Why is it that I meet cute normie girls irl, but fembots wont even talk to me? Explain yourself fembots!

Why is it that I meet cute normie girls irl, but fembots wont even talk to me? Explain yourself fembots!

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Yeah, the fat fembots are the most entitled too, it's a waste of time to talk to girls on the internet, below average men swarm for their attention and now they have big ego's

Maybe because femanons that aren't attention whites and worth knowing are shit talked into hiding .

The worst thing is hearing them complain that guys dont want to date them when swarms of guys, many of whom are actually attractive and nice, are competing for their attention.

Well they should hide, they should reply to this thread and say, "OP I will give you a chance, drop contact."

Fuck, "they should not hide" is what I meant.

Exactly, I've met very few actual ugly robots, most of them are just stupid/insecure, the females on here though, if they're not obese and ugly, they're bpd and have hundreds of boyfriends, sometimes they're both bpd and obese, which is the worst to run into


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Pretty much this, we only have ourselves to blame

Pic related is typical Amerimutt breed.

The one type of girl you want to NEVER interact with is an internet girl. I would rather hang out daily with some ratchet hood black girl and listen to her than ever deal with an internet girl. I've met girls from games, Plebbit and /soc/'; every single one is the same

>mental illness
Either they are very mentally ill and not medicated or they have self diagnosed themselves with a flurry of illnesses so they seem unique. A word of warning, if you see a girl start off her description as "I have BPD" or "I have depression" then run as far away as possible. That will be ALL she talks about, scratch that, whines about. She doesn't want help, she wants attention.

Every single internet girl that claims to be lonely actually had more objects in orbit than Jupiter. Whilst she's talking to you she's typing to 20 other guys and in 4 other discords talking about how lonely she is. When she tells you goodnight she'll be staying up for another 30 minutes to tell everyone else goodnight. When she says "you're the only one I can talk to about this" she means you're the only one replying to her at that moment. If you do a stupid thing like date an internet girl those orbitters will be whispering into her ear non-stop trying to end things between you

Forget the mental illness bollocks, because internet girl have never had anyone put them in their place or tell them no they are full on fucking crazy. One /soc/ girl whined about how her work was forcing her to cut heir hair because she works in a factory so in retaliation she bit her supervisor's finger off when he wagged it at her. One Plebbit girl followed me home from an event because I didn't interact with her a lot and she wanted to talk to me


From an user who wasted 6 years on one and then tried to get over her by going through other internet girls

Yeah, half asian, half mexican

because we're socially awkward as fuck

Yeah yeah yeah 0rgnini

You dont need to be shy, I dont bite. I'm friendly.

Fat BPD fembot here. Everyone else I have met with bpd seems to be skinny, cant relate.

This is very accurate origi

Because fembots don't actually exist

See what I am talking about? I get ZERO interest from girls here. Not even a teensie bit. Its hurtful.

she looks 14 years old bro.

It says 19 right there, my hands are clean. How could I know any better?

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The group you need to look for is girls who are introverted/shy but don't know about imageboards, tumblr, reddit or any other shit like that. They are extremely rare but I meet one girl who only watched YouTube all day long so she had no contact to orbiters.