Did anyone else get really into the anti-sjw thing back when it was relevant and now have dozens of youtube/social media accounts that are subscribed to all these stale channels? Wat are some things to follow now that anti sjw is dead?
Did anyone else get really into the anti-sjw thing back when it was relevant and now have dozens of youtube/social...
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Why is it dead? Is it cool to be an sjw now?
The LOGIC AND FACTS audience moved on to race realism and fascist terrorism.
Anti sjws are still around. They're just part of the right now.
unironically the young turks
Secular Talk is great
>Did anyone else get really into the anti-sjw thing back when it was relevant
I'm still into it
There is something entertaining about watching these retarded s o y filled retards fight each other
Sargoon with his milk-fed gimp Vee, the anime mafia, quarter pounder, etc are entertaining with their petty, autistic bigbrained drama.
No just got boring listening to these ecelebs say the same shit over and over
Unless one of them wants to start of a Civil war I dont fucking care.
nope. never subscribed to any of these clowns. the most i did was shitpost about GG just to stir up drama.
The scumbag left.
all the 16 yos who got into it a couple years ago turned 18-19 and realized that listening to some blokes opinion on the internet they not really share is a waste of time.
Also some may have realized that most anti sjw people are just as annoying and over-opinionated as sjws themselves. I mean have you seen the current outrage over the white prince in the mermaid movie paired with a black girl? All the sjws act EXACTLY like your average anti sjw person trying to poke le witty holes in the movies message just because it doesnt suit their personal views
I am 26 and I am anti sjw. To be fair, I have the emotional intelligence of a 12 year old.
this is what youre looking for
hey whatever fills the inner void. Maybe you just personally agree with the general idea tho
anti-SJWs are about 5x as annoying as SJWs ever were and they're utterly obsessed with college students who everybody already understands are completely retarded.
Apathy seems to be the current trend both among leftists and right wingers. I guess everyone memed too hard and called a truce.
They're also way bigger dicks and way more obsessive.
>h-h-hey guys could we include some black actors in this movie so my black daughter has some role models they can watch on the big screen
i mean i still listen to them from time to time, its a good background noise when im doing work or some shit
>The LOGIC AND FACTS audience moved on to race realism and fascist terrorism.
This shit was always gateway to far right shit. They hit low hanging fruit because SJW are moron fringe weirdos. They then use that to push their real agenda which is just as insane if not more.
>Secular Talk is great
Is literally the most bland and boring host ever in the history of anything.
I used to like Peterson quite a bit. Peterson went on quite a bit about how you should read books, work out, get a girlfriend, sort out your life, clean your room etc.
So I did... sans the girlfriend. SJWs lost the culture war the moment durnuld trampf became president. Everybody with any sense moved on from what were great memes in 2015. Nobody is losing their job because they're calling something "they" instead of "xir". SJWs lost so hard they deny they were ever calling for that shit now.
If you understood why the SJWs were terrible rather than simply mirroring them you started living a life where you worked hard, didn't complain, and acted mature. You tried to become the type of person that the self-victimizing SJW would lean on you for support and you could maybe guide them towards being less of a bitch. The point isn't to outcomplain them it's to identify what's wrong with SJWs and become somebody better. These youtubers at the end of the day are unable to mature beyond who they were 4 years ago.
It went full circle basically. In 2014 SJW had melt downs about a TV having another white male lead and videos games not letting you be gay, in 2019 anti-SJWS are having meltdowns about TVs having black characters and gays letting you be gay
everyone goes through the anti sjw phase, then the pol phase, then usually grows out of it. in general, growing out of getting all your information from youtube and imageboards is generally the best idea.
I get all my news and opinions from pol because they are always right,proven several times
originally post
I legitimately heard anti-SJWs complain that Satan was depicted as a bisexual fucking men in this TV show. SATAN. It was that moment I realised how retarded anti-SJWs were.
Then again I live in Vancouver area and we had a black woman motorcyclist die because somebodies creative vision was to race swap the character "domino" despite a complete lack of any black talent at their desired shooting location so they just had somebody drastically underqualified due stunts. They went through a window and died. I luled and smiled when I realised forced diversity ultimately undermines itself. You can SJW-up your movie all you want but it's not gonna stop Frozen from being a blockbuster and Ghostbusters from being a bomb.
Ultimately crying over creative decisions is stupid just vote with your feet because ultimately when people try to force diversity too hard they only punish themselves. I remember watching star wars 8 and going "hey they just replaced the aliens with minorities" and lo and behold that movie was shit. There's no need to throw a bitchfit.
I did. Don't really feel like it's wrong to be into it either. You're a retard if you like Sargon and quarterpounder though. Just means you're jumping a bandwagon rather than thinking with your head
I was an anti SJW. It started with the SJW reaction to Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke. People were calling it a rape song. I liked thunderf00t, Sargon, TLDR, Chris Raygun, etc. I used to read TheRedPill, not for the sexual strategy but to jerk my dick to the woman hating. I almost got into the race realism side of things but I never got deep enough. The funny thing is though, when I started to make real friends, I stopped giving a fuck about SJWs. Then I started getting life experience and kinda understood where SJWs were coming from. They were well intentioned psychos. The straw that broke the camels back was watching videos on the subject in the OP. I was watching 30 year old men sperg out about a cartoon characters tits not being big and I realized that I couldn't give any less of a fuck. Since I quit that shit, I've been a happier guy. I can enjoy movies and tv again. I'm not looking for SJW "propaganda" in everything.
It still annoys me when progressive themes are awkwardly forced into media but I don't feel the need to dwell on it and watch YouTube videos about it. It's opened my mind up more too. I no longer get offended by words like "toxic masculinity" because I know what they're talking about when they say it. They're not saying being manly is bad, they're saying things like bottling up emotions, acting as if women are your property, resorting to violence to prove your manliness, etc.
You wanna know what's sad? The SJWs were just misguided kids. They wanted to change the world but didn't know how. They grew out of it and started trying to change the world in ACTUAL ways.
The anti SJWs are the real SJWs. They always have been. Remember in the 00s when conservatives lost their shit because Walmart said "happy holidays" instead of "merry Christmas"? Have you noticed how conservatives rush to call you an anti Semite if you don't give a fuck about Israel?
Jesus this entire thing is pathetic. Go outside if this isn't a copypasta
I take it you're one of the retards who still gives a fuck about SJWs in current year?
I got super into the anti sjw and then just fell out of it when I realized how there wasn't much difference between them and the sjws they criticized
Not really. You just sound pathetic as fuck.
Was anti SJW and now I'm a social conservative
Really don't care about any of the GG channels or ben shapiro anymore though. I just watch whoever like ADoseofBuckley and MisterMetokur because I like hearing white boomers with asian fetishes complain about modern culture and degenerate stupid people