younganon here wondering if its worth waiting to an hero until past senior year hs. is there really hope for a friendless robot in uni? its the only advice i've been hearing from randos online and its starting to feel more and more hollow, plus, its not like theres people who would miss me. i just need advice.
Does it really get better in uni, robots?
underage and b&
Idk tell us in 5 years
its not going to magically get better in uni, no
thats what i thought, but even if not magically better, is there any improvement at all?
College is just high school but for rich kids, robot. You need to take active measures to improve yourself and change your habits if you want to get anything more out of college than you did out of high school.
In my case and opinion, hs was much better and easier to make friends and have fun. After 3 and a half years in uni I haven't made a single friend and also did academically terrible, like 3 semesters behind and not really good grades. So I dropped out, fuck it
You get one chance to reinvent yourself into what you want to be. Fuck that up and avoid people, and you screw yourself over for the next year.
This. Don't expect things to get better if you don't put effort into it. Uni provides you an opportunity to change the way things are going, but it's ultimately up to you to make it work. Stop expecting things to be handed to you on a silver platter.
it can but you have to try new things. seriously think about why you had so much trouble in hs and try to be as unbiased as you can. think about what you can do to change the things you can. normie advice like this sounds really stupid and obvious but i hope one day youll actually try it out and find some success so that you keep on going. i used to think the same thing but things just clicked one day and thats pretty much what needs to happens for most people to change. they either need to go through something life changing or find a reason to change through the mundane
i made 0 my friends at raves and concerts
university everyone is too busy trying to get an A and get the d to talk to u
I have much more fun with the classes and materials but they are definitely harder. Take a theater class or somethingsimilar, you dont need to be real friends but you'll like it if your into an art.
Friend wise not really. Dumb anime fag that I am, the anime club is full of legitimate neckbeards.
Starting sophomore year soon. If your deciding whether to go or not idk, but if you are then my advice is do what you want. Nobody cares as long as you graduate (p.s. ho to fuvking class)
im gonna try but based on past attempts it doesnt seem like much will come from it, still wont stop me from trying.
all thats happened for me so far in hs is losing all of my "friends" and being miserable, thats why im hoping for change in uni
like i said the other user, im gonna do my best to try and change myself for the better.
i appreciate the real advice, user. thank you.
i hope youre wrong user, i really want hope for myself
i play cello so i'll probably try to be part of an orchestra, but i want to succeed and make at least a couple friends. is that possible?
good luck op. college can be a lot of fun and i hope it is so for you. are you going to be dorming?
What do you mean by "get better"?
You want to get friends? In some way it's easier because at least you (supposedly) share a common interest in your field.
You want to feel less bad about being friendless? It's also a bit easier since people are more mature and tend to mind their own business so you won't stick out too much.
Dedicate your time so you can study and practice but leave free time. This free time has to be split with you-time and friends. Fucking study first though, you dont want to flunk
Being a band kid I know that just being part of orchestra will at least introduce people. Try to walk with them after class
no. It's far, far worse if you're an actual robot. The world is happier and happier to simply let you disappear as you get older. Anyone saying otherwise was always comfortable with meeting new people.
yea, i'm gonna be dorming. thanks for the good will.
i just want to be less lonely or at least feel less lonely. im really hoping that meeting other people with the shared interest happens because the uni i have in mind is very much a niche one.
i will study and practice but as it currently stands, i have no friends to make time for, and i'll do my best to work with the chances im given.
i dont think im a complete robot yet because i still have the tiniest amount of hope in meeting new people but i have little to no confidence in my ability to attract people.
you should be fine. just try your best to keep your door open and say yes to anything and anyone if they invite you to do something unless its retarded. even if you feel anxious about going to a party just go and make sure to pregame together with them so youll make friends. try to find a gym buddy too, its always nice to take advantage of your school's gym and to get fit at the same time to avoid freshman 15. lastly noone wants to hear this but your troubles will pass and you are still young so i realize its harder to have perspective and while losing your hs friends is a terrible thing but you can move on. im a boomer so sorry for the long spiel but while i have trouble with my own current problems, i still take solace knowing i can work through most if not all of it and that itll pass and i always want to say that to younger guys. again good luck op and take care
I had the same hopes as you. You'd think going to do compsci would be a place to meet like-minded people. But no, everyone just seems so fake and plastic, theres no soul in them, I miss my old friends, I miss my old city, I miss sleeping.
>no confidence in my ability to attract people
yeah, that's my point. When you're younger you're all forced together. Not so as you get older. Unless you're the type of person to join 15 clubs of your own volition, you're completely fucked.
That and making friends as a quasi-adult is noticeably harder than in middle school, a lot of different and conflicting worldviews.
It gets better in the sense that you have a chance to prove yourself in the academic world, learn as much as you can, use the library often, making friends is not a priority but due to the nature of friendships at that age if you do make friends they will more likely be productive relationships.
No, but afterwards it does.
Nice trips you underage faggot. Don't kill yourself you've barely lived yet. Enjoy the ban.
thank you, boomer-user. it really did help, and im definitely considering trying to get Jow Forums while avoiding the gaypill.
that helps at least a bit, thank ya
mfw 18-fag and thanks for the checkd
Ofc man, I was just assuming you were underage by the way you were phrasing your post, you made it seem like you weren't even a senior in HS yet. Definitely don't kill yourself, I've attempted twice and thank god that I wasn't successful. While my life is by no means amazing, there's stuff out there that's worth living for. Keep your head up youngin
Starting my 2nd year of uni in a month and the short answer is no, it does not get better. At least in HS I had a small group of friends (likely due to the fact that we were forced to be around each other) but in uni I am literally a ghost. No clubs, no events, I just attend class, study in the lounge until I'm done and go home. I only made one aquaintance that year and he was deployed overseas after a semester so I have really no one. This is exacerbated by the sheer amount of attractive female students forcing me to acknowledge my inability to begin or sustain a relationship beyond a short term aquaintanceship founded upon a common dissatisfaction with a professor or assignment.
All I want is to get my degree so I have a chance at landing a non-shit job. On the bright side, I did make the Dean's list and my advisor told me I had the highest GPA among any of her advisees.
oh hey, it's me.... But it's an original proclamation