
night guard are failures and should be ashamed of themselves edition

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State of it. Good morning lads

awake in the day
asleep in the night

"only" around 24c today lads

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Woke up in a sweaty mess at about 3am. Went and got my fan from the other room and then angled it so it blew across the bed, but then the squeaking of the blade kept me awake. Basically, fuck this heat

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was going to post but you had to be a dick about it

>nightmongs let the thread die again
Sort it out you idle bastards, you had one job.

Bagsy kate garraway

Been up all night now I'm gonna try and get some sleep. Later lids.

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Where's the best place to stream TV shows for free?
I really liked Mr Robot, and am looking to start another show that's relatively short, only 3/4 seasons. I've heard Hannibal is good but it's not on Prime. Any other recommendations?

just fucking torrent it lad

>tfw one hour sleep

It's only 21 degrees but I feel terribly hot.

>Where's the best place to stream TV shows for free?
scroll down


only 58 days until autumn lads, the most comfy of seasons

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the comfiest part of autumn is knowing I won't have to see your faggy little posts any more

>implying i wont start counting down at 364 days

Shouldnt that be 273 days lad? Once the 91 days of Autumn have passed? You cant countdown to Autumn while it is still Autumn

night helper lad, one day you'll sort that sleeping pattern out

hope my halloween pumpkins will grow in time

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Glad it's a bit cooler today lads, still have my fan on though regardless. Gonna read some more books today I think.

yeah autumn is alright but what about winter? that ones a bit shit isn't it. Dreading it personally.

applied to do a computing A Level at college this year so I can (in a year or two if I'm not feeling right up to it right away) hopefully do a computer science degree
scared though anons

>sadpanda got nuked
This was not nice news to wake up to

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Is it already gone?

I'd like to do something like that but my scaredness holds me back. Good on you for being brave user

what type of stuff did you like? creep

It's still up but most doujins just give 404s now

>The European Union is planning to make speed limiters compulsory on all new cars from 2022 and the UK is set to follow suit even after Brexit

>Systems will automatically report drivers to the police if they break the speed limits


sounds a bit noncey

That's none of your business lad

A dark day for fans of Japanese culture everywhere.

Sulky's here du du du
Don't say something he doesn't like or he'll whinge at you

my thinking is - if I do it now, it's out of the way and if I need some time to recharge or get the bravery to do the degree then I can do it becuase I'd already have the entry qualifications
I hope you can eventually apply!

>starting 2moro I have the house to myself for 2 weeks

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Imagine owning a modern car in 2019. My car was built in 1981, the most sophisticated technology in it is the radio

Do it. You might meet a cute girl on the course.

come on user share with the group, this isn't reddit no one knows or really cares who you are

sounds very comfy, user!
what are you planning to do with the freedom?

You best upgrade then because it won't pass the 2022 MOT.

Serious question, how do I get the cute girl at Pound Bakery to be interested in me and not see me as another customer.
I go in there every day on my days off work and buy 2 sausage rolls, she seems to work the same times/days every week so I know if she'll be in.

I work in a shop nearby, I've served her a couple of times. One time she was dancing listening to music on headphones while I served her. That was just a one off though, she buys Aloe Vera drinks, strawberry seems to be her favourite.

I saw her with a guy with long hair one time, but am convinced it was a work colleague because there's a guy that also works there with long hair, it might have been him.

I am probably too old for her, she must be about 20-21 and I'm 32. We aways smile at each other though, I am sure she can tell I like her, I think I make it obvious with the way I look at people, well girls anyway.

Pic related.
She looks similar but more boyish and smoke stained teeth.

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tell her you want to put your sausage in her bread roll

>sleep downstairs
>workout whatever time I like
>play movies on the big tv
>tidy my room
>dance around in my pants

>best upgrade then because it won't pass the 2022 MOT

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>not letting your willy free while dancing

Makes sense. If you're not that old you can take your time. How long are the courses? Couple of years in college a few in uni?

It's a 1 year A Level, so I do both years at once.
I'm 23.
Degree is 3-4 years, 3 teaching and 1 on placement depending onwhat uni

seriously, my car is gonna report me to the fucking police if I go 33mph?

Good morning /britfeel/. How are you spending your weekend?

mummy was up drinking all night so trying to convince her to go to bed soon
new Fire Emblem game is out today and will be delivered to me soon so gonna play that I guess

Yeah, so don't break the law yeah?

But not only that, your car will communicate your speed to other cars and if one of them happens to be a police vehicle you're screwed.

by 2021 my car won't require an MOT, check fucking mate

>modify software
>driving in a 30
>doing 40
>modified software reports it as 30

I am goin for a walk to register at a new doctors, then later in work where at least I get to interact with the occasional cute girls while wageslaving.

But everyone goes a little over the limit all the time, the police would be constantly hounded by new messages of people speeding. What a dumb fucking system

>crash because your car is reporting a false speed to other vehicles
>get caught
>30 years in prison
well worth it to shave 10s off your commute

Probably be a case of if you are x% over the speedlimit you get reported.

how are my garden friends fruit and veg coming along?

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They do now because there's very little to enforce it. In a few years speeding will be seen as backwards and primitive as slavery.

What I want to see is those fuckign cyclists get done for speeding, cheeky cunts always break 30mph going downhill like it's acceptable and then try to undertake you.

>30 years in prison
you're funny lad
who else missed hates-cars-and-drivinganon

>boy racers unable to drive like spastics in housing estates

>deliberately endangers other road users
>causes death by dangerous driving
yeah I'm sure the judge will let you off lightly

>housing estates
lmao changing your story, first it was a crash now someone died?

Literally getting payed 21k a year to watch netflix 12 hours a shift. How long before I'm made redundant?

do you work as night security?

I'm not after that though, nor a boy. Would just use it to pass time. S'only a pipedream though, I'm thick af, and left school years ago with no GCSE's.
You've time to do it. Hope it goes well for you user

why are boy racers cars so loud? do they put holes in their exhaust on purpose or something?

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>people can't die in car crashes

breakfast boys in the house

PB sandwich and a cup of coffee for me

Yes mate cyclists speed when they're going downhill. They rarely observe any traffic laws.

I see you don't drive yourself.

What are your plans first user

>In 2016 there were 181,384 accident casualties recorded on Britain's
roads; 1,792 of these were fatal
>The long-term trend in the numbers
killed and injured from road accidents has been declining, especially in
the last two decades.
>In 2016 46% of those fatal road accident victims were car occupants;
25% were pedestrians; 25% motorcyclists; and 6% were cyclists
I do drive mate and cyclists are slow. You're in a car mate, who cares if the cyclist is going 30 mph down a hill, you can go 40 and go round them

no fruit and veg but all the flowers I painstakingly organised and planted in the spring are blooming now and the gardern looks lovely lad

If I'm going to break the law I may as well run the cyclist down.

a lot of angry young men in britfeel, how very british

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sausage sarnie, coffee and a big load of water for me lad.

Been having a sausage sarnie every morning now for a while, quite a nice breakfast if it's only a small one.

2 squares of Lindt 85% dark chocolate for me

I suppose you're a nice, respectable, middle class young man, Rupert?

got the hiccups something fierce

Had a spliff. Might have a spot o cheese on toast in a bit

>nonce nest in tears over Sad Panda getting btfo
Dirteh basterds, cry some more

>woz you lookin at ILLEYGUL imijizz of underage drawinz you dirteh bastid?

im lower class but not a disgusting chav at least

could do with a bit of the bud myself but don't want to start smoking too early, turns me into a spastic :(

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Okay british NEETS
I would like to ask you something
>how welfare and getting bux works in the UK?
>for what can i get it?
>how much is it?
>could i get a council flat?
>is welfare only available to British citisens or immigrants can get it as well?
Help me please we don't have bux here

>milf in a tank top and sunglasses walks up to me at work and says she's from the water board
>says she needs my phone number so that she can "check something while you turn taps on and off"
>I give it to her and she leaves, hasn't come back yet

w-what just happened lads

You can get them as soon as you arrive just claim asylum.

I can only tell you about my experience:
>Initially you have to go to a job centre for weekly/biweekly meetings with someone who will help you find work. If you can get a note from your doctor, they limit what you have to do. Eventually you will have a medical assessment, if your doctor has been providing notes, and if you pass that they give you more money and don't make you do anything.
>I was getting about 250 before the assessment, now about 600 quid a month.
>If you have any disability, you may also qualify for another benefit called Personal Independence Payment, which can be something from like 50 pounds to 200 a week (i don't know the rates)
>council flat, depends on area. some places has a very high waiting list
>are you an EU citizen or outside of EU?

>don't have bux here
where are you from?

you can't move here unless you're in the EU or have a job offer, this isn't bizzaro world

got my universal credit meeting this afternoon

anyone here know what it'll be like? I'm just a poor NEET boy with no work experience, I know the interviewer will grill me on why I've not been a good wagie all this time.

hi user here, I went through the process myself recently.
A lot depends on what work coach you get. The first meeting you go to will be not with your ordinary person of contact, they'll just verify your info.
Then your first actual meeting will be with your 'work coach' who will be your main point of contact during your claim. A lot depends on how they are as a person. The woman I had was very nice.
If you have any mental issues which prevent you from working, get to your GP asap and get a sick note. I did this (have autism and anxiety) and didn't have to look for work at all, just go the meetings and go to the Dr every few weeks/month.
Eventually you'll get a medical assessment, if you provide sick notes, like 3 months after your claim starts and if you pass that you don't have to do anything and get like 600 quid a month
ask me any questions you want, or about PIP.

Another day I'm not reborn in an isekai anime world
Silent Hill would be close enough at this point

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Even I can't wear a long sleeve jumper in this weather, how do I not sweat like a pig?
should I double up t-shirts so the lower one acts as a sweat rag and the top one stays relatively fresh?

>ebins birthday yesterday
>none of you wished him a happy birthday

Shame on the lot of you

I'm lucky I'm fairly spasticated normally so am used to it.

You lads said it would be cooler today but its still muggy as fuck


Happy belated birthday poo picker

Looking for some anime to watch. Something within the last few years, seen the classics.
Would prefer it isn't magical girl or slice of life (but you might be able to convince me to try Madoka). Recently enjoyed Made in Abyss. Need something with a good story.

Didn't see a it's my birthday today post. Usually say happy birthday if somebody's after a it

Anime I've recently watched that are good:
Re Zero
Shield Hero
Spice and Wolf (highly recommend this one)