ITT: Describe your depression as it relates to your friends/family/peers

ITT: Describe your depression as it relates to your friends/family/peers

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they don't care and i try not to talk about it



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Have none
Have one dont talk about it
They ask and are sometimes concerned I dont talk about it.

I've been abused my entire childhood both by my family and peers but now people keep telling me to hurr durr just stop being bitter, you don't have a reason to be depressed, just hit the gym and everything will be alright, bro...

my family ignores me and pretends everything is fine

I put on a mask everywhere there are other people.
I hide my depression and my will to slit of everyones throat.
I have done this for the past 3 years now.
I dont want to talk to parents they will either be annoying or just man up.

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Add me bitch Standarte#9998

i grew up in a black household
now some of you might meme about that, but black families are the tightest-knit and everyone knows that

I guess you could say that it's an issue of everything about myself.

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>gets offended at the concept of toxic masculinity
>posts memes like this

Just gotta pretend it's all good all the time. When you're too depressed to do something with someone "Oh I'm busy." rather than "I can't face going outside right now." Just build a facade that you're doing things and going along because if you show weakness they'll kick you down further.

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i am a student and my mom puts a lot of pressure on me to overachieve. i'm thankful for the encouragement, but i wish she would remember how much harder it is for me sometimes. she acts disappointed the minute i let the mask slip and perform poorly, even though she knows i have depression and narcolepsy.

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non existent, I don't have any mental issues, but laziness. Or so I'm told... so it is not a topic anymore

I'm just tired is all

"just man up and get over it user"

just smoke some pot and chill

genuinely well written and thought provoking

how the fuck are we supposed to talk about our feelings and stuff on a website like this, let alone at all?

"lmao dude its all in ur head fgt"
theyre kinda right desu

Video very fucking related. Ridi, Pagliaccio, ridi...

it's in my head i'm in a poor third world shithole? omg thank you so much, user, i'm cured. no more depression because i can't escape!

i just wish i had enough energy to do shit man, i sleep 10-12 hours a day and still wake up exhausted as fuck.

heh, you know whats funny friend? I AM a third worlder. and it still holds true, partially at least.

and youre right, we cant escape, tough shit man thats life

they get it and suffer with me, but their emotional endurance is just higher somehow. we're all depressed, but it never seems to 'get in the way' how mine does.
totally alien concept. literally do not understand the idea of feeling sad unless something's causing it. i'm almost onboard with all the /x/ theories about chemtrails, water contaminates, xenoestrogens and all that jazz, because something definitely divides the generations in more than simple mindset here.
pretty big disconnect. millenials think of depression and suicide as a meme. they have to go to the dmv or their internet goes down, and they "literally wanna die rn xD". at risk of sounding like an even bigger puss than i already do, it invalidates those who are actually suffering. you tell someone in confidence that your life feels bleak, gray or pointless or that you struggle to hold back tears or stop yourself from doing something risky and they say "oh yeah, mood senpai, same, i have depression, anxiety, bipolar-" yadda yadda, and they say this all with the biggest smile on their face and you just know to the core that they do not understand.

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Most my family members find out about it and they act like they want to help me but they really just want to tell me about how they were depressed at one point or another. Its the most pointless conversation every time, it feels like they are just unloading their life story on me. Acting like they get it, acting like they been there done that. My parents do the same shit but they have actually given me a little bit of help and advice.
Ive met thousands of people through my one true friend. I think they all know that I am depressed, but I dont say anything about it. But I do get
>whats wrong
>why are you so down
A lot. They dont care so I dont divulge.
Ive talked about it many times with my one friend because its a problem that never goes away. I think he feels it to a much lesser extent, but doesnt understand mental health problems at all. Just makes me feel so alone trying to talk about this kind of shit with other people, so I dont try anymore.

Must be why black father's being absent is a thing

You have me confused with someone else.

>"Oh I'm busy." rather than "I can't face going outside right now."

Unfortunately that doesn't work when you have a wife and kids.

don't talk to them
don't have em, pretty sure if I did they wouldn't want to hear my bullshit
good luck my brothers also have it bad

it's unirronically impossible to talk about this shit, no one wants to hear it and when/if they do they just leave you
this has left me a hollow shell of a human being, I force myself not to feel anything as a subconscious defense mechanism. I have to get drunk to feel anything now, and usually it's complete sadness/despair, or absolute rage. idk where it even comes from, but it's all I can feel.
>inb4 edgy
yea I know, that's another reason why talking about feelings is impossible

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Best answer. It's a subject best avoided, so we can internalize everything and stab ourselves with emotional knives. Suffer with us. .

I have a psychologist and bitching about things for an hour a week does help. No one can grasp it if they haven't been through it themselves. It's a creepy malaise enveloping my soul. It's a darkness that just won't lift. A numbness that won't go away. The typical reactions are the reason I never talk about it to anyone.

Do you wanna talk user? its not good to bottle it up

I feel nothing anymore every single day.

>No happiness
>No sadness
>Just boredom

Also, it disgusts me how every person you talk to nowadays is just a social media obsessed loser. You ask them what else do they do or like and they tell you nothing, but that is okay to be like that in societies eyes nowadays. That type of shit is depressing.

>You ask them what else do they do or like and they tell you nothing,
I know exactly what you mean
>so what music do you like?
>"oh I listen to everything, I like all music"
this translates to; "I don't like any music and I have a bland personality"
>just boredom
I also know what you mean. I have turned to gambling in crypto to give me stimulation
Mostly I just try not to think allot

OP here

I lost them all, other than the ones who are still willing to text me at the very least, and they usually don't text anything meaningful

Wife gives the whole "get over it, your family needs you" or "your depression will bring us down if you don't fix whatever it is you need to fix". She means well, I know she does. She knew I was this way before we even dated, she believed it was going to go away perhaps. For the kids I put a mask on, can't have them be worrying about me. My siblings and parents don't understand it. "Get over it/man up/back in my day you didn't have time to be depressed" they'd say.

#depression is how I can sum my peers. It's all one big joke.

Jow Forums is the only place where I can talk about my feelings, nobody will listen to me or cares about me



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true, but it's hard to tell who is genuine and who is not sometimes
get out
(yes I see the irony)

I started as a 21 year old incel