Trannies need love too, you know. Why don't you give one of us a chance? We could be the girl of your dreams if you let us have the chance.
Trannies need love too, you know. Why don't you give one of us a chance...
>Trannies need love too
if by love you mean a bullet in between their eyes, I agree
>We could be the girl of your dreams
My dream girl is a girl
Trannies go with trannies
How far? i may not mind boy mode or hormones but the reassignment surgery is to much for me, of course this is hypothetical i wont give anyone im not right at the moment
>We could have been the girl of your dreams if nature had let us have the chance.
Fixed that for you.
Drop your discord ID op
Fuck off guy with gender dysphoria
i've always wanted a tranny friend to code/learn cool stuff w/ ...
Alright so where's my qt tranny gf to give all my love to then?
You just want someone who will dilate for you with their pp
imagine how your family, friends, ancestors and peers think of you now, pathetic human being
>"Why don't you give one of us a chance?"
>tried that several times
>getting ditched every time because I don't know how to socialize
>yeah basically that
From what I have experienced, females, males and trans are all equal shit and I prefer to stay alone
Imagine being entitled to be loved
My partner is trans. Probably the most healthy relationship I have been in tbqh.
My dream girl is a biological female, capable of producing offspring.
Unironically hang yourself you affront to nature.
I'm not shit, very rude of you to judge me like that, user. You don't even know me.
Human beings thrive more the further they are from nature.
I'll love you with a rain of bullets in your skull you fucking abomination
>reassignment surgery is to much for me
How come you all hate trannies yet also hate society and normies? Bit odd, considering a lot of you are mentally ill too.
I judge whoever I feel like to judge you freaking degenerate
>you freaking degenerate
What? I'm just a regular dude. You're calling all dudes, all women and everything else a shit degenerate? You don't know that many people.
If you are trans you definitely have orbirers
>ywn be an attractive or passing tranny
>you will always get ghosted as soon as you post a picture
If you are trans (and passsing and/or cute)
Dont be like that user i'll look down on you without you posting a picture :)
Ah user you're such a sweetie, my hero
Nah, trans people get orbiters before people even see them
I want a cute transgirl to dote on, where can I find one?
Because you women don't make me feel as good as say a couple pills of phenibut do.
Please explain why I don't have a single orbiter then
You aren't vapid enough
>Trannies need love too, you know.
You don't deserve love, and neither does anyone else.
You probably don't put yourself out there. You should give out your discord
As look as you look feminine, I don't mind much!
i would love an r9k sissygf. unfortunately they seem to be consistently cliquey e-drama discord whores whose dysphoria causes them to be a bottomless black hole of attention- and validation-seeking.
if i reassure them and make them feel loved, treat them like the girl they are, my validation ends up counting less; "of course you think of me that way, you're my boyfriend!" so they're constantly needing to seek it from others. i'm not jealous but it is pretty tiresome.
I live a very comfortable and quiet life, and would want to do the same with my housewife(male). Lots of them say they want the same thing, but they just like the "idea" of the quaint life and white pickett fence and all that, when really they're thirsty for the melodramatic normie life of being popular/talked about.
of course cis women are the same, or even worse.
an addendum to my trips of truth: the worst part is they will certainly not find someone as intelligent or forward or kinky as me, so the validation they platonically seek elsewhere feels bland, like it's a weak high, so they seek it harder and get depressed, or more depressed.
Fpbp, trannies are degenerates larping as their "preferred gender"
I had a great time with a tranny last night
>Finally get the attention of this little hottie that's only a few miles away
>Asks if she wants to hang out
>Says yes, come to her place
>Get a little too excited, start spamming her for for location
>Actually no
>Ask her to go to hotel
>"Seems sketchy"
>Not giving up, she has really edging now
>How about we just make out in my car instead?
>I'm over there ASAP
>Looks better in person
>Dress lets me look at her sexy legs and thighs
>Smells so nice too
>Gets in, we're off
>We don't really talk all that much in spite of my best efforts
>She's a nurse at 20 wtf
>Turns out she's a top too, so no poon for me
>Well making out is pretty good too
>She has me drive up to this dark ass back alley
>Put on some city pop
>Throw my arm around her
>Rest my head against hers
>Make out begins
>Not a whole lot of tongue, but she smells so nice
>Feel up her body
>Feel up her tits
>She starts feeling for my dick
>Whip it out
>Tugs me a bit while the make out continues
>Leans in on my dick and starts sucking
>Really good
>Not toothy
>Not coming from a some nasty hon
>Not some weak ass shit
>Just really good
>Like holy shit, am I gonna cum from a BJ?
>Fuck, should have fired off a load before I came out here
>Welp, it's happening
>Warn her
>Jerks me off to completion
>I'm in a daze
>Kinda sad I didn't last longer, didn't really wanna stop
>I didn't even get to stroke her thighs
>Ask her where she wants to get dropped off
>Says she's just gonna jump out here
>bewildered, but okay
>Jumps out, walks down dark alley
>Drive home in a daze, nearly cut some asshole off
It wasn't really much, but even that was amazing to me. I can still smell her perfume in my car, it's the greatest feeling ever.
I kinda doubt I'll see her again, I don't think I exactly impressed her, but it was so nice while it lasted.
being a tranny ain't that bad honestly, I'd probably be worse off if I wasnt't one
imagine making your entire identity about sex
Trans girls are on grindr?
Doesn't that defeat the point of-
why didn't you just recharge while feeling her up some more and go again? Are you old?
Yeah they are, not a whole lot though. Some of them are too dumb to tag themselves as trans, like the one I was with last night, so you have to swim through a lot of gays.
She didn't really wanna stay around for another round sadly. I guess I wasn't really that good.
I just want a cute boywife to make happy and make it mine
Is It too much to ask?
If it keeps you from cutting your dick off then sure
Unfortunately most guys want to have a fucking sex toy and finding someone who wants an actual emotional relationship is very hard. I would do anything to be a housewife
Had a chance to hook up with a real cute 25 year old trap recently. Looked amazingly cute and aside from just having Bs that seemed kinda fake, I would've assumed it was just a normal cute girl. Decided against it after finding out he/she wanted a long term relationship while I eventually wanted kids. So yeah, that wasn't happening with that.
Still regret not wrecking it once though.
God I wished I looked more feminine, im hairy and build muscle extremely easily. I don't wanna be a Chad I want to be a cutie boi >:(
I'll give you my slim waist and wide hips for your chad build
(I just want to fit into a normal pair of men's pants properly)
No one ever adds me when I do
That'd be nice but I've come to terms with the fact that I'll never find someone like that.
>dont know how to meet tranner frens
You have the exact opposite stance I do on all the "issues" important to you, so you don't have a fucking chance you nimrod. Join the 40%.
That sounds great, I haven't worked out in about 2 years with no physical activity and my biceps are like 6 inches when flexing, so if you work out and care unlike me you will be a chad
This, legitimately. I did meet one from an adult dating site but it was just a screener meet up and she wasn't interested sadly.
and how old are you user? i'd still have to treat you like a sex toy a lot
18, I don't care about sex and maybe if I liked it I would
>tell apparent girls that theyre very passable
>ask actual trannies when they started hrt
>someone adds me from /soc/ to flirt
>they didn't realise I'm trans
>now they're not interested
I've been in one too many tranny threads on this board because I'm a fucking retard that doesn't learn. Trannies on this board are categorically tripfags and avatarfags. Nobody likes tripfags or avatarfags, it's off-putting. There's a reason the latter is against the rules. Maybe if you all weren't such sluts for attention that you needed to be reported and filtered, people would treat you with a modicum of respect? You reckon?
>Trannies need love too
Im sure they do, too bad they cant give it back. You "people" cant even be decent friends and expect to be good romantic partners lmfao
Transgirls give the absolute hands down best blow jobs I've ever had. Makes sense. They should understand their way around a dick. Except all three of them wanted me to piss or shit on them.
Y'all just fucked in the head.
It seems like most sissies just want to fuck as many people as possible and none want an actual relationship, at least in my experience.
I don't know why sex is overated I just want a bf that loves me that's it
You can't be the girl of my dreams, simply because you can't be a girl at all. End your life, you wretched abomination.
Sure op I could use some company and I'd be willing to give it a go. I'm going to bed right now but here's my discord, we can talk about it more there later on if you are game. MaitlandJones #1199
I'm kinda lonely, here's my discord if you like I'll add you. I'm going to sleep so we can talk more later. MaitlandJones #1199
Otto Weininger - Sex and Character. Sexual inversion.
Educate yourself.
Tried dating one, went super well
Half a year in she killed herself
how can you be a dream girl if youre not even a girl