I just found out that my mom has been lying for years about being Jewish. My entire life, I thought I was a Jew, and now I'm nothing. I don't have any heritage or any culture. I've never felt anything like it before. Can anybody relate to this at all?
inb4 "kike", "gas yourself", etc
I just found out that my mom has been lying for years about being Jewish. My entire life, I thought I was a Jew...
Marry a nice Jewish girl and become a Jew again.
>inb4 "kike", "gas yourself", etc
Why would anyone say that to a goy?
Why did she lie to you? And again some thot ruins lifes by wanting to be something that she is not.
Excuse me? No culture? If you're one of those niggers who thinks European culture doesn't exist then yeah, you definitely are a Jew.
I don't know. Maybe she just found out herself. She seems like a Jew. She looked like pic related when she was younger, and she acts like a stereotypical Jewish mother. One time she used the Six Million to cut in line at the bank.
You can't cling to 15% irish 25% german 10% italian 5% native 25% hispanic 20% black culture which OP probably is
My family's been in America for hundreds of years. We can't really pretend to be Europeans. The Jew thing was all I had.
If that's the case then I feel for him since I'm an amerimutt myself. But if he's majority any European ethnicity then he realistically has nothing to be upset about.
The DNA test says 52% Western Euro, 26% Germanic, 22% Irish/Scot, and 0% Ashkenazi.
Ethnic Europeans are the ones who shaped this country into greatness before kikes subverted public institutions and ruined everything. If you're descended from that same genetic stock you have plenty to cling on to and be proud of.
Your mom sounds actually retarded if she just randomly thought she was jewish, did she think it was odd when no one in her family practiced it especially the older generation
Her dad took off when she was young and she doesn't remember him. She says her mom (my grandma) said he was Jewish and that my mom was ethnically Jewish.
You don't have to practice Judaism to be a Jew, btw.
>The only "white" culture to identify with is jewish
We are fucked. I can relate to op as a mutt. Pretending to be a white ethnic culture feels larpy when you're not 100% that ethnicity and even the pure breeds don't care for that culture. Jewish is at least tied to something everyone appreciates like the Bible. Even if they are the Edomite Pharisee villains they have strong roots they fought for millennia to preserve while white nations happily cuck themselves.
You dont but the majority of the older generation follows it heavily and even the jewish people who dont follow it as much still observe major holidays. Did you not think it was weird not having a bar mitzvah or not getting a free trip to israel, even jews who dont give a shit about religion do those
We did Purim, Hanukkah, and Passover, but we didn't associate with other Jews because we live in a town of 30,000 people and there just aren't any.
Jews have no culture too. They are a subversive race.
As a mut from hawaii where Hapa's are quite common, i find it oddly liberating to not have any preconceived pride being forced on to me. Being part irish/brit, i am treated as a white person, other half being half jap, i am asian to everyone else. Not being caught up on pride liberates you from the stupidity of your ancestors, start anew and usher forth great change for your new race.
Yes. Jews are the slave race of betas from Egypt. Thousands of years of being bred to be the biggest bitches ever. In modern times beta traits means you suck at sports, but excel at everything else. So I wish i had that Jewish sissy boy extremely high intelligence. They're the only dog that was selectively bred in our breeds, the human race is full of bad dogs. There's a minority of whites, even a smaller number of Jews are there. It's a quality vs quantity thing.
White nations aren't happily cucking themselves. They've been brainwashed and conditioned over a very long span of time to think that materialism is an adequate substitute for the security and general happiness that ethnic homogeneity brings about. Of course this isn't true and anyone who isn't a knuckle dragging retard knows at this point that (((diversity))) only serves to raise racial tensions. Worse part is the world governments have been completely subverted by Jews so low level woke whites don't have the power to do shit about it.
Sounds like solutions are needed. Woke whites are quiet af while fag priests and politicians are virtue signaling about embracing immigration and white genocide in front of large crowds. If Trump is the only opposition to them we're done fucked when he leaves office.
Is your dad jewish at least?
No, he's why I have blue eyes
Indeed solutions are needed. And it's my opinion that a violent one is the only one actually left. Trump is no different than any other Jew owned president we've had since FDR unfortunately. Things aren't gonna change for the better until whites en masse get back in touch with their racial identity and physically remove the Jews and shabbos goyim who've been working against them for so long.
Hold on.
Then you were never jewish to begin with. If neither of your parents are jews then why do you care?
Pretty sure a certain type of ethnic Jew can have blue eyes. My ex's dad was ethnically Jewish and he had them. My ex also had grey eyed. She came complete with the jewish neuroticism too.
American and european jews often have clear eyes. That's a fact.
I thought my mom was Jewish, which would make me Jewish. Lately I've been feeling empty, so I started getting more into Judaism to try and fill the hole. I even got a Hebrew prayer engraved on one of my pistols. Apparently it was a waste of time.
Certainly. My ex even had blonde hair. The curly ramen noodle texture is what eventually gave it away that she had kike in her though. I was a goy in denial and desperately wanted to believe she was le 100% face German.
lmao. Judaism is weird. It's a race thing. It's not like catholicism or buddhism that anybody can get into. Don't bother too much. Most jews in the US don't even care about being religious jews anymore anyway. They just need to get the bar mitzvah because of their boring parents and forget all about it later.
Then why aren't you celebrating? You just found out you don't have that and now you are sad?