Is there some of you guys that suffer from OCD ? If so, which type of OCD do you have ? Are they "soft" or severe ? How do you manage it day by day ?
I'm personally suffering from it since many years now, I think we can consider mine (my obsessions/compulsions) as severes. At the moment, I'm unable to properly follow classes, I've miss two years in College because of that. And I'm currently under medications (Sertralin 150-200mg per day), it helps sometimes my state of mind, but it doesn't really allow me to manage the illness in itself.
OCD just describes a set of habits that constantly weigh on people and make life uneasy at a pathological level. What's wrong with that description if plenty of things could fit that description?
Landon Parker
There is nothing wrong, but it will always have some dudes who didn't even reach highschool that will explain to you how mental illnesses are just "products of mind"
Hudson Hughes
I have classic OCD and also OCPD. I have obsessions and compulsions. obsessions are horrible anxieties that plague me that can happen randomly or be caused by things in my surroundings. compulsions basically cause retarded twitching and acting like a fool until the anxiety goes away. OCPD means that sometimes I get upset and go through rituals without the anxiety, like getting upset if I can't eat the exact meal I want or go to bed at the time I want, and I have to have certain things in certain places laid out just right. like the OP image suggests OCD can get weird with other disorders because I also have bipolar 1.
What is the cause of your anxiety ? Me for instance, I'm obsessed with cleanliness, it's just like the whole world is nasty and I have to be careful about each and everyone of my contacts with objects, persons and environment. ex: when someone brush me when walking, I have to wipe off with my hand on the spot which has been in contact, otherwise my mind "tells" me that the stain will "expand" somehow, that it it will become permanent if I do not act quickly. I can't really explain how it make me feel, the closest thing I can say to illustrate is that it's just like you were falling in some shit : if you do not clean your clothes thereafter, it will be soaked by the the smell, the tissue will be entrenched by the stain and your apparel will be busted forever.
Then, concerning your compulsions, what do you mean by "acting like a fool"?
Nolan Stewart
>What is the cause of your anxiety? some things will pop into my head out of nothing, like a need to sniff my nose because it feels runny. if it's from the environment like getting a smear of mud from falling I will have huge anxiety about the spread of the mud until I am contaminated and all the clean things I use will have mud on them. things can get out of hand because if it is a grass stain instead of mud I have obsessive doubts that it is still filthy even when I am sure it is not. >Then, concerning your compulsions, what do you mean by "acting like a fool"? picking at my eyebrow hair or using my shirt to wipe down a pen I dropped on the floor at work. if people see me twitching they think I'm a weirdo but if they see other compulsions I see a look of genuine confusion. >my mind "tells" me this is a improper explanation and you will confuse the lurkers. even when I know I have an irrational anxiety it still feels like an organic anxiety just the same as fretting over a job interview.
I feel the need to commit to rituals if things don't feel "right". (Ex. I constantly rewrite sentences, reread sentences,basically redo any action).The medication i've been prescribed kind of helped but they brought too many negative side effects that i stopped using them (mainly diarrhea and lightheadedness).
This OCD makes my life very difficult to live although it has surprisingly brought some benefits. I am a perfectionist with a good eye for detail. This is really helpful for the career i would like to get into.
Elijah Ramirez
I have ocd but its mostly all mental, dont really have any physical compulsions but my obsessions can last months. Really sucks
Tyler Davis
I think I have OCD.
I have to spin in circles for hours everyday. I can go maybe a month at the very, very most without doing it but I may have panic attacks. It controls what jobs I get, what scholarships I accept, and what vacations I go on.
Jose Adams
>this is a improper explanation and you will confuse the lurkers Maybe it will sounds confusing for lurkers, but the thread is not about giving them explainations (even if it's important to explain our situation to the others). When I say "my mind "tells" me", I consider "my mind" as a distinct entity from myself, and even if the wording is a bit clumsy, it's kinda accurate when you know the physiological causes of the illness. People with OCD have a brain which is kinda hyperactive in some areas, besides presenting troubles with dopamine/serotonin sensors, thus, given that the problem comes from the brain, it's not so improper to say that.
Anthony Gutierrez
Which type of medication did you experienced ?
>This OCD makes my life very difficult to live although it has surprisingly brought some benefits. Yeah, I see what you mean haha. But you know, I think that your perfectionism does not come from your OCD, OCD only pathologically increase mental features that are already here. However, it would not surprise me that these benefics features would be linked to another "trouble" (but the term is a bit too negative), because, from what I know, 50% of people with OCD display another mental "trouble" (ex: Asperger and "gifted" kids regularly have OCD)
Josiah Scott
Oh so you have pure O, I've known a guy who was like you
Jacob Parker
It looks like OCD yeah. Anyway, as soon as you are obsessed with doing something to the point where if you don't do it, you feel stressed, anxious and that you realize that this obsession is kinda irrational (because OCD is still a nevrotic disorder), you're very likely to have OCD.
Tyler Mitchell
Btw, did you guys understand OP meme or am I the only one who've relate ?
Eli Wright
Update your research, pure O does not exist. You have mental compulsions, sometimes even deep physical compulsions (like how the back of your tongue slightly moves when you subvocalize). ""pure O"" is treated in exactly the same way as every other form.
Dominic Bennett
is for and .
Sorry, .
Jace Morgan
i have OCD. and schizoaffective. i was diagnosed at 12 (19 now). it's mainly manifested as an eating disorder and intense fixations on subjects of all sorts--could sit and "position" a cup on my desk for two hours on a bad day--it's all about controlling myself and my surroundings. before taking medication my room was a hell space because i collect things so i would be monitoring every thing by the millimetre. i still live at home and my mother controls my medication which is helping me a lot. because i've let lose on my material surroundings i've been restricting food a lot more. i have these delusions where like... for example, if i dont walk across my room in x number of seconds or before a certain part of a song im listening to ends or whatever that i'll gain 5 pounds that month. if there's a name for that pls let me know.. i can look back at it and know how crazy i'm being but i swear in the moment it's horrific. sigh
Brandon Carter
You know that pure O is just an abbrevation for pure OCD right ? Of course pure O and casual OCD are the same illness, but the difference is that pure O obsessions do not involve physical rituals. I'm not gatekeeping if it's what you thought, I mentionned pure O because people with this type of OCD apparently prefer that wording.
Luke Thomas
The meme upstairs seemed to be made for you haha. I don't think there is a specific name for the whole pack of troubles/disorders you're suffering from, you just have multiple mental diseases, each one distinct from the other but that can interact. Like I said, OCD just increase some mental features that you already have, so if you suffer from eating troubles, OCD will tend to change into obsessions. Same for your obsession of. order and organization among your stuff
Jason Moore
OK, that's cool. But you need to understand that there are clinicians out there telling people they have "Pure O", like it's something separate. There are even clinicians out there who are offering fake treatments to people with a made up disorder because they don't know the real thing. (OCD knowledge is spreading but the majority of offices you walk into today still don't have a clue; they just hit you with the meds -at overdose levels- and when the meds stop working a couple of years down...) If you want to be technical, sure, the term is not a problem, but there is no reason to use it. I don't know why you would try to deceive someone just so you can use your 'Super awesome OCD club slang!'... Similar, now that I think of it, to 'gatekeeping'... What site was it that like using terms like that... Maybe you should go back?
Kayden Thomas
I wonder if there is a special kind of thought disorder that includes OCD. I'm bipolar and during my manic episodes I'm greatly affected by racing thoughts. all of my thoughts are a constant flowing waterfall until there aren't any individual thoughts any more. I know I'm affected by thought disorder because when I speak I'll accidentally say incorrect words and sometimes I make up words and songs. my obsessions interact with my manic waterfall of thoughts and I try to organize my thoughts but I can't. I end up repeating thoughts over and over with slight variations until they feel right. that thought disorder only happens when I'm manic. it's a lot worse than "racing thoughts" makes it sound because my brain fries all day and my thoughts turn to mush. when I'm depressive or euthymic my compulsions are more of a problem.
So basically youre saying that pure-o should just be called OCD since it isnt a separate illness?
Jack Martin
Listen boy, I'm French, over there we do not even use the term pure O, so start to calm down. Then, like I said, but evidently you didn't read, I used that term because when I first discovered "pure O" it was in some English videos with people suffering from this particular form of OCD (whether you agree or not, it is a particular form of OCD) and they said they were "happy" (their terms) that they can put a word on their type of OCD because they couldn't really identify themselves with people suffering from casual OCD, given the abscence of physical rituals.
>Similar, now that I think of it, to 'gatekeeping'... What site was it that like using terms like that... Maybe you should go back? KEK, which type of newfag are you ? Summerfag or something ? Because the "gatekeeping" concept is regularly used on /lgbt/, a 4-c-h-a-n board. Lurk moar now
Sebastian Howard
Ive had similar issues with numbers and having to do things X amount of times since I was around 12 as well. I frequently have to walk around objects in pairs of threes, step over certain cracks in the cement, flick lights off several times etc. If these things dont happen intense anxiety follows. Been to a million therapists, all a scam, meds never worked. Best coping mechanism is to get yourself so distracted in shit you cant think about doing the compulsions. Its a pretty severe form of OCD
Daniel Rivera
had severe ocd throughout high school but it eventually passed (23 y/o now). try taking up philosophy, mathematics or other subjects, anything that gives you 'higher' ways of thinking. you then realise the rituals are dumb and a complete waste of time and energy
Julian Brooks
Basically, OCD is all about intrusive thoughts disorders, that's the first step before the compulsions (the rituals). I've never heard of the intrusive thoughts you had, but does it make you feel anxious and stressed if you don't rearrange those thoughts correctly? If so, maybe it's actually OCD, but I the best way to be sure is still to consult a therapist I guess
Joseph Powell
Did your therapists experienced cognitive behavioural therapy with you? Because currently, it's the best way (with brain surgery : to cope with OCD.
David Garcia
Yes that what nearly all of my therapists used as treatment along with SSRIs as well. It was just talk therapy aimed at solving emotional problems. Still in the same position as when i developed OCD. Will research more about vid related tho thanks.
John Gray
The name for it is magical thinking
Elijah Turner
Sorry for the late reply user
I've been prescribed setraline and clomipramine.They kind of work but my body reacts negatively to both.I keep getting diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems.I cant go outside without fear of something bad happening so i stopped using them.I go therapy to help manage the OCD and im making ok progress.Basically ,I am now aware that my problem will never go away and the medication thats supposed to help cause way too many side effects to be viable.
Anthony Allen
No problem, but is that a thing to have intestinal problems with antidepressant meds ? I'm also under sertralin, 150 to 200 mg per day depending on my mood, but I never had any issues.
Gavin Bennett
My therapist mentioned that a potential side effect of setraline and similar SSRI's include gastrointestinal problems.Nearly everytime i take it, I get stomach aches and diarrhea and I've taken multiple capsules of both 50 mg and 100mg.
i have intrusive violent thoughts, intrusive sexual thoughts, and intrusive thoughts that are downright disgusting. i jump into the shower after every bowel movement to clean myself. i get really angry when someone i live with leaves the bathroom without washing their hands. my lip is constantly cracked and bleed a lot from me biting it. my dads cat has fleas and is covered in scabs that i scratch until i cause them to bleed. i refuse to eat/drink after anyone. if im in a public place and a stranger coughs i will leave immediately. i also have "vocal tics" where i get the urge to say "nigger! im a nigger! im a nigger!" i also wash my hands frequently and cant stand to have anything on them like dirt for instance
its been a weird ride
Benjamin Gutierrez
>i jump into the shower after every bowel movement to clean myself. i get really angry when someone i live with leaves the bathroom without washing their hands.
I do the same exact thing user. Although i am a little more extreme , i take a bath after every time i pee.I am considered a "clean freak" by my family.I just can't stand human bodily fluids.
Christian Allen
I definitely had a lot of obsessive compulsions when I was much younger - for example, whenever I would burp or fart I would keep having to say "excuse me" in a higher pitch voice until I felt it sounded right, and I would touch a lot of surfaces multiple times. But it's only in the last 2 years that I've gotten severe OCD of another kind. I have a lot of obsessive thinking on shit like me doubting my sexuality, thinking that I'm a pedophile and having a phobia of drugs (specifically weed for some reason). I was a fucking idiot and didn't do anything about it for 9 months but eventually I opened up about it to my Mom and she helped to get me on sertraline which I take every day now. It's been going well. Occasionally I get panic attacks and a few weeks ago I felt generally fucking miserable but I'm hanging in there.