"I'm glad you asked me out, user. But aren't you worried your friends on Jow Forums will find out?"

>"I'm glad you asked me out, user. But aren't you worried your friends on Jow Forums will find out?"

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Fuuuck how are white women even supposed to compete with our black queens?

Ugh... nice fucking hair. Gee, I wonder if literally everyone is paying attention to us. Fuck.

they aren't so much my friends as just people I enjoy having arguments with

this... there's genuinely no way I could even sit there bros... It's pretty funny how hopeless it is

God I wish she would date me, who gives a fuck about Jow Forums

>he thinks everyone is watching him

Lmao incel

>BAHAHAHA, YOU THINK I WOULD BEFRIEND THOSE LOSERS? FUCK NO! Now let's go home and watch some netflix with a little bit of wine if you know what i mean.

Unless you're in some small hick town no one would care

honest. only asked u out because i spent to much time on Jow Forums b and they kept spamming threads about white cocks on black girls and brainwashed me into getting off on black womans

How hopeless you are, you mean.

there's no reason to be mean, but yes of course that's what I mean

>hiroshimoot didn't like my bus selection skills

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ebony threads deradicalized me

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>obsidian black
truly as qt as pearl white desu

They are the most attractive of black women

based. the extremes of both are most attractive. either pure white or black as coal

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Is that a joke hairstyle?

God, Amara is bad bad BAD

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>not liking BASED and AFROPILLED hair
someone get this poster to the infirmary!

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Imagine your political stances and views on race being affected by le pwetty gurl.

Pick one and only one

Most racists could be turned around simply by getting some good pussy or dick from the race they hate. You can see it on stormfront all the time; racists trying to rationalize the feelings they caught for a non white girl.
>Ethiopians are technically Caucasian, right?
>hitler called the Japanese honorary aryans so it's ok right?
>if I have a child with a mestizo, it'll be more white than Indian so that's ok right?

Those people aren't real racists, they're just LARPers that got shit talked by a nigger or something one time so they claim to hate the race the person belonged to. Someone like myself that genuinely hates, and aren't attracted to feral subhumans.

this post is a test.

also god damn that's a hot black girl

this man knows the deal

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