I hate god.
He took my boyfriend away from me, literally.
>be me
>happy 1 year long gay relationship
>a few months ago, boyfriend starts going to church
>fast forward a few weeks, he breaks up with me at 4 in the morning cause he doesn't want to sin anymore
It's been like 4 months, still can't get over him, and can't pull myself together
>tfw will never have the one person i loved because its a sin
honestly dont know how i can keep on living
I hate god
Live your life for the devil. Become your ex bf's nemesis.
I appreciate the advice, but i really dont know how that will help me get over him
I dont wanna be his nemesis, i just want him to come back .. :c
Try having it happen after 15yrs and they cheat on you with a chick from the church.
i wonder if your boyfriend will regret it or maybe he will become one of those turned "straight" priests
Haha. Another sinner defeated. Enjoy the fire and brimstone, miss. Nothing personal.
maybe stop being a disgusting faggot?
it's not hard
There is no god to begin with
i know, but he still left me cause of what a bunch of really old crazy fucks wrote in some old book with 0 substance or truth to it
>in some old book with 0 substance or truth to it
really? you fucked each other up your digestive system, faggot, and homosexuality was classified as mental illness till 1974 before (((they))) forced to change it
Seems to me that "old book" got it right
Your bf never loved you or he is a complete retard. No one in their right mind would give up their happiness (which they know is real) for something that could be complete bull shit.
Hey now, don't go flying off the handle at God for your mistakes. Maybe if you were a better woman he wouldn't have decided the better alternative was to leave you.
holy shit, im a man, cant you read?
Human beings are not bound by contructs of nature, at least to an extent. Through our intelligence we can create our own values
Holy shit, apparently I can't read.
>Human beings are not bound by contructs of nature, at least to an extent. Through our intelligence we can create our own values
ok faggot, and you decide to fuck a man's digestive system bc you can't get a woman
>be faggots
>one of them sees the error of his ways and attempts to do right
feels breddy good man
>ad hominem
Not even op. I have a gf you low iq cunt
go to church with him
have him help you realize the error of your ways
marry some fat ugly girl
stay friends with him
have faggot weekends together every 8 months because gays are mentally ill predators who can't be fixed
>I hate god.
God hates sodomites.
Go back to Jow Forums you stupid twats.
>if u don't fuck dude's in their shitter you are Jow Forums
the absolute state of this board
hey hun, if you can still read this
add Vytra Dreemurr#1337 on discord
i'll help you feel better
>low iq
please demonstrate your assertion
>Human beings are not bound by contructs of nature
from a philosophical standpoint
And then demonstrate the relevance of the alleged fact to the argument at hand
I'm waiting
More like if you're a bigoted worthless sack of shit you're Jow Forums
Good, hope you get aids
I hope you die homeless on the streets
Tell your mum i CHOSE to not ring her back after the shit shag. That's enough demonstration for a mong like you
Fag "love:" Only fuck each other and 10 random men a piece each weekend instead of 50.
great arguments, faggots
based and redplied
here's to OP dying of GRIDS and burning in Hell for all eternity
What do you mean "arguments"
You're the one being a worthless shit and no sane person would disagree with that statement. Fucking kill yourself.
Ok nigger. As if you're not going to hell.
>losing to christniggery
>implying I would put time into arguing with someone who resorts to attacking my character
Lmao. Stay mad incel. I don't care anymore
I mean you literally just said
>ugh it's #currentyear and your a #bigot
why would I though?
okay faggot homo whatever floats your boat
everyone in this thread is cringing at you
we know you just arrived here after reading an ed article
Imagine thinking that there's a single person on this board that won't end up in hell if christianity is the true religion
Your boyfriend saw the light. You should support him and stay by his side. Unfortunately you dont seem like the girl thats meant to be with him.
i was here long before you cringelord
there's some decent people on here including meself buddy
but oh snap if that's true then you have no chance since you're a homo faggot POZ spreader, hence your angle
>named gay nigger
>bigoted asshole
if you have still a couple of neural connections left you'd realize your definition of "decent" doesn't coincide with the Bible, and given your thesis that it is right, it's extremely more likely you wouldn't make it while I would
try to keep up with your own retard arguments faggot..