On probation for being black

>on probation for being black
>not supposed to drink

fuck the crackers

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Fucking niggers l swear to god

>on probation for being mental
>not supposed to do drugs
>high off meth

Fuck the system

is this real or satire?

The office women love me for some reason though so they tell me little bits of secrets...such as the fact that the probation program doesnt have enough money for drug tests for the next 2 months so i can do drugs as much as i want

word I do cbd hemp flower because it doesn't show up unless you smoke a fuckton and a few drinks is only in your piss for like 40 hours

got a discord?

But i was under the impression that CBD doesnt get you high? Like it is actually supposed to help nutcases such as me with paranoia, delusions and psychotic behaviour. What are you getting out of that?

Never used discord way too shy hombre

bro theres been so many times I smoke a cbd hemp flower blunt and was panicking thinking oh shit oh shit oh shit they gave me the wrong stuff fuck im fucked oh shit im high as fuck and then I piss tested myself and im negative

it does something

Probs fair

Sounds like a high to me allright. Have you tried being upront with the probation staff and telling them that you smoke?

Cause i did and when i tested positive for THC she literally said "Well, you are bit positive for THC but since youve been honest with me and stay out of trouble i wont report it to the judge". Might be worth a shot idk

Drop the race bait faggot.
>being stopped from drinking alcohol
It goes out of your system in 24 hours, who the fuck are 'they' kidding?

they're on my ass for being black I have a prescription for weed and they still wont let me smoke

they just add as many rules as they can to throw everyone in jail as much as they possibly can

Why do niggers do this?

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I dont shoot nobody man. I just want to mind my own business and play some video games and get fucked up and make some money

I dont hurt nobody ive never even shot anybody I just want a gun for self protection im chillin

Yeah i get ya.
We whites play the CRAZAY card to be left on disability while yall play the DEALER card.

We all survive as we can

you got disability? any tips? I have no health insurance im fucked

im not so much crazy mentally but I have depression anxiety and fucked up mood disorders but my body is fucked. always tired always sick get headaches always I get sick as fuck to my stomach

I want disability so fucking bad. then again I have too much money in my savings to get it I just want these fuckers to fuck off with that get a job shit

lmao white people are cowards

>white guy cries on the floor while police make him play Simon Says
>gets shot anyway

>black guy stands up for himself and shoots back
>is never caught because police are scared of him

But you have to blame everything on whitey. There is no sense of personal responsibility. It's always the crackas' fault instead of thinking, hey maybe I shouldn't get caught doing illegal shit that will get me in trouble. And once junior police officers finally make the connection that anytime they stop a black guy they find drugs on him, it must be racism.

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other way around

>sir put your hands up
>*puts hand up*
>tackle to ground
>sir im not resisting
>sir im not resisting

all they gotta do is let me leave my shitty small town not trap me here unfairly for a minor crime I got over charged for being black

Well for me it was easier cause i was legit insane doing insane things so the police had to haul me to the looney bin.

But you still have pretty good shot at disability. Just go to a nearest psychiatrist and cry them a river about how you cant handle the real life outside and that you need to be hospitalized. Do that couple of times, let them prescribe you fire-stealing, dick-destroying, emotion-numbing drugs until you have large enough file and a "proof" of being unable to handle life and apply for disability.

Repeat as needed until you get it

do I actually need to be hospitalized? I dont think I can handle that but I literally am shitty at life and cant handle anything

I am so fucking sick and tired all the time I cnat even function for 2 hours a day

I know some retard here who had the cops drag him to the loony bin but he told them the meds were working so they never gave him disability lol

Can't argue that one.

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also aren't you required to do counselling for life after that? my friends that are crazy have to go to a therapist every week or month or whatever for the rest of their life and they cant say no

The meds can work and you can get disability despite that. Because the meds STABILIZE you, not cure you. You are still insane and fighting the voices, delusions or what have you.

I know 2 guys irl who got disability for "depression" without ever setting a foot in the hospital but they both went to the local communist old as fuck psychiatrist who helped them get it....its your choice, either you "do the time" or you dont get to "have the time" if you know what i mean

Did you show up to court wearing a do-rag and aks the judge for leniency?
White people usually put on a polo shirt and try to be respectful. That's how we get off easier.

right my shit isn't even mental issues its more narcolepsy, stomach issues, non stop fatigue, depression, pain, always sick and tired

I dont even really need the money I just want people to fuck off and stop forcing me to get a job

I know 2 scizos out here and one got disability like overnight without trying and the other ones been fighting tooth and nail asking for it and nothing

Thats bullshit mate. They are SUPPOSED to stay on their meds but unless the court ordered them and deemed them dangerous for themselves or others they can just stop going like *this*

yes I showed up to court in a fucking durag you retard

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well one guy told me they cut him off from his meds if he doesn't go to his required monthly therapy shit and he said hes afraid to complain they aren't working and they try different shit that has side effects

the other person I know thats crazy goes to those therapy sessions every week or month or something and hes less retarded and out of it than the other one so I believe him

Brock got off bcuz daddy bought him the best lawyers. Don't hate the playa, hate the game.

I'm mixed and I've been scared around black people (unless mixed) my whole life, they always pick on me and are loud
Does that make me self hating

if a black person got "the best lawyers" there still would be a 1-2 year sentence I bet

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Okay, so let's say there is an 8% difference in sentence lengths on average. If you were a judge, and 85% of the people you have to sentence are all the same color, wouldn't you be a little apathetic, too?
All I'm saying is, instead of blaming it on whitey, I'd be blaming it on all the other jive-hoppin, durag rockin niggers that came before me.

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did I kill anyone? no. did I get charged with a violent crime? no. are blacks the main offenders out here? no. do I have a single violent offense? no.

all my charges have been drug related. ALL TWO OF THEM. it shows im a fucking addict who needs therapy and recovery and shit not fucking ball busting overly cruel punishment that just fucks my head up even worse and stacks the odds up against me worse

FUCK the whites. oh you're addicted to drugs? well better stop now or you're going to jail. fuck these crackers maybe there will be some fucking gun violence if I start picking them off.

The law only knows how to punish people for criminal offenses. It doesn't rehabilitate.
I personally think all drugs should be legal. But until they are, it IS illegal.
But somehow this is all whiteys fault. Instead of lifting yourselves up, black people just blame the boogieman.

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the fact that no one can tell if this is bait or not is telling about the absolute state of niggers

man I just wish I could pay a lawyer to get me out of this shit...I would do anything to finish it up

I would fucking take 4 or 5 months in jail or something JUST LET THIS BE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do pigskins ban absolutely fucking everything they dislike? I just want to do drugs in peace man.

Lmao this fuck nigga. Don't you get tired of making these threads? I don't know why I expect more of blackbots in terms of handling their business, but God forgive me I do. You're stronger than that. You're more self aware than that and you need to fucking stop it. And if you want to get out of that fucking town, you can get out of that fucking town. You've cried, now get on it.