Do fembots prefer to be treated gently or rough in bed?

Do fembots prefer to be treated gently or rough in bed?

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Depends, sometimes one sometimes the other, a guy who can do both is ideal

Generally, we like if you're into a little bit of everything, but also not too much of something.

I request the original sauce

Damaged girls like it rough because gently sex means real intimacy and trust

Is that Cassandra from soul calibur being choked by zamamel?

Depends, the healthy voice likes gentle, but the fucked up voice likes really fucked up shit

when i think about someone doing something sexual to me i get violently angry and have the urge to punch their face into a pulp

Looks more like Marie Rose to me

found it

It depends on who you ask.
Lately femanons have been better.
But femanons years ago were utter trash.
Jow Forums attracts those types of women, those edgy bitter male-brained types who think they're 'one of the guys' and who love men but also have extreme resentment and bitterness towards men at the same time.

>he still thinks that fembots exist.


rough then gentle
they love it and honestly so do it

Unresolved sexual trauma?

Why does it make you angry?

Do you have sexual urges? Does that mean you deserve to be physically harmed? How is someone elses desires any different to yours, and why should they be punched for acting upon that desire in a consensual way with you?

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What about you doing something sexual to someone else?

it makes me angry because it would never be consensual
i could do that for money

>i could do that for money
Go fuck a curling iron, whore.

I think you're sort of dodging what I'm getting at. Have you always felt this way? What event set this off? A lot of us have sexual trauma, if you do too it's not something you should feel ashamed of.

I think by convincing yourself that you aren't capable of being a sexual being, you're actually depriving yourself of a lot of what it means to be human. Sexuality is an integral part of being a human, and it plays a role in tons of non-sexual things.

How do you feel about contact? Do you hate being hugged? What about words? Do you like being complimented? What is your sexual orientation? You're not asexual are you?

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should i whore myself for free then?
it's gross it makes me feel gross i would literally much rather die.

This is the hypocrisy of this site. You guys talk about being lonely, and often also talk about positive experiences you have with sex workers. A lot of you have sex with hookers many times. What's the difference, really? You remove all emotional intimacy from the equation. You're having sex just for sex, she's having sex for sex AND money. if anything you're a cuck in this situation who's getting played because he failed to emerge into the gene pool. Do you shame "chad" for fucking tons of girls? No, he's taking advantage of his biological situation. Then he settles down and gets married, just as a woman would. You talk about "roastie" shit, but yet you'd stay with a woman and fuck her hundreds of times? How does that make sense if all you care about is what her pussy looks like?

This board is hypocrisy, self-loathing and delusion manifested into a collective concious of about a couple thousand retarded betas.

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Would you like to enjoy it? if you could flip a switch, do you wish that you could enjoy sex?

You're kinda avoiding a lot of my questions. I'd like you (idk your gender) to be able to confront this issue. I'm not sure why I care. I guess I just empathize too much with everyone.

Just answer these questions individually:

1. Do you wish to change this?
2. Were you at one point different/more open to sex?
3. Does the thought of sex make you feel afraid or vulnerable?

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>it's gross it makes me feel gross i would literally much rather die.
Yeah you've made that clear. But do you know why? A little strange given that sex is a very fundamental part of the human psyche.

>should i whore myself for free then?
No, you should form meaningful connections with others instead of treating them as means to an end.
>implying this board is a single person or ideology
>You talk about "roastie" shit, but yet you'd stay with a woman and fuck her hundreds of times? How does that make sense if all you care about is what her pussy looks like?
I seriously hope you're just "pretending to be retarded," because if you're this confused you'll likely have a rough life.

Just admit that the reason you don't want to fuck a girl who's had sex is because you're insecure she'll cheat on you. This infatuation with "loose vaginas" and "roast beef" almost always ties back to an insecurity within the male. Prove me wrong, don't just ad hominem your way to an argument

Not him but I'd much prefer an experienced girl. But I have some weird fetishes, though.

i think this femanon needs a hug

You're going to get stabbed for doing that.

>Just admit that the reason you don't want to fuck a girl who's had sex is because you're insecure she'll cheat on you.
What the hell does this have to do with my previous posts? You're like Don Quijote attacking a windmill.

>Do you wish to change this?
i really don't care
>2. Were you at one point different/more open to sex?
i honestly figured i would die before having to having to have sex so i didn't put serious thought into it
>3. Does the thought of sex make you feel afraid or vulnerable?
there's vulnerability first then i feel really mad
>do you know why?
there's a number of reasons
>you should form meaningful connections with others instead of treating them as means to an end
i can't do that

Every girl is damaged user.

It's hard to explain. I don't like the whole slapping and choking rough sex but I like hard and fast sex. If I'm really turned on then slow sex feels really good. I love to hear that a guy is enjoying himself. Through moaning and growls or whatever. Throw in a few "little slut"s or "good girl"s and I'm practically melting.

Prefer to be worshipped and to lead, little man.

This girl needs a good fucking

They shouldn't know what they want because they've never had it

Do you have trust issues? Do you think you could ever trust someone to explore your sexuality with you?

If you can trust someone, there isn't very much vulnerability. Is it that you feel defenseless? Is it frustration stemming from that?

Why do you feel that way? In our day to day lives there is danger, is it really that much worse than that? You're just as likely to get in a car accident, yet you drive? Does the though of driving make you angry?

I'm gonna have to assume you have trauma associated with sex. Do you mind me asking what exactly happened? Sexual assault? Bad boyfriend? I've had a couple of bad experiences myself, but I've never been raped or anything. I'm sorry if any of that stuff happened to you, but I think if you made an attempt to move on from it and heal that you'd feel better for it.

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I will never trust anybody. I'm 350lbs+ so I'm definitely not defenseless. The frustration comes from the fact I hate doing things I feel forced into and sex will always be something I will feel forced into. probably because I'm just not attracted to anyone and it's just so fucking disgusting I would be happier killing people.

i'm a virgin, how the fuck would i know that

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if "form meaningful connections" was actually a choice Jow Forums wouldn't exist

Want to figure it out together?

Post your body, I want to fuck you

no i don't, thanks

both are good, being choked and manhandled is god tier

I sucked a blown out labia once, but only because she gave me the best head i ever had in my life. Was hot in the moment but I felt disgusting afterwards. But what the reality is, most women become roasties eventually regardless of how much sex they've had. Pussies age. The whole roastie thing is just a meme on thots but it's a funny meme nonetheless.

same. i hate that people who have sex will attempt to convince you that you are defective for not understanding how great a thing it supposedly is. it's repulsive and they should just die.
fuck off cunts

I don't like sex, so neither

You really should like sex though. You should be killed for not liking sex

T. SimPC Normalfag

I've tried to like it but it's never worked out. Not a fan of masturbating, either. I'll die eventually