>win both: failed normalfag
>fail: cyborg
>win right: normalfag
>win left: robot
>tfw femanon tho
when you cant explicitly fit in any groups
The right is a bit too easy, granted I failed the left miserably and am not claiming to be a robot but having friends, working, staying in shape, using drugs, social media, being able to talk to people or leaving the house on the weekends are relative norms
Oh boy, looks like im a cyborg. Those two are so equally balanced between each other too.
Perhaps I should have combined two other versions for this quadrant style test. So sorry.
i dont feel like this represents me at all
yeah Im thinkin im based
>tfw double robot
>calls it stupid bingo in filename
>lost v-card
>double normal bingo winner
Type better normalfag, it represents you fine.
So what do I originally win?
You win the Jow Forums and get to use it and belong.
Am i a failed normalfag or what?
...That's real neat.
oops i forgot to check r9k and also holding one birthday party.
im a cyborg becoming a failed normie
Got diddled as a kid, so technically not a virgin :^)
First of all: you're a brainlet
>tfw actually unironically 90 iq
how the fuck are you supposed to be jobless and minimum wage at the same time?
I saw this on the front page.......
Here you go OP.
what am i, unoriginally
missed the chance to get laid
bingo on the right
It's cool, I'm leaving this site in a month anyways
Damn, and I was almost a normalfag too
>this thread
Maybe i should just an hero already.
I don't even know why i'm posting this. i'm not any different from the rest
robot i guess
Some of these are technical and not really cross worthy, but i chose them anyway.
ambigious test
How do you retards fail so hard at life?
Every now and then you all remind me that suicide is not for me lmao
>not using the catalog
>implying you have to pick both for some reason
Both of you need to see:
Most of the normie tier things are from childhood, especially the team sports thing. Grandfather forced me into baseball
Also I have no coworkers to ignore, I work entirely alone at my job, if I need to talk to someone I have to email management
damn that sounds comfy, what's your occupation user?
Security. It's a shady, janky graveyard shift where my "office" is my car, I have no running water or lights or anything
But I watch anime all night and get paid to stare at a gate, without having to interact with people, so pros and cons
Its weekends only tho so I'm looking at getting a real job soon, but I'd like to go on a trip before that so im procrastinating
what is black sheep?
either way i almost filled the entire fucking thing
Won't someone end my suffering?
Minimum wage? I don't even have any neetbux.
Not working because I'm doing a PhD and moved back home to watch the place for my parents and save for buying a house.
Too normie for Jow Forums, don't care enough to fit in with normies. I'm usually the centre of attention when I go out and can easily talk to people but I can also spend a month not talking to a single person.
Here's mine, I'm bored
>what is a search engine?
It means most of the family dislike you out of all others in your family.
>insignificant amount in both bingos
OK what the fuck even am i
A huge fuckin' loser.
Hello sigh borg. Having fun not belonging in either world? I know you aren't.
I agree with you completely but then again...i must have *something* going for me since females go crazy on the rare occasion i actually interact with them...after all they are the gatekeepers of evolution and they WOULD and DID accept me as a baby juice provider....
Or maybe women are into good looking charismatic losers who knows
what does it mean if I didnt get a bingo on either?
checked about double the boxes on the normie one than on the robot one
Would this make me a failed normal fag?
>having fun
Things have been quite good. Life past month I'd rate 10/10, going to spend birthday alone on Sunday which is something. Going to have some of my expensive tea instead of the normal normal priced teas.
Image unrelated just the Google Chrome benchmark which Youtube, a website by Google, scores dogshit at if you go and try on Youtube.
Cyborg I think but I have a few questions
1. Is working out a hobby
2. Does playing (team) sports include when you were in Middle school even if you were bad?
It's just kinda fucked because both of those will impact whether or not I get a bingo and determine what category i am in.