European robots, what level of hell are you on?

European robots, what level of hell are you on?

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Not as bad as the rest, but still suffering.

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dutchie or waffleland?

33 here in Bongistan
I wanna die

Only 27 here in the norf. So not too bad.

Same as you, also a dutchie

immigrent in waffleland

ah a fellow waffle robot

I hope you are on the good side of this non country. aka not a frenchy.

Not bad, but still annoying without ac

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I want to buy an AC just can't decide if it should be a portable one or not. Also have no idea how i would instal one.

yeah dont worry lmao I'm Gent area

close to the Oostende. nice. (unless you are not allowed to swim in the sea there)

close to Oostende***

41Celsius here in germanistan . Sandniggers brought their hell weather with em

It was 35 a while ago. Starting to cool down now but not expected to drop below 20 tonight.

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40 here in France, please end me

hahaha only 18 degree celcius where I live in the good ol USA

I always thought majority of euro Europe for the most part never broke 90F/30C because of the latitude

I'm gonna die. I wasn't made to suffer such heat, fuck my weak immune system.

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One of the migrents will do it for free.

Same temperature over there right now as it is in the Arizona desert. Granted we're having a humid cloudy week, but still

Temps above 30 are more comment than you think. Rare but more commen than you think.

>suffering at 2
Literally Weakling

To be fair to him, he is in Norway. his balls can handel turning in to icecubes.

it was 42 an hour ago

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I was just reading about the heat wave that is hitting you guys right now and it sounds pretty funny. Europe doesnt come across as a place where you would go up into the 40C/110F area so I can understand the panic. Pic related is average southwest USA temp during the summer

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I hope for you that every house and building has a goddamn AC.

Stuck in East Devon here ye

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Having an AC is nice but holy fuck our electrical bills spike in the summer months. Most people just open all the windows until it gets dark and run their AC while they sleep. Granted if it gets in to the 60s we bundle up like a snow storm is coming

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I do the opasite. the windows stay closed until the breath of satan passes. the windows stay open at night. the weather has been perfect at night lately.

Its hard, not gonna lie

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Just be glad you are Jew cattle instead of Muslim cattle. Krauts are paying three times as much

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