Why haven't you mentally broken a cock-hungry Robot and turned him into your live-in maid and personal fuck slave? It would be so easy!
Why haven't you mentally broken a cock-hungry Robot and turned him into your live-in maid and personal fuck slave...
how have YOU prepared for the day of the clock?
I would love one if he actually looked and dressed like that
sounds good to me, anyone offering themselves?
Yeah. That would be nice. You handing them out? When can I get em?
My thighs are like twice that thick. Is this dude starving to death? wtf
i just want a real loving relationship not a broken sex slave
Well its simply because Im not gay
because im no human trafficker
Yes, he is. Underweight at least
You have to limit your fuck slave's diet. They mostly eat cum and Pocky.
>hip bones not even protruding nearly as much as mine
>fucking starving himself
does anyone else ever get the idea that some of their fellow posters may, in fact, be fat?
they're probably all americans, he's clearly just thin
Bro I'm underweight and have almost always been, and he looks dead next to me.
Brother I am not fat whatsoever lol my hip bones stick out a fingertip's length I'm just being realistic saying he isnt eating whole milk with his cheerios.
I look and dress like that but Im not really gay so I would only go for another twink like me or I would only suck ur cock if u had a nice cock and were not gross or overweight
I know this was done once before. The one with the dude in the cage under the bed. Anyone know what I'm talking about? There were pics.
>I'm not really gay
So what are you looking for? I do have a very nice and big cock & I am kind of twinky but I'm trying to put weight on.
the problem is finding one that isn't obese and hairy, then paying for all their food and stuff, as they wouldn't have a job. I'd prefer to get an emotionally dependent robot to break into a sex slave, but still give them physical independence, and thus not make them my responsibility
in reality im looking for a dominant gf but I also want to suck a dick on the dl
Well I have a gf, if you're really a good boy and do what I say she might let you eat her out
whereabout are you located? a girl doing my makeup and then having me suck her bfs dick with her is my ultimate fantasy
Better question, which one of you wants to be my no homo "legal partner" for tax purposes? You will live at my house (I work so much I am rarely home) and do small household chores like cleaning and tending my garden. Love not required and sex is a no. You will have your own room rent free and must be reliant on me for more than 50% of your income (food, etc) for tax purposes. If I have guests over you will have to leave or pretend to be my retarded friend who is crashing on my couch.
>im not really gay
i wont deny being kinda gay, but dick is the only part of a man I find attractive.
I wouldnt want to do anything sexual with a man besides suck the dick, even kissing seems kinds revolting. And I would probably only be into sucking the dick if a girl was involved in the scenario or if I couldnt see the guys face (gloryhole type scenario)
I'm from england, if you're really cute I'm going to force you to do more stuff than just suck me off btw
im american so unfortunately I dont think its gonna work out :/
what kinda stuff? I could go for you pounding my ass while your gf sits on my face
it's weird how ugly the average guy who dates trannies is, even attractive ones are with fat spics and shit. I figure it would be incredibly easy to find some closet tranny robot to be your slave, they'd probably beg you to take them so long as you were tall, white, and moderately fit
How old are you? I'm willing to bet you'll change that tune with time.
Ur a fat fuck you retard I fucking hate fat cope posters.
Completely feminizing you and turning you into our maid. Admit it, you'd come from just having my gf watch you get fucked by me.
im 22
kinda wish I was gay but hairy or masculine bodies really arent attractive to me
ive come to really like a nice looking cock though
i would love to wear a french maid outfit around and do chores once your gf did my makeup.
and yeah honestly Id love for you to take me in the maid outfit while your gf watched and touched herself
This. I'd have a loving relationship with someone like OP's image
>and yeah honestly Id love for you to take me in the maid outfit while your gf watched and touched herself
Where can I find porn with this exact premise??