>exhentai is being taken down
>he didn't keep an archive of his favorites
Exhentai is being taken down
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fuck you, you scared me for a minute
I can't use that link because I still refuse to make an account for porn.
Why do people like doujins? I want to fap, not read fiction. It's bad enough consuming fiction when you're not fapping, why waste time with plot?
context is the key to arousal for me.
use nhentai faggot
Some weird fetishes require a narrative
Thank God I use Tsumino and Nhentai I never even managed to access sadpanda. And thank God I have a shit load of files (more than 50000) already saved in numerous devices
it's not a joke bros
i only fap to text based eroges
yeah thank god that you use virus and bloat riddled websites that are inferior in almost every way am i right
>he masturbates solely to physical forms
The thing is, my dear friend, that I will be able to continue using those sites while your beloved panda will vanish into thin air tomorrow
You must be a pleb if you think the only way to provide a narrative is through multiple images.
> I want to fap, not read fiction.
>why waste time with plot?
So what do you fap to that doesn't have plot or images? The sound of skin flapping against skin?
Ever hear of a site called Danbooru? You have to pay to get full access, or be a great member. I've been one since 2007.
It has lots of porn on it.
Why pay? There's sites that are free and have the same content.
Those are images. You've failed at providing what I asked.
can someone give me a reason to save sadpan archives when the same thing is on e-hentai? the only things I can think of are possible the shota and loli shit and some untranslated doujin mags
From my understanding of it, e-hentai will be closed too, six months from now
superior in that they do not require a fucking data trail to look at porn.
They're images, and they're porn. You can fap to them, and they often provide self contained context.
Pic related. Did you need multiple pages of text and multiple panes with multiple images to understand the situation presented?
nhentai scrapes panda and the staff on h said that thats not gonna last long too. our only hope is that 2ch or japfags or people like you reading this post can help us in preserving ex
I don't fully understand the context presented, nor do I find underwear hot without knowing the character. your image is not worth fapping to.
If you can't understand what's going on in that image, you might LITERALLY have autism. I'm not even saying that to be mean.
She is clearly caught in the act of dressing/undressing, and is seen by the viewer. She's embarrassed, angry, and trying to hide her nearly naked body, literally shaking, and ready to attack the viewer if they do not leave.
Why is it being taken down?
Literally due to pedos.
I dont see any problem with this. I always fap to my imagination because its just easier to imagine the perfect scenario rather than stick your face into a screen. I guess NPC cumbrains will never understand.
Because Danbooru has better tagging standards. Gelbooru often just rips old/bad tags from Danbooru and never updates them.
yes but why is she undressing and why is there somebody there to view her? is she shakily undressing because she is shy in general? is she a tomboy? a tsundere? is she undressing because she is being coerced? was she undressing in another room when somebody started reading her diary and she rushed in to snatch it? how ready is she to attack? her facial expression is much less clear than her body language.
and theres still the fact that something much hotter might happen after said image. why would I fap to a girl in underwear?
I kept putting off making an account, too late now I guess. I thought I learned my lesson with bakabt. at least that site is still around.
I watch it to have a good fap and feel at the end of the fap
thats the one where the succubus becomes human because she was a virgin right?
The end is near and the Olympic games of 2020 will be the beginning of the end of the entire Otaku industry as we know. I'm scared because I watch anime and read manga. Since I read more manga than watch anime the shit will hit hard my life.
I hope Japan have balls stop face off all SJW and their bullshit or will be a lot of angry Robots around the world going full hero against leftists.
But why? EU law hasn't changed in terms of lolicon. And there's no news about this anywhere. They are shutting down exhentai for nothing.
I'm becoming very concerned over the restriction of information in europe, especially considering how unified policies in general are being enforced upon unwilling populations by bypassing country constitutions (though it's a country law in this particular case).
orginal of course
I tried to warn you but no one listened, a few other places will come first your small favorites most likely then it'll be here thats gone
Wait what? Why? It's the thing I've been using to fap for years, where will I find the westerns they had there without the shitty ads of other sites!
>She is clearly caught in the act of dressing/undressing, and is seen by the viewer. She's embarrassed, angry, and trying to hide her nearly naked body, literally shaking, and ready to attack the viewer if they do not leave.
But this really isn't enough. It reads like a cue for an inprov, but not the sketch itself.
>girl is naked and you see her
Okay, there you go, buddy. Get fapping.