How can yo pathetic white bois even compete?

How can yo pathetic white bois even compete?

Attached: sargon and lucy.webm (1280x720, 694K)

me on the left if you know what im saying

u da left cheek bawss?

it took me a while to recognize that as a human leg

Walmart's new bidets are crazy.

nope, impossible to compete

oh no i cant compete, looks like you win! you can have her! ohhhh nooo

Holy shit. I've never seen anyone taking a dump that big.

G74N4Zd contact wintercristale for nudess

max kek user, you made my night

Attached: 1551393533801.png (500x490, 241K)

lol, imagine how long your dick must be to even penetrate her.
i hope 7.6" is enough because i honestly would like to creampie her deep inside until my balls are completely drained

Or.. You know.. Google the word "nudes"..

You are seriously disgusting, my dude

Attached: 1556.jpg (199x200, 4K)

i cant help it user. i was born this way to seek out women like her for me to breed.

imagine pulling out of pic related's pussy seeing your thick white cum ooze out of her slowly, with some cum spurting out from her pussy farting

Attached: ssbbw-doggy-pussy-view-megamix-10-Final-2.jpg (1000x717, 126K)

Niggers fucking btfo

Yes but...who is this.
Asking for a friend

Attached: vrwbmxbgmgt21.jpg (620x469, 20K)


we commend you sir massa

im not sure. i think i got from a screenshot on a video

What was that video called and where can I get it fren. I wanna jerk off to the wall of pussy

oh it turns out i got from an image complication of ssbbw pussy pics

If you can give sauce or her name, id be very thankful fren

Attached: avengers-infinity-war-thanos-reacts-080918-social-081518.jpg (1200x630, 65K)

Really fucking based oreganolio
