Whats thr nicest thing ypu ever did

Whats thr nicest thing ypu ever did

Post it hete i will ratr it

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Saved a puppy I found on the street
The little shit barks at everyone and tries to eat kids but hey, I like him

I raised three daughters for random Chad's to fuck in the ass

Are you drunk? I talk like that when I'm drunk

Good i am glad you saved the puppy!! 3/10
Go out my thread...

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I encouraged "people" to kill themselves. I helped them ending their misery.

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Picked my ex wifes autistic and retarded half brother up from his mothers house where he was being abused/tortured and drove him from Arizona to LA, taking the day off of work after just starting a new job to do so

Funny how people try to depict you as a piece of shit only after you do a ton of shit for them

in fifth or sixth grade my friend didn't have his school project ready because he was a fat lazy Mexican so at the last minute I let him pretend we did my project together. The teacher got really mad at us, but let it slide. We still got a D probably because I'm borderline retarded. I hope he's doing well.

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Cummed inside foster child

10/10 if they are lgbtbbq

Thid is veru nice 310Bad 310 upu tried thats what matt e emost
Reporting tbos

Fuck no, I am putting that fucker down next Month. He is annoying and a drain on resources.

that's what's up niggy

I euthanize stray cats in my neighborhood so they don't bother me or my neighbors.

I send new people messages to block more

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Taught literacy to the homeless voluntarily, helped refugees to learn English, gave homeless people the coat off my back in the winter, raised money for sick kids.

My fetish is to let men like you use all my holes while you call me a pussycat

encouraged someone suffering to kill themselves and reincarnate into a better life.

>live in shitty section 8 duplex because NEET
>neighbors are nigs, wifebeaters and crackheads
>crackhead neighbor next to me in duplex has a cat he refuses to let inside
>never see him feed or water it
>cat is crippled, back leg must have broken and never healed
>can barely hunt for itself, if at all, never leaves his tiny unfenced yard
>have to watch this everyday for over a year
>sneak food to cat, neighbor catches me one time and tells me to fuck out of his yard
>absolutely livid when he kicks the cat
>wait until neighbor leaves the next weekend
>grab cat and gtfo
>feed and pet him, he is responsive to love but definitely all fucked up from life outside
>coughs constantly, starts to slowly put on weight
>neighbor gets home, takes a while for him to notice the cat is gone
>of course he comes to find me as no one else has ever shown attention to the cat
>lel nope, no cat here and you are definitely not going to come into my house
>he tells me its his kids cat and now its gone its making the kid really upset
>i have never seen this kid play with or even go outside to interact with the cat
>oh well, hope you find your cat, i could help you look if you want
>he gives me the nignog stink eye and leaves
>hide cat inside until I find another sec 8 rental that allows pets
>takes about 3 months, finally able to take cat to the vet now i'm not being watched
>took x-rays, leg is mangled internally but he can still hop and doesnt seem to be in pain
>but there is a problem, he has heartworms and its advanced pretty far
>i could treat it but there is lung and heart damage from rampant parasite infection and its not going to do much good
>decide to treat it, takes a lot more money than i could really shell out at the time
>he gets somewhat better after the medicine
>but he is on borrowed time, and i know it and he knows it
>do everything i can to keep him happy
I named him Hephaestus (Hef) and he lived for another 13 months before he died in his sleep RIP Hef

Only if I can euthanize you after

you are a good man, thank you

I saved an infant's life while they were bleeding out.
I convinced multiple depressed people not to kill themselves as teenagers.
I convinced two girls to stop cutting themselves in high school.
I work with autistic children, teaching them how to speak and engage in social situations through behavioral therapy.
Several people have come to me and thanked me for my refusal to conform in any situation; they told me that my actions encouraged them to take hold of their own lives and stop allowing family or social systems to control their thoughts and actions.
I convinced a woman not to break up with the father of her child after she offered to have sex with me.

Well someone has to do it, right?

By the looks of this thread it seems at minimum 40% of all people are doing it.

Sorru guys but yhid thread hurt my feelings really bad

I cabt raye anymore posts. It hurts my feelings so bas. Goodbye

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I had just finished a really stressful week at uni culminating in an all nighter to finish my last assignment on a Friday. My cousin had a math test on the following Monday he was woefully underprepared for. After I finished my assignment I immediately went to his place and spent two straight days teaching him the content. I was fatigued but he's been like a brother to me and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Perhaps not the nicest thing I've done in my life but the nicest in recent memory.

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