Any anons day drinking?
I'm drinking some IPAs and just enjoying the day. How is everything going for you guys?
Any anons day drinking?
I'm drinking some IPAs and just enjoying the day. How is everything going for you guys?
I'm on a diet so I can't drink anymore. I feel like offing myself daily.
IPAs are for shitskins.
vodka? or something with low calories?
Show us your bitchtits and hot sauce collection
Vodka coke Zero bro
why would you suggest that?
Would love a drink right now but I have mild heat stroke and it'd give me a massive headache
>not a drinker
Just hydrate and grab yourself a drink man. I love a hot day while enjoying drink
>enjoying drinks
I really want to daydrink but i am living with my family for the summer and i dont want them to find out im an alcoholic, so im trying to reduce how much i drink. I have some alcohol when they go to sleep though or when im out with friends.
how can you not?
Of all the alcohol's of the world Vodka is one that I absolutely despised the most. While my all time favorite is one people usually hate with a passion. How does Gin stack up in terms of calories vs vodka?
vodka is your friend. Look for low calorie mixers or just drink it straight. You'll want to avoid beer as well
i really enjoy cream ales, the only true american drink. its tragic you like ipas cause that shit is getting pushed so hard for the past 5 years donno if youre a larping beersnob or just being honest
I would, but I just got done having bright yellow shits
Just being honest, I'm not a beer snob either. I get them for free so might as well drink em
I asked my dad if he could drive me to the beer store, and just got back. I got 4 natty daddys and have yet to crack one open.
my shit is fucked though
>chronic vascular disorder in my legs
>pain like fuck
>feels like veins are going to explode
>fatty liver with fibrosis mild
>head currently hurts from punching myself in the head a week ago
etc etc etc the problems never end and theres no cure or useful treatment for the shit ive got.
>contemplating suicide has become normal for me
i dont even want to drink but i need some relief from my pains
I think it's pretty similar. Just stay away from mixers that have lots of sugar
I only drink my alcohol straight so that's no problem for me.
>I get them for free
oh shit, you a bartender or got family who vendors for breweries?
ya that sounds like shit. are you middle aged, how did you get so fucked?
>oh shit, you a bartender or got family who vendors for breweries?
yeah my brother works for a microbrewery and bring homes about 50 pints a week
i was just born this way. except for the fatty liver, I did that to myself. Im not middle aged, but ive had my problems since i was young.
damn your lucky. i gotta stay bottom shelf to maintain volume
>fatty liver
rip bro. with tou on the other shit thought. dont think i got a fatty liver, but my pancreas is definitely dying cause im always hungry so i know my insulin aint right
my liver wouldnt be a problem if i stopped drinking, but im an alcohol and i really dont want to live past 40 anyway.
Just drinking some shit champagne to pass the time
>but im an alcohol
lol same but sometimes extended bouts of .5 BAC really hurts. though to be honest, it seems inevitable if one doesnt have a community, meaningful career, or reason for hope. wouldnt have wished for it this way, but it cant be helped
damn, you must have went to the cellar for that
yeah its pretty sweet. There's no way I would buy IPAs on my own
i'm hungover as shit, I drank 14 beers last night in the course of about 10 hours not bad I guess but I ate a lot and puked for the first time in forever..
should I hair of the dog to get rid of this hangover?
just start drinking again
Go on a jog, exercise helps