I wonder how many of you bots know of this place. They all call it exhentai of course. Now may I ask, are you not all denizens of the internet? And so, when one of the greatest stores of art starts burning, why do you not rush to save it's contents? We robots have never been beloved, liked, or praised. We've instead garnered hatred and ridicule. Today though, they will sing our praises, today our glory will be cemented in history! And so I call upon you bots, to start the long and arduous archival process of exhentai. May our names live forever!
Exhentai archival project
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I guess I'm down, so where do I start, desu?
I myself only have a 1tb external drive, but I will do all I can to help!
I don't have the resources to back shit up, someone else will have to do it, really sad though.
Help with figuring out what needs to be archived. The entire loli section probably needs to be archived, any unique touhou doujins, already lost pixiv account archives, etc.
doujins are dime a dozen, the really good ones have already been saved and archived long before the idea of it even being shut down.
We need more bots to be involved, the art on that site must not be lost forever!
Why is Sadpanda dying?
Netherlands passed a new law.
They can't just boot up the site from somewhere else?
owner doesn't care enough to find a new provider outside Netherlands
Contact the next best person (whoever is in charge of the forums or something) who is willing to do it, and start a crowdfund to buy the site from the current owner and let him take over.
It'll probably be a bit GookMoot-y, but it's better than nothing.
Where would you even move everything? Plus having multiple backups of things is nice too.
You know what all of this makes me realize? Jow Forums will one day cease to exist. Like obviously I've always known that, but panda going down kinda makes it feel real.
I have a hunch the 2010s were the only full decade the site will ever see.
>robot office work
Welp, time to do it.
Like you know one day some psycho is gonna go off and kill a bunch of people and in his manifesto theyll talk about Jow Forums and itll be all ogre
Some autist needs to create an excel sheet to help organize us!
Why does it have to happen like this
So much art, so much history, all soon will be lost. All because some people in some other country think some art is gross. I feel really upset. While this cannot even compare to anything major in real life, I now understand how revolutions start.
Jow Forums shutting down would be the best thing to happen to all of you NEETs and robots.
Honestly, I think it'll fizzle out before anything like that happens. The site has seen some shit and the world is kind of used to it by now.
The reality is that newfags are taking over and boards are losing their identity, and that even if the website stays up, the people here will constitute a website that is anything but Jow Forums, and merely bears the name.
I have a hard time convincing myself that it hasn't already happened and we're just hanging out in a condemned building waiting for the lights to go out one last time.
Pour yourself a cup of tea or brew some coffee, we've got plenty of work to do.
You're an idiot normalfaggot. Pariahs will always be what they are. You literally implied to cure pedo you ban loli online. How does that help anything?
>option one: fuck kids :3
>option two: literally nothing and be sad
Guess which most would do? That's right, literally nothing. We're staying abnormal and no one likes us and we're impotent outside of randomly killing people. No friends, no lolis, at best just death occurs. You know that and you want a ton to an hero. Why go to a place you don't like? Or are you actually stupid and not realize such things?
I never learned how to use the site. Every time I hit an exhentai link, I ran into the sad panda image, and I thought "oh well, I'll learn some time". But I guess doujins are over now.
jacob is at fault here.
fuck that faggot jew.
he is probably threatening exhentai owner if he moves where the servers are, thats why he wont move them.
We need to setup an excel sheet to organize which ones have and haven't been archived by someone.
Want to save humanity?
Don't have any HDD space?
Here's how to help.
>use drop box 30 day free trial for 3TB of cloudspace
>obviously, this isn't a long time solution, you'll need to purchase HDDs
>if you're a richfag, great, order several TBs of data and transfer your dropbox data to your drives when they arrive
>if you're a poorfag, buy drives off ebay or other auction sites like goodwill. help with what you can afford
this affects everyone