Why do yt girls fuck dogs?

why do yt girls fuck dogs?

Attached: dogpill.webm (1280x720, 822K)

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cause women are on the constant look out for sexual pleasure. And when an attractive male isn't around, they go for the second best to them. A dog (or other type of animal) and they can get their pussy eaten out or fucked all day long and never risk anything.
I've heard many stories not just from girls in their teens doing dogpill shit, but also wives who would do sexual acts with their dogs when the "hubbys" would leave for work in the morning.
Women are mentally fucked

Attached: 1561007587697.jpg (535x350, 40K)

because they're based and dogpilled

This webm turned me on
Any anons got more of stuff like this?

not like that but theres plenty of dogpills out there

Attached: dogpill2.webm (1280x720, 1.04M)

Where would i find them? Im not good with finding niche fetish material

>even monroe is dogpilled
lmao, wtf

Attached: anon I.....jpg (213x255, 8K)

ur just jealous because no dogs want to fuck you lmaoing @ ur life, my dude
have sex with whatever species will take you, duderino

>girls want personality
>fuck dogs

Because they like it ruff


This is fucking ridiculous and obscene.

i have no idea but its genuinely worrying

Attached: 1535010528795.jpg (694x308, 80K)

the howling was cool

Why do you niggers ruin everything

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not at all dogpilled

>therapist offered to give me a script for a emotional support dog
well, should I take this particular dogpill?

not if you're gonna fuck it
otherwise, you should

>I've heard many stories not just from girls in their teens doing dogpill shit, but also wives who would do sexual acts with their dogs when the "hubbys" would leave for work in the morning.

e.g. you read some threads on an incel forum

Because they're beta autistic faggots who take it up the ass.

Letting wolves lick your teeth is a friendliness thing. If you don't they'll get mad

Why dont you fuck dogs OP?

Woofpilled is a better name than dogpilled

because whites have lived amongst animals like theyre people for thousands of years