a decent normal GF, yet I keep getting redhead after redhead. I wish that for once I could have a GF who isn't a disgusting mutant.
Does God hate me? Is this a punishment?
>implying it would make a difference aside from the fact that this one has red hair instead of brown/black/blonde/whatever
That isnt even mentioning how a fuckton of redheads arent naturally a ginger, they just dyed their hair red.
For whatever reason it's just seen as a feminine feature.
red heads are never single
I'd love a Ginger gf!
I hope she is loving and kind, I dont normally like pubic hair but i like ginger fire Bush!
I think i would be a good bf.
>What causes incels to refuse to get a ginger gf?
>implying the average user here is an incel, not a volcel of some kind
1. Women in general are awful people and ginger women are no exception. If anything they're worse. I make it a point to avoid interacting with people who make my life worse.
2. She provides no utility and costs me money. If I wanted a pet, I'd get one, and it would cost less. Sure, I can't fuck the pet, but it provides more companionship than a woman.
3. If she is fucking me (which is unlikely), it's only to try to get more stuff out of me. She views sex as transactional at best, and a way to "train" me at worst.
4. In addition to providing essentially nothing to me and costing me money, her drama will overcomplicate my life and she will likely share none of my interests or hobbies, as she has not developed a personality due to being a woman.
5. She's a legal and financial risk. Even just being around her raises the chances of my life being destroyed on a whim by others from a near-zero to mid-single digit percentages, an increase of several orders of magnitude.
I could go on, but essentially it's the same as for every woman. You simply are not worth the risk. If you could cook, clean, were pleasant, and weren't legally allowed to destroy any man you wished at any time for no reason with virtually no consequences I might consider it.
t. 6 figure salary, single, no family, no debt, not fat, 6'
> incels don't want this
I'm not an incel, and no. That has around a 7 figure price point for a man like me. I can buy a pocket pussy for under 200 dollars if I want my cock in a hole.
Believe me user: you don't really want a ginger gf. They have so many poisonous vaginal juices. Basically, you're much better off vowing to live an ascetic life for 15 years while you roam the wilderness of Egypt. Do that, and if you still want a ginger GF then maybe you can start considering getting one.