prove you are an incel and tell us the amount of times you got rejected
I'm at 5 so far.
prove you are an incel and tell us the amount of times you got rejected
I'm at 5 so far.
time to find myself an alien gf
Im not a pathetic incel like you. Fucks like you are regarded as trash as the general public. Maybe you should try another way of life like living in a dark cave permanently. Honestly nobody wants to see fucks like you in the daylight.
I've lost count. However, that's a bad metric - people with girlfriends have been rejected many times before they found someone. If anything, it shows how outgoing you are and how much you're willing to ask people out.
>0 times tried
>0 times rejected
I'm not an incel. I'm a normie with a gf that comes here sometimes to shitpost.
>never rejected
>asked a girl out once, she said yes
>got asked out once, rejected her
Feels good to be gangsta
fellow based volcel
>amount of times you got rejected
Asked a girl out once on a friday night when I was 20y old, she said yes, I didn't show up.
Stayed home playing Unreal Tournament, never asked any one out ever again, I'm a 39 KV.
I regret nothing.
honestly lost count. but i have also lost count of my body count which is more than 100. not everyone will dig you but youre not willing to fuck everyone either so just keep trying
>t. normie
Got rejected 0 times. You can't lose if you don't play the game
Sure you can, we all play the game, if you don't play, you just lose by default. It's not any more graceful than trying and losing, you just have more regrets.
>did you think I liked you?
This is the only line that really hit me hard, but 3 times total.
is this your screencap, user?
Is this pic you? This doesn't count as trying or rejection.
It is indeed, she was my first ever crush.
You just ask strangers out.
>being able to measure how ignored you are by society
This thread is retarded.
We're not on reddit, being volcel as you fags call it is a good thing.
You're just like 80 percent of this board at this point. This place isn't even an a robot board anymore. Just a infinitesimal fraction of what it used to be
Then you're setting yourself up for failure just so you can say that you've asked a lot of people out and they've all said no. Sure, you'll have a nice big e-peen, but does anyone truly care what Jow Forums thinks of them?
>letting trolls blow you out that hard
Back in 2014 polls said we were like half virgin, half not. The younger invaders that are not post more often due to being spaz-tastic youths. It makes it seem like it's 100% normalfaggot but they're just too young to have got out of their weird edgy phase and are edgy posers, that's all. Edgy phase makes them want to bother you for the sake of bothering you.
>this doesn't count as trying or rejection
The bait quality here needs some work.
>5 times
It doesn't get better with the years.
I'm 33 and I'm sure it matches the number of rejections. And the worse part is that I keep trying, for some stupid reason
>amount of times I got rejected
>amount of times I didn't get rejected
also 0
During the past year I've asked 4 chicks on a date. Every time, a day or two before the date, they always end up cancelling it. I've got "i'm not ready for a BF right now", "I ended up being busy that day", and even a "let's invite friends and just go as a group of friends instead of a date".
Before this year I've always been too much of a coward to ask someone out. I guess it's time I go back to hiding in my shell.
at least 20
could be more.
only one girl I was ever interested in enough to ask out; she said yes but after it was over she said she wanted to remain friends, so yes, 1 rejection
at least I belong somewhere now which is all I ever really wanted
It was 15 years ago.
>prove you are an incel
Nu-r9k everyone
Also daily reminder that summer will be over soon
I'm still an incel because I have a small dick.
Girl 1
>Be friend-zoned by qt 6/10 girl
>Always beta orbited so much, she got annoyed by me and treated me like shit
>Want to leave her, but a part of me still wanted to stay with her
>Decided to just tell her my feelings
[SPOILER]Sigh, it's even more beta than that
I wrote a long as love note and read it to her[/SPOILER]
>"I'll think about it"
>the next week, she rejected me by text
>We've stopped hanging out a week later
Girl 2
>Go to her house
>She opens the door
>Asked out 9/10 qt acquaintance
>Start to stammer and got confused
>"Ugh. I'll think about it"
>"What that does that mean?"
>"I'll think about it. Bye."
>Go home
>Later on, search up "I'll think about it"
>Week later she says "Can we still be friends?"
>Now, we don't even like each other
girl 3
>At work
>qt Asian chick started talking to me
>We had a conversation and some laughs
>"Hey, do you wanna hang out after work"
>"Um. I'll think about it"
>"Okay I'll see ya."
>I didn't see her again"
girl 4
>on the bus
>girl on the bus
>Recognize her from work and she talked to me once
>decided to balls up and talk to her
>we had a good conversation
>Our stop was coming
>"Hey, text me sometime"
>"Oh, but I'm not sure you have my number"
>"Okay, let me give it to you."
>"Oh it's okay, when we see each other, I'll give it to you"
>See her again
>She ignores me/tried hard not to maintain eye contact
>Since she lives close, I have to suffer awkward run-ins with each other
1 time tried which worked but it was a fluke and im too pussy and clueless to try again
Girl 5
>Notice another girl from work on the bus
>ballsed up and talked to her
>had a good conversation
>Her stop is coming
>"Oh hey, can I get your number?"
>"Eh, it's kinda late right now. Maybe another time"
>I know it's another rejection
>"Yeah, sure another time"
>She leaves, I grunted on the way home
Girl 6
>One last free ticket to amusement park
>decided to use it to finally ask out my oneitis that works there
>Go there
>She's there
>Ask if I can talk to her in private for a short moment
>Few minutes later she comes out
>I try to have a convo with her first
>"Yeah, um, but user, what did you want to talk to me about"
>Think to myself "Shit, I gotta come out with it now"
>"I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime. With me?"
>"Wait as in hang out?"
>Nnnooo, I mean I wanna take you out"
>She blushes
>"Wow" "I don't know" "Uh, I'm seeing someone right now..."
>Didn't get me that upset/ had a feeling she was
>"But we can hang out, okay?"
>I think she's lying. Either way, I wouldn't really want to hang out with her again anyways
>We hugged
>Said goodbye
>Went home miserable/tired
>Went to sleep for hours
Girl 7
>New work place
>Break time
>See qt girl sitting alone
>Ballsed up and sit next to her to talk
>try to make conversation and ask her about herself
>Mostly short replies and she didn't bother to reciprocate conversation
>she kept texting her cell
>asked if she wanted to grab something to eat
>"Naw, I just ate."
>Said okay, then I left
Girl 8
>Get number from girl I used to work with
>Text each other every time
>Try to go on dates but she flakes alot and we live far from each other
>We still get long texts
>One day she assumes I only want sex from her
>Tell her to meet me at school for me to explain and ask to be my gf
>she says no
>She asked me out for Valentines but it was just for her to do something because she was bored
>We never talked again
Began seeing this one waitress from work
>real qt. 3.14
>both finish work early and decided to mingle after work
>made my way and finally kissed her
>Really nice kiss, my first kiss ever
>Instantly had romantic interest in her more
>ask her out for a date outside work and she said yes
>the day comes but she flaked out because shes at the club or house warming
>"Okay some next time"
>Friend told me "dont wife it just fuck her at her crib"
>Flakes again
We were still "seeing" each other but Ive never had a real date with her yet. I kept asking out. I decided to ask her out 1 more time but she still stood me up. Literally played with my feelings. 2 weeks later she fucks some other co-workers. I felt so depressed after that.
Ive asked out other women after, but its almost always the same as these stories. Kinda gets tedious.
Only once but it completely crushed my willpower
I haven't asked a woman out nor spoken to one outside of a professional environment since
Holy shit. Just when I thought no one could get worse than me.
Every time I went on the offensive and asked a girl out, I've failed. 50+
Every time an okay girl threw herself at me, I accepted. 5
Not a robot, but I sure feel like one.
>Never try
>Never fail
I actually did plan a date with a girl I met on Tinder, but her aunt ODed on the day of the date and that killed the mood. I havent bothered asking any girls out since.
>her aunt ODed
Lol, goddamn. What luck.
>Life is such unutterable hell, solely because it is sometimes beautiful. If we could only be miserable all the time, if there could be no such things as love or beauty or faith or hope, if I could be absolutely certain that my love would never be returned: how much more simple life would be. One could plod through the Siberian salt mines of existence without being bothered about happiness. Unfortunately the happiness is there. There is always the chance (about eight hundred and fifty to one) that another heart will come to mine. I can't help hoping, and keeping faith, and loving beauty. Quite frequently I am not so miserable as it would be wise to be.
T.H. White
Dunno, I'd estimate at least 10 times irl. I've also been trying dating apps for about a year
Had a girlfriend for a month once before she lost interest, and had a pity date before that
Still a virgin, still lonely
>Listen, I know you're almost certainly going to say no, but
Why would say that
at least you tried.
some fags here don't even leave the house.
Never but i rejected at least 20 times.
Yeah bitches i know im handsome but i have smol dick and skin problems so fuck off and let me be
I don't bother. I'm disfigured enough that even my approach earns me grimaces and hushed whispers. I can't imagine what the reaction would be if I actually asked a girl out.
What do you look like? Just curious originally