Tfw no submissive sissy robot bf to forcibly feminize and turn into my personal milk maid/meat toilet

>tfw no submissive sissy robot bf to forcibly feminize and turn into my personal milk maid/meat toilet

Attached: soy_milk.webm (1280x720, 1.81M)

What the fucc is a meat toilet?

Everything about your taste here is great maybe minus the milk thing for me but i want everything else sadly

You wouldn't drink onions milk from your own pet/slave/bf/maid? It's very pleasurable for them to have their nipples sucked, once they start actually lactating.

A sissy/girl that has been mind broken into only wanting to serve you in every way possible, including as a toilet.

ok lets meet. post contact info?
I'm serious but posts like these are usually by girls who can't provide for themselves let alone turn a boy into a sissy

Hmm maybe depends on the taste desu

Me please, but only if female.

How does one get themselves to lactate originally?

OP here, I'm not a girl, I'm a fat, hairy robot. I do want a sissy maid bf to keep locked in chastity. Unfortunately I'm only able to "provide" my own apartment and living expenses. I'm not extravagantly wealthy.

1. buy a manual breast pump and use it basically as much as you can every day
2. take fenugreek supplements

there you go, even without hrt you can probably lactate within 1-2 months
there ya go user

Nipple/breast stimulation. Takes a lot of time, but eventually you develop milk glands. Hormones obviously help, but even regular males can lactate with enough stimulation.

>man hands
>man feet
>14-year-old girl tits
What a fucking abomination holy shit. This thing is an insult to humanity itself.

Attached: CC82AADD-01C6-4A06-8626-96B31C96B4B3.gif (500x300, 5K)

im not fat but cant provide at all for now will be employed soon but its gonna be low pay someday i'll have money and property for my sissy maid(s)

Good luck brother. It's the dream. Buy chainlink if you ever get the chance.

unfamiliar is that a crypto or some type of service fren?

Crypto. Head over to Jow Forums to learn more.

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this, maybe when I move out I'll be able to find some boy to enslave and put on hormones

anyone can lactate. it's a defining trait of mammals.

I just moved what little bitcoin I have left into chainlink
my credit card is still denying crypto transactions though, I need to call up the company and yell at them I guess

>I just moved what little bitcoin I have left into chainlink
>he bought stinky linky

Attached: 1519171581091.png (875x1010, 264K)

I didn't knew men could lactate

fuck off, bitcoin has had its day. Chainlink is quickly getting more and more integration from established corporations, it's going right back up

Checked and linkpilled
1k EOY

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well shit, looks like I've got to buy more