NEET and Hikikomori general Thread

NEET and Hikikomori General Thread

How has your day been Neets and Hikis?


>The acronym for (Not In Education Employment Or Training)

>The acronym NEET refers to people who are unemployed not in school and not in vocational training


>Hikikomori is a Japanese term when translated into English it means pulling inward being confined (Acute social withdrawal) hikikomori is a distinct psychological disorder that refers to the phenomenon of reclusive adolescents and young adults who have withdrawn from society seeking extreme degrees of isolation and confinement due to various personal and social issues in their lives. (A shut-in who stays at home in their parents house and lives in isolation in their bedroom for 6 months or more)

>Contrary to popular belief most hikikomori go outdoors but are just isolated socially and still spend most of the day and nearly every single day confined at home in their rooms

>The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare defines hikikomori as a condition in which the affected individuals refuse to leave their parents house, and isolate themselves away from society and their family in a single room for a period exceeding six months

>The Hikikomori Criteria and Diagnosis

>1. Subject spends most of the day confined at home, nearly every single day.

>2. Subject purposefully avoids social situations and social relationships

>3. Subject shows clear significant functional impairment,

>4. Subject shows social withdrawal symptoms for .a duration of 6 months or more

>5. Subject has no physical condition nor other psychological problem that is the cause of the social withdrawal

>While hikikomori is mostly a Japanese phenomenon cases of the condition have been found in other countries

People who go to work school or have a social life are not hikikomori.

You are not Neet if you work or are in school.

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Bumping thread for discussion. bump.

I spent today worrying about how I have to go outside tomorrow to go to the store. I worry I'll get dirty or have some kind of problem while I'm out. I like getting back home where I can be away from things in the outside world that stress me.
I miss my friends and the girls I rejected over the years.
I miss sitting with my dog on the floor and petting him. I could even do that tomorrow if I didn't get upset about my anxieties and disrupting my neet schedule and having to feel like a failure being around my parents.

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grow up already, stop using "anxiety" as an excuse to be a lazy turd

Would one say Hikikomori and NEET are the same thing?

>be me, almost 19
>graduated hs
>off to uni in august
>always work summer jobs, decide not to this summer bc fuck it
>technically NEET for the past few months, feels weird as fuck
Does it count as being a NEET if its only temporary and brief? It feels weird to be a NEET since I'm registering for classes etc, but at the same time when I wake up every day I have no objective or purpose and simply exist as I please (largely on r9k and KF)

No. There's Hikkies that work online. And there's NEETs with a social life (see trailer trash)

>neet from 2009-2017
>now 29 with zero friends, zero life experiences and now working minimum wage
>regret my entire life immensely

don't end up like me kids. just suck it up and get a job.

I needed that. I will think of what you said when I look at jobs tomorrow. I applied for a few jobs already so maybe I can work around my laziness problem.

>grow up already, stop using "anxiety" as an excuse to be a lazy turd

Fuck off normalfag.

>Would one say Hikikomori and NEET are the same thing?

Not exactly there is some overlap but they are not exactly the same a NEET can still go outside everyday and have a social life outside the house.

>There's Hikkies that work online.

You do realize if you're working you're still apart of society because weather you want to or not you have pay bills and taxes the whole point of hikikomori is to withdraw from society people who work from home are not hikikomori.

From Wikipedia

>The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare defines hikikomori as a condition in which the affected individuals refuse to leave their parents' house, do not work or go to school and isolate themselves away from society and family in a single room for a period exceeding six months

Definition speaking yes they are all NEETs.

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It that doesn't count 3 months of summer vaction away from school does not make you NEET.

Anyone want to talk about their favorite activities?

Mine are videogames (RPGs) and watching streams. Been really into Dragon Quest Builders 2. Trying to get into other JRPGs as well like the rune factory series, lufia, chrono trigger, final fantasy and the works. Of course Wrpgs like GTA Saints Row and TES are pretty good too.
Favorite streamers are moonmoon_ow, Clint Stevens, and Vinny vinesauce.

I have no motivation to do anything i always lay in bed.

Why does everyone care so much about the difference between hikki and neet?

Anyways, my days going great. I have the house to myself for a week and I'm just drinking vodka and playing FF14. Shadowbringers was great if anyone is wondering. Great game for neets

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>Why does everyone care so much about the difference between hikki and neet?

Because there i a difference but also a overlap.

He's retarded and doesn't get that birts forced NEET down people's throats because of their colonization bullshit they can't seem to stop doing. We should have been saying hikki this entire time.

baka baka

Yes but the English won't leave the board. There are kids that think NEET actually is a weeb term at this point.

>He's retarded and doesn't get that birts forced NEET down people's throats because of their colonization bullshit they can't seem to stop doing. We should have been saying hikki this entire time.

I know right.

>There are kids that think NEET actually is a weeb term at this point.


Lol, no. You can be NEET but still have a social life and loads of friends. Hiki's are something else. They are social outcasts or are socially isolated. Take note that hikis can go outside the house to take care of their needs but still be socially isolated

>Lol, no. You can be NEET but still have a social life and loads of friends. Hiki's are something else. They are social outcasts or are socially isolated. Take note that hikis can go outside the house to take care of their needs but still be socially isolated

Well duh of course that wasn't even my point user.

I miss old r9k hikki/neet threads that actually had discussion and activity

Reminder that no one outside of Japan is a hikikomori as it is a cultural bound condition.

>I miss old r9k hikki/neet threads that actually had discussion and activity
I agree.
Want to discuss in this thread or the one I linked how we can improve our lives?

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>Reminder that no one outside of Japan is a hikikomori as it is a cultural bound condition.

You're wrong it is most a Japanese condition but it does happen in other countries but i know you wont look at any of this because you're retarded.

From Wikipedia

>While hikikomori is mostly a Japanese phenomenon cases have been found in the United States, Morocco, Oman, Spain, Italy, South Korea, Finland and France Recent research using the same standardized definition of hikikomori has found evidence of it existing in other countries as wide-ranging as the United States and India

Also read these links and watch these videos.

>I miss old r9k hikki/neet threads that actually had discussion and activity

Jow Forums was better during the beta uprising incel era back during 2014 and 2015 before all the trap gay hookup normalfag fembot blackbot gunjy discord drama bullshit existed.

Not bad, I almost finished writing another book and my hikkibux is coming in just fine, how bout you user?

A NEET is a NEET, regardless of the period

I wish I can still be 29

25 year old neet for 5 years here, mom left the country to go to work again. sitting home guarding the house with my drug addict older brother and looking if he didint steal anything

had nightmares haunting me , went to sleep at 6 am woke up at 12 went to sleep again till 3 pm

fuck my god damn life i wouldnt wish it to anybody, if only i had amincome and would live alone

>A NEET is a NEET, regardless of the period


He board himself since 2016 -mom
It hurt little.

I'm going to get off my ass and spend the day outside tomorrow.

What should I do once I'm in the city?

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>What should I do once I'm in the city?

Rape a woman.

I'm a neet and I'm depressed and feel sad. I browse the internet all day.

>I'm a neet and I'm depressed and feel sad. I browse the internet all day.


8 years of being a shut in. All I want out of life is the courage to end it.

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Got bully in middle school and high school. Never work out my problems. We never violence or rude to people. Just want to be left alone. Now I. A 26 year old neet with no future. I don't what to do. I'm starting to understand why it important to go outside but I still can't do it.

>Great game for NEETs

Ain't that the truth. I picked it up about 2 weeks ago for the first time and I've been having an absolute blast. It's literally all I play now.

I mean I'm trying to find a job for weeks but no one has replied so far, and staying at home with no money is fucking miserable

Because of my lack of social interaction thru out my life always feel like people had it figure out and can live their proper. I thought I would snap into it too. but it never happen.

I want to say fight but I'm struggling too.

>Great game for NEET's
>literally requires money to play


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No, I have autismbux.

Wagie here
Just stopping by to say i am eternally jealous

I am at work now, it fucking sucks. I get paid to sit in a chair and be miserable

At least you're making money. I guess still must suck balls tho.

To be fair, literally everyone else I know has a job, I quit mine back in March so I could finish out school strong, but now I haven't been in education employment or training since early May.

>Got bully in middle school and high school. Never work out my problems. We never violence or rude to people. Just want to be left alone. Now I. A 26 year old neet with no future. I don't what to do. I'm starting to understand why it important to go outside but I still can't do it.
u a jap???

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>At least you're making money
True. But 1/3 of the alleged median income for my position. I make $19/hr (16 after taxes) as a programmer. 5 yr work experience I'd rather be NEET

> get paid to sit in a chair and be miserable

And what do you think it is shut ins do alll day?

>Summer vacation
>registering for classes
No. Droupout then you can finally want to an hero.

When I was neet i did enjoyable activities every day. I wasnt bored or miserable for a moment! It lasted about a year

>No. Droupout then you can finally want to an hero.


>When I was neet i did enjoyable activities every day. I wasnt bored or miserable for a moment! It lasted about a year


Tfw moving into supported living soon with neetbux coming in, not sure if I need to anhero or wait until after animal crossing new horizons comes out desu

No, you can be a hikikomori who works or studies or you can be a neet who goes outside and has friends

Best me to it

>No, you can be a hikikomori who works or studies or you can be a neet who goes outside and has friends

A Neet can go outside and have a social life but hikikomori do not work the whole point of hikikomori is to withdraw from society if you're working you're still apart of society because weather you want to or not you have pay bills and taxes.refer to this post.

>Best me to it

Sorry user.

>Tfw moving into supported living soon

I already do.

>Need to go shopping later
>Leaving it until early evening when there will be less people around
I've been putting it back since Tuesday and I'm fucking shitting myself about going. Hopefully I can just go in, get my stuff and be out again within 15 minutes.

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I thought normies enjoy working and feel bad about being NEET

All i want to do is be NEET

Can relate i have been in situations like that before.

No normalfags are jealous of NEETs just read the Youtube comments on documentaries.

>No normalfags are jealous of NEETs
But U all called me a normie and all i want to do is be NEET

When summer begins I become NEET-like for a couple of months, I go out to buy groceries and sometimes meet people but I see the more I stay inside the more I become lonely and wanna leave less.

I was in supported living for about 4 years before going into my own place. It was alright, the place I had was pretty good but the locals kept on causing trouble for us because there was stories going around that we were abusing children. Despite that one scumbag family had no problem letting their kids play around in our gardens and bash on our doors all the time.

What's it like for you user?
How would a rumor like that even come about?

Fuck knows. As long as I was there I don't recall any other resident who was a danger to kids, or any previous that I know of. The place housed a variety of people though. People who came out of a breakdown, recovering addicts, autists making their first steps to living alone (me). The only conclusion I can make is that the locals didn't like us so the rumor was started to demonize us more.

3 months of summer vacation away from school doesn't make you neet fuck off.

Hmm do we have documentaires about NEETs? Can ya send some?

I'm scared of going out of the house but the cause it's psychological problems. What am I?

gonna burn down an anime studio later. first time leaving my parents apartment in years. wish me luck anons. make sure you check the news for Hokkaido later

haha just kidding i'm too pathetic to leave the house or carry out such a brave act

I've been having lots of anxiety dreams lately. Lots of terrifying experiences being out on my own, not knowing what to do and just feeling sad and abandoned. Everyone is leaving me.

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I get a job when I lose weight.

You're agoraphobic

I'm hikki and I've been spending today under the air-condition in the living room since no one is home.
Feels nice to avoid the 35c pos weather.