Why would you want to share your life with someone if you're not happy with your life?
Why would you want to share your life with someone if you're not happy with your life?
Because to some people, loneliness is worse.
i need someone to share my unhappy life with
Why not focus on creating a good life first so you're able to rely on yourself instead of other people?
everything that you do is on that basis including looking for a relationship
If someone considers their life an unhappy mess they should fix that first.
yea and sometimes that involves getting in a relationship, you seem to think people are only unhappy because they are victims of their circumstances
Not at that point though. Most single people looking for a relationship are already quite content in life.
so if you're rich full of friends with an caring family and a good job but are still unhappy you're undeserving?
I don't even get how that question is related to the point.
You don't get it because you're retarded. We are unhappy with our lives because we are lonely.
not everyone is neurotypical being unhappy shouldnt, wont and is no reason to not pursue a partner
So apart from gf, you're in the perfect position in life? I doubt that.
It doesn't make any sense to me. Why would anyone want to share their unhappy life with someone?
this is something i struggled witha long time and i felt guilty trying to bring in a girl into my shitty life but i met someone who i just liked too much and it helped me clean up my life a lot. i dont think a girl is a cureall for life problems but sometimes it works out. sometimes you need to take a leap of faith, as normie and cringe as that sounds
Sometimes misery loves company, take this board for instance.
It really just becomes a crutch and an excuse for people not to do anything about their lives. They can blame things they can't control so they can justify their inaction.
>Why would anyone want to share their unhappy life with someone?
so that it may maybe make them happy, would you rather just accept defeat and die early?
A relationship like that is going to be a mess because their lives are a mess. Why not start by making every personal aspect of life good and then bringing in other people into it?
Why the wrong order of things?
>Why not start by making every personal aspect of life good
because thats impossible, you cant help yourself for who you are you just make what you can with what you have
Whoa deep user. DEEP user!
I am now a brave beautiful independent incel who don't need no woman!
That's just an excuse, there's always room for personal improvement and to get to a position you'd be happier in regardless of other people
you can waste your life improving yourself and not getting anywhere, why is it so hard for you to understand that there are people that arent like you?