I'm straight but strongly considering fucking a trap

I'm straight but strongly considering fucking a trap

Tell me why I should or shouldn't do it

Attached: 441-4412701_transparent-twitch-emote-monkas-pepe-monkas.jpg (820x660, 129K)

Because then you'll have to admit to yourself that you have homosexual urges. Keep it in fantasy and it'll never be gay.

Because you've been memed into thinking penises are feminine and you'll be bummed when you come face to face with a real one.

should not because then you will most likely get aids.

+ traps are mental bpd females with dicks, they're not feminine bros

The only reason they can mimic females online is the same reason fat mishapen goblin women are able to be models, it's all about camera angles.
They pose a certain way in front of the camera to give the appearance of having a feminine shape, when in reality they look nothing like that.
You will meet and it will obviously be a dude in women's clothing and maybe a wig.
It's literally just a gay crossdresser. The term "trap" doesn't apply in reality because it's not a trap when you actually see them. They are men and will always look like men, move like men, and sound like men. They're men and they're faggots.

If the opportunity is there, just do it. Wear a condom and then you can find out if you actually like it or not

>sexual experience
>possibility of enjoying it
>open new doors
>make someones day
>bust a nut

>hurr durr u fucked a guy

Hospitals have a special term called "MSM", which is a catch all for men who have sex with men, since all of them don't identify as gay bi. This is because by having gay sex you are at the highest risk of catching and spreading stds. Once you fuck this trap, you are officially on the MSM list and a toxic biohazard in the eyes of medical professionals.

Attached: cdc-hiv-infection-category-2016-700x579-medium.png (635x525, 236K)


can you keep this shit in one thread please? you didn't need to make that other thread while this was still up.

you should do you man don't let anyone tell you which way to be or not to be don't try and fit in your box don't worry about the box the box doesn't exist box is just an abstraction don't abstract yourself into being straight or gay or fat or retarded just do you man relax everyone should do everyone else we should all just have sex

shut the fuck up pussy nobody has AIDS relax

I was gonna call OP a straight up fag but this is pretty sound.

why is aids more common on gays?
unironically asking
>inb4 muh degenerates
heterosexual males are also degenerates you know

a solid 2.5 hours l8 but heres 1 reason for both:
NO: Because you might not be into fucking a meatsack with a dick
YES: You might be into fucking a meatsack with a dick

They fuck in the shitter, and the shitter has the purpose of leading out waste

If you are gonna kys might as well
if not gonna kys i dont think i could live with the fact i fucked a dude larping as a girl
I'd kill my self.

Attached: 1525018651362.jpg (461x500, 36K)

pussy can give u aids too user

>people fuck as intended for thousands of years
>no aids
>faggots start shit in the 80's and begin fucking the poophole
But I bet you believe Ronald Reagan synthesized aids from the power of his pure fucking hatred of gay people, just like blacks believe he created crack cocaine using the raw energy of his hatred of black people.

you're just really lonely and desperate, traps are harder to get in bed anyway, and if you did get one you would be disgusted with yourself afterwards

Such pussy likely has had bisexual cock in it then

faggots always existed
aids came from mokeys being fucked by niggers in africa not long ago, at first was exclusive for monkeys

are you... are you saying people didn't have gay sex before 1980?

so you are saying no heterosexual person could have aids?

niggers ate the monkeys, but nice imagination there.

because gay men do not have to jump through hoops to have sex, they just do it, since there are no women involved.

They can, that just means that there were bifags among their ancestors

I'm saying it wasn't nearly as common as it was prior. It became increasingly more common as gay acceptance became a thing.
Believe it or not, there was an immense amount of pressure, socially and sometimes legally, stigmatizing homosexuality in the past. You could be shunned, put in a mental ward, and in some places and times executed for such behavior. As such, people tended not to do those things, and if they did it was often found out and dealt with.
But, as shunning became the absolute worst thing that could happen to a gay person in western society, and not even universally practiced, such behavior became more open. Such a disease developing became more likely given the increased amount of said activity.

research ancient greeks, one of the most faggot civ
so you are saying it came from homos, why tho?

there was no aids in gay people in antiquity because the virus hadnt evolved into existence yet. gay people didn't somehow create the aids epidemic by being gay, that's just when it was first discovered. it was spreading through africa, and then the world, for most of the 20th century. if homosexual sex was completely stopped, aids would still have been spreading between people.

The ones that do professional porn are pretty hot. The everyday "trap" though is a guy.

>so you are saying it came from homos, why tho?
Because homos put their dicks in shit that contained HIV which came from the eaten monkey meat

hmmm intederasting
nowdays poopoo transmit aids more easy than vagoo?

They transmit them equally easy, what I'm saying is that it originated from gay monkey eaters

What I'm hearing is that it's all niggers' fault.

That's EXACTLY what someone with AIDS would post.